Not long after Zhao Feiyan left, Gu Yanran suddenly sent a text message to Li Daoyuan.

The content is also relatively simple, just write: Master, the little girl has prepared a gift for you, please come up and enjoy it.

Seeing this text message, Li Daoyuan smiled lightly. Although he couldn't eat the protagonist Zhao Feiyan today, he was looking forward to what kind of surprise the heroine Gu Yanran could bring to him. With excitement, Li Daoyuan then walked towards the second floor. Go and open the door to your bedroom.

The lights in the room turned a faint purple, and an ambiguous atmosphere emerged spontaneously.

As soon as he entered the room, Li Daoyuan only felt a faint scent, and he didn't know whether it was the scent of rouge gouache on Gu Yanran's body or the scent produced by the incense burner in the room.

On a huge bed, a high-cold president sat on the edge of the bed, with his legs slightly close together, with a hint of refusal on his body.

Isn't this Gu Yanran, president of Bingshan?

However, the next second after seeing Li Daoyuan coming, Gu Yanran said lightly with a smile on her face: "Master, you are finally here!"

The temperament of President Bingshan and this passionate expression seemed to be like a double world of ice and fire, constantly seducing Li Daoyuan, as if telling Li Daoyuan: Come here quickly.


This is simply naked seduction!

Gu Yanran was originally very temperamental, and she was one of the best beauties in Jinling City, even in the entire Great Han Kingdom.

In this ambiguous atmosphere, her image and temptation are further brought out.

Gu Yanran slowly got up, poured a glass of red wine for Li Daoyuan and herself, brought it to Li Daoyuan's side and said, "Master, maid will accompany you for a drink, I wonder if Master can appreciate the honor."

"Since your maid is so active, if my master doesn't reward you, won't I give you a face?"

Li Daoyuan picked up the wine glass and touched Gu Yanran lightly, and the two of them took a sip of red wine.

After drinking a glass of red wine, Li Daoyuan looked at Gu Yanran and felt even more.

It is said that champagne and wine are the most attractive, even Li Daoyuan, who is the villain, is not immune to worldly principles.

He looked at Gu Yanran's eyes, and they were all full of fiery.

Immediately, he put the wine glass aside, gently hugged Gu Yanran and kissed it down.


I don't know how long it took, but in the early morning of the second day, a ray of sunlight came in through the gap between the windows.

Li Daoyuan slowly opened his eyes, last night was really crazy, even Li Daoyuan himself didn't know when he fell asleep.

All I know is that even if he has the realm of transformation, he will not be able to fight the protagonist at all, but to deal with the beast Gu Yanran, he seems a little exhausted in the end.

But even so, at the last moment, he still subdued this beast. completely conquered her.

Looking at the room full of pieces of clothes, especially Gu Yanran on the side, at this time, her eyes were closed, her hair was beautiful, and she was messed up by herself, Li Daoyuan sighed in surprise: Saying that last night, I was too much. Too crazy.

It's all to blame for this maid, for the sake of the superior's constant seduction of the master, so that the master has no power to fight back, and can only be seduced by this maid's charm.

For all this was Gu Yanran's fault, Li Daoyuan pondered and pushed all the guilt on Gu Yanran's body. this

When Gu Yanran's eyes moved, it was obvious that she was slowly waking up now.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw Li Daoyuan looking at him quietly, Gu Yanran immediately said: "Master, you wake up, I will wait for you to change clothes."

In the past, he served Li Daoyuan to change his clothes. Even if Li Daoyuan did not regard Gu Yanran as a maid later, he still did not forget the good habits he had maintained before. He got up on time every morning to help his master change clothes.

It was just because I was too crazy last night and I was exhausted, so I woke up a little late this morning and missed the opportunity to change Li Daoyuan's clothes.

"Okay, you were too tired last night. Take a good rest this morning. You don't need to do these little things." Li Daoyuan comforted her.

Hearing Li Daoyuan's words, Gu Yanran subconsciously became shy, recalling her madness yesterday, Gu Yanran suddenly felt embarrassed.

"The little girl just listens to the master, master, then I'll go back to the room to wash up."

After Gu Yanran finished speaking, she carefully got up from the bed, then in Li Daoyuan's closet, she found a coat and put it on, then carefully closed Li Daoyuan's door and left his room.

Half an hour later, after some washing, Gu Yanran returned to her original state. President Bingshan and the gentle little maid merged into one, and they returned to their former side.

At this time, no one could see that a dignified and beautiful beauty would be the incomparably attractive Gu Yanran from last night.

I am afraid that Li Dao has a vision, and he will feel that this is completely different, and it is impossible to be the same person.

Thinking that Li Daoyuan hadn't eaten all night, he must have been starving. After Gu Yanran finished cleaning, she came to the kitchen.

The cook in the kitchen, seeing Gu Yanran's arrival, asked in surprise: "Miss Gu, why are you here? Is there something wrong? Just tell us servants if you have anything, and let us The next person will solve it for you, how can I bother Miss Gu to run into the kitchen in person."

Although Gu Yanran was in the Li family and had no status, she still regarded herself as a little girl.

But everyone in the Li family understands that Gu Yanran is their master's wife and his wife. No one can change this fact.

How could a mediocre cook bother the lady to come into the kitchen in person.

At this time, he seemed a little sincere and fearful, for fear that Gu Yanran would bump into him. If he was injured, Li Daoyuan would be blamed, but they couldn't bear it.

Even if they weren't injured, even if Gu Yanran was in a bad mood because of this, Li Daoyuan would still blame them.

Therefore, the chefs at this time naturally did not dare to offend their new wife.

Seeing the nervous look of the cook, Gu Yanran smiled lightly and said: "You don't have to be so nervous, I just saw that the master worked hard last night and wanted to get him something to eat. By the way, do you know what the master usually likes to eat? I'll prepare it for him now."

Was it too hard last night?

As soon as he heard this, the cook gave Gu Yanran a meaningful look, and immediately turned his eyes to other places.

He naturally guessed what happened last night.

There were many strange noises in Li Daoyuan's room last night. A normal man would naturally understand what was going on.

However, as servants, how dare they make irresponsible remarks about this kind of thing, so they have to shut up obediently.

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