"Master, where are we going?" Chu Jun, who was driving in front, suddenly asked.

"Find a quiet place, I want to have a good talk with this old friend for a while." Li Daoyuan leaned on the seat and said lightly.

"This voice sounds familiar?"

At this time, Xiao Gang, who was trapped in the trunk, only felt a familiar voice.

"Li Daoyuan!"

"This is Li Daoyuan's voice!"

At this time, Xiao Gang suddenly realized that all this was a conspiracy by Li Daoyuan.

He would be so miserable, his legs were broken, and now he was captured, and his life and death were full of expectations. All this was done by Li Daoyuan.

Thinking of this, Xiao Gang came and shouted: "Li Daoyuan, you bastard, let me out if you have the seeds, you are hiding behind your back to engage in these intrigues, are you still a man?"

"Dog thing, Li Daoyuan, don't let me escape, or I'll make you live and die!"

Xiao Gang was still barking helplessly there, but Li Daoyuan just wanted to laugh.

"Since you have said so, then I will definitely not let you escape, you can rest assured, I will not give you another chance to take revenge."

By meeting these protagonists, Li Daoyuan discovered one of the protagonists' biggest faults, arrogance and incompetence.

The protagonist will be arrogant and domineering at any time, and when they can't handle things and crises, they have no other way to think. They can only shout incompetently to show their sense of existence.

If they meet ordinary people, with their strong luck value, they will definitely turn bad luck into good luck.

Unfortunately, what they encountered was themselves, and all that awaited them was death.

Just like Xiao Gang, his legs were abolished, and he has become a waste, and anyone can handle it at will.

But this kid is still extremely arrogant and dares to threaten himself.

If he knelt down and begged for mercy, maybe he lost interest in him, and he would spare his life.

But then again, in order to survive, he kneels down to beg for mercy, and he doesn't deserve to be called the protagonist.

Therefore, in order to respect this protagonist, Li Daoyuan can only fulfill him.

As time passed by, Xiao Gang, who was in the trunk, became more and more panicked.

The car was still stable before, but now it is obviously a little bumpy, and it must have entered the mountain road.

"What does Li Daoyuan want to do? Is it possible that he wants to drag himself into the deep forest and bury himself?"

Xiao Gang seems to have been able to predict his future, I am afraid it is more fortunate than fortune.

About ten minutes later, the bumpy feeling disappeared and the car stopped completely.

Immediately, the two bodyguards opened the trunk and threw Xiao Gang out directly. Another burst of pain came. At this time, Xiao Gang was a little numb.

When the bag was opened, Xiao Gang could see everything around him clearly.

Looking at the silence in front of him, surrounded by trees, Xiao Gang knew that he had been taken to a forest.

Immediately, there was a sound of footsteps, and Li Daoyuan appeared in front of Xiao Gang.

"Li Daoyuan, what do you want to do?" Xiao Gang stared at Li Daoyuan viciously.

It was this guy who took off his police uniform, framed him, and became a murderer. Tonight, he not only destroyed his mission, but also made him crippled, and now he has to bring himself into this deep mountain forest , Xiao Gang's hatred for Li Daoyuan is inexorable.

"Boy, look at you like this, if it wasn't for your kid to provoke me, I wouldn't even bother to pay attention to you,"

"Why, now you've provoked me, and I've cleaned it up, and you're not convinced again?"

Li Daoyuan sneered for a while, all this was entirely caused by Xiao Gang.

Although it is said that the protagonist and the villain are incompatible, but if Xiao Gang didn't want to arrest Bai Mei and come to trouble himself, Li Daoyuan didn't know this guy at all, let alone deal with him.

Therefore, if there is a cause, there will be an effect, and the cause that you sow must be repaid by yourself.

"Well, for the sake of our old acquaintances, as long as you kneel down and beg for mercy, admit that you are wrong, let me forgive me, and I can let you live if I am happy."

After Li Daoyuan finished speaking, he looked at Xiao Gang again, touched his head, and suddenly realized: "Oh, I forgot, your legs are completely ruined, you can't kneel even if you want to kneel, then this one is exempted, just need Just beg for mercy."

"Ha ha……"

"Yes, boy, hurry up and beg our chairman for mercy, maybe the chairman can spare your life if he is happy!"

The bodyguards around Li Daoyuan also laughed along with Li Daoyuan, perhaps this was mocking Xiao Gang, how incompetent and useless he was.

And Xiao Gang just stared at Li Daoyuan, without saying a word.

"Okay, your kid is amazing, but I'd like to know whether it's your kid's mouth or your bones."

"Give it to me and take good care of this kid."

As soon as Li Daoyuan spoke, two bodyguards stepped forward and stepped on Xiao Gang.

"Let your kid be tough!"

"Look at how tough your kid's mouth is!"

Xiao Gang's head was humming and screaming when someone stepped on it, and it was about to burst.

But he still didn't say a word, still staring at Li Daoyuan.

"I just like this kind of backboned person. Stepping on you like this will definitely not satisfy you. Let's play a new trick."

"Chu Jun, bring the things here!"

When Chu Jun heard Li Daoyuan's greeting, he immediately brought a steel pipe and handed it to Li Daoyuan.

"Boy, are you sure that you will continue to fight stubbornly. You know, if I go down with this stick, you kid will be a eunuch."

Li Daoyuan held a steel rod and pointed to a certain part of Xiao Gang and said.

"Li Daoyuan, you beast, kill me if you have the seeds, and torture me like a hero."

"Li Daoyuan, I swear, as long as I don't die today, Xiao Gang, I will definitely repay you for the insults I suffered today."

Xiao Gang stared at Li Daoyuan and cursed loudly.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing that Xiao Gang dared to threaten himself, Li Daoyuan was not polite, waving a steel stick and hitting Xiao Gang's crotch with a stick.


A pig-slaughtering scream resounded through the sky, scaring the surrounding birds and beasts scrambling to escape.

Xiao Gang also passed out in the sound of these screams.

This time, I don't know if this is the first time he has passed out of a coma.

The bodyguards at the scene only felt a gust of cold wind blowing, and hurriedly protected their key parts, fearing that like Xiao Gang, they would become eunuchs.

"You kid is too useless, that Luo Fan is much smaller than you, and his hand and legs were abolished, and he is not as useless as you!"

Li Daoyuan, who felt boring, ordered Xiao Gang to wake up again.

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