"Who is the man at the door, he seems to be very popular?"

Somewhere on the first floor, a long and beautiful woman looked at Xiao Tao, the maid beside her, and asked.

The woman is none other than Ouyang Mingyue, the granddaughter of Ouyang Zhenhua.

Ouyang Mingyue was furious because her grandfather, Ouyang Zhenhua, insisted on betrothing him to a man she only knew for two or three days, and even wondered if she was Ouyang Zhenhua's own granddaughter.

Otherwise, there would be no biological grandfather who would betroth his own granddaughter to someone who only knew him for two or three days, and he never cared about his granddaughter's opinion.

The angry Ouyang Mingyue didn't want to go to the third floor to see the grandfather he hated, so he had to go to the first floor to gamble on stones to relax.

Unexpectedly, the loud noise at the door caught Ouyang Mingyue's attention.

This man and woman have a peerless posture, the man is handsome enough, and the woman is beautiful enough.

Even though Ouyang Mingyue has been in the capital for many years and has extensive knowledge, she has never seen a man more handsome and manly than that man.

As for the woman, she was indeed a beautiful woman. Even though Ouyang Mingyue thought that she was already very good looking and was known as one of the four beauties in the capital, she was a little ashamed compared to the woman in front of her.

With such two people and a group of people surrounding them, how could Ouyang Mingyue not have the slightest curiosity.

"Miss, don't you even know him?" Xiao Tao opened her mouth wide and looked at Ouyang Mingyue in surprise.

"Is he famous? Why should I know him?"

"Of course he is famous, he is the richest man in Jinling City, one of the four major families in Jinling City, no, it should not be called the four major families now, it should be Li Daoyuan, the patriarch of the Li family, the largest family in Jinling City, I heard that he killed the other three major families in Jinling City alone, making the Li family a giant in Jinling City, and he can walk sideways in the entire Jinling City." Xiao Tao said with some admiration.

"Li Daoyuan, is that him?"

"The head of the Li family, shouldn't he be forty or fifty years old? Judging from his appearance, he is clearly only in his thirties?"

"Miss, you don't know about this, Dong Li is a man with good looks, a man in his forties and fifties, but he looks like he's only in his thirties, otherwise how can he please those young and beautiful girls? ."

Xiaotao looked at Gu Yanran beside Li Daoyuan with envy in her heart.

"Do you have the skills to stay in your face?"

Seeing this, Ouyang Mingyue stared at Li Daoyuan again.

Looking at Li Daoyuan's resolute cheeks, mature and with a unique charm, seeing Ouyang Mingyue is a little demented.

"Miss, you look at people so foolishly, are you interested in them?"

Xiao Tao looked at Ouyang Mingyue with her mouth open, but the corners of her mouth were full of teasing.

"You bastard, you are so brave, you actually come to take care of your lady's affairs. Do you believe that I will take care of you?"

Ouyang Mingyue pouted and looked angry.

"Miss, let me remind you that Dong Li's age is almost the same as that of the master. If you have any unreasonable thoughts about him, don't say that you killed me, be careful that the master will kill you. "

Xiaotao is not afraid of Ouyang Mingyue at all, she knows Ouyang Mingyue's attitude towards her, this is just her own lady trying to scare her.

"Beat it to death. Instead of marrying someone you don't like, it's better to marry someone you have seen a little bit, and at least you can follow your own wishes." Ouyang Mingyue said in a depressed mood.

She knew that in such a big family, especially a top-level big family like the Ouyang family, women like them had absolutely no choice in their marriage.

They only have one use, to marry with the big family to strengthen the power of the family. She has several sisters, and through this marriage, she married someone she didn't want to marry at all.

She originally thought that this situation would not happen to her for the time being, but she didn't think that this day came so quickly.

"Miss, what's wrong with you, don't you scare me?"

"Did Xiao Tao say something wrong?"

"Damn Xiaotao, Xiaotao has made the young lady angry, Xiaotao should be punished."

Seeing that her young lady was suddenly gloomy, Xiao Tao looked anxious, thinking that it was her fault.

In order to make Ouyang Mingyue happy, Xiaotao slapped her cheek and slapped her cheek, in exchange for Ouyang Mingyue's forgiveness and to make her happier.

"Xiao Tao, it's none of your business. It's because I thought of some bad things that made me feel a little sad. Don't be sad anymore."

Seeing Xiao Tao's constant self-blame and annoyance, Ouyang Mingyue quickly explained the reason.

Looking at the manly Li Daoyuan in front of him, and thinking that his grandfather insisted on marrying that trash Luo Fan, Ouyang Mingyue would rather marry Li Daoyuan, who he didn't know, than that Luo Fan.

"Damn Luo Fan, **** Luo Fan, it's really outrageous!"

Ouyang Mingyue punched and kicked the rough stone in front of him.

Although there are a thousand and ten thousand unwillingness in her heart, she has no room for resistance.

As a woman from the Ouyang family, following the meaning of the Ouyang family and seeking benefits for the Ouyang family, this is her innate mission of Ouyang Mingyue, even if she doesn't want to, it can't change the fact.


In the attic on the third floor, Ouyang Zhenhua continued to brag about Luo Fan and established connections for him.

Everyone was obsessed with Ouyang Zhenhua's face, and Luo Fan's first impression was really good, and he also had a high evaluation of Luo Fan.

Suddenly, a butler-like figure hurried to Ouyang Zhenhua's side and muttered a few words in his ear.

"What? How is it possible? How could this happen?"

Hearing this news, Ouyang Zhenhua stood up excitedly, unable to believe this fact.

"Master, this matter is absolutely true, and I absolutely dare not to fake it. Master Feiying has now been sent to the hospital for treatment." The butler replied.

"Damn, who on earth dares to be arrogant here?"

"What's going on, what's going on in this matter, immediately tell me the cause and effect of the matter in its entirety, and there must be no added ingredients!"

Ouyang Zhenhua patted the table and said excitedly.

"Master, it's like this, Young Master Feiying..."

In Ouyang Zhenhua's ear, the housekeeper whispered the story of the future in a soft voice.

"That guy, actually wants to grab people on the street?"

"Are you sure you're telling the whole truth?"

Ouyang Zhenhua couldn't believe that his nephew and grandson actually dared to act so daringly, to bully men and women on the street, and he was lawless.

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