"Dong Li, I bought three rough stones this time, and I will definitely be able to sell good ones."

Gu Yanran ran to Li Daoyuan's side excitedly and showed off her latest victory to him.

"How much did it cost?" Li Daoyuan asked casually.

"Not much, only 500,000." Gu Yanran answered cheerfully.

Hearing Gu Yanran's words, Li Daoyuan's face darkened.

A mere 500,000 yuan, for Li Daoyuan, is nothing more than a drizzle, and he doesn't care at all.

But no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the mere three stones Gu Yanran chose were not worth the price at all.

You must know that there are no good goods at this kind of small vendor. Compared with the goods in the shops, the goods here are more than half cheaper.

Obviously, it must be the boss. Seeing that Gu Yanran is such a foolish sweet and white person who is easy to bully, seeing that she is not short of money at all, he deliberately killed her.

From the first glance at the boss, Li Daoyuan felt that the boss was not a kind person. He never thought that his heart would be so dark.

"Boss, you are asking for five hundred thousand yuan for just three rough stones. You must be too blackhearted." Li Daoyuan said angrily.

"This boss, I am a good old pit, not an ordinary rough stone, so the price must be higher."

"Furthermore, this business has already ended. A big boss like you, the boss, will definitely not be unbelieving."

"A mere 500,000 yuan. For you, boss, it's just a drizzle. The main thing is to have fun. If there is a glass seed in it, your harvest will be more than 500,000 yuan, 50,000,000 yuan. Maybe even five hundred million."

The boss talks about people and ghosts. He knows that a person like Li Daoyuan must be rich, and Li Daoyuan will definitely not care about some small money, so he will try his best to please.

These three rough stones are definitely not worth 500,000 yuan, and the original price was only 50,000 yuan, but whoever made these two rich, it is the so-called foolish person who has more money, and you won't kill anyone.

Seeing the boss's appearance, Li Daoyuan knew that this guy must be a black-hearted person.

However, he had a sentence, and what he said was also very correct, a mere amount of money was really nothing to him, as long as Gu Yanran had fun.

Of course, if Gu Yanran wasn't having a good time, Li Daoyuan wouldn't mind and find someone to take care of him.

This is not because Li Daoyuan can't afford it, but because he doesn't want such a black-hearted businessman to gain power.

Li Daoyuan glanced at the boss and said angrily: "Okay, find someone to cut these three rough stones for me."

You'd better pray that these three rough stones will produce something to make Gu Yanran happy.

If you make Gu Yanran unhappy for a while, I will make you unhappy for the rest of your life.

This sentence is what Li Daoyuan said to the merchant owner in his heart.

"Okay, okay, wait a moment, boss, I'll find someone to cut it for you."

The trader boss soon found a calcite master. Since neither of them knew how to gamble with stones, they could only let the calcite master improvise.

As the machine hummed, the first rough was cut.

Li Daoyuan fixed his eyes and saw that there was nothing, just white bricks, just an ordinary stone.

"Go ahead, solve the other two rough stones for me!"

Seeing that Gu Yanran was a little unhappy, Li Daoyuan immediately instructed Master Xie Shi to unravel the remaining two stones.

The machine hummed again, and twenty minutes later, with a thud, the last rough stone was removed.

Not surprisingly, the last stone is also a white brick, and there is nothing at all.

Although Li Daoyuan doesn't know how to gamble with stones, he now seriously suspects that all the things this boss sells are this kind of whiteboard.

This boss Nima is not as simple as a black heart. She is completely black, and she is already black. She is here to fool people with this kind of white brick.

"Boss, I'm really sorry. You were out of luck this time, and you didn't get what you liked, but it doesn't matter. Maybe you can buy another piece and you can get something good."

"The calcification fee for these three stones is 1,000 yuan per stone, and the total is 3,000 yuan for the three stones. Please tie it up with the boss." The trader boss said cheaply.


"Didn't you solve the stone for us? Why are you still coming to collect our money now?"

Originally there were three stones, and Gu Yanran was very unhappy when they didn't offer any goods. Now this boss dared to ask them for the stone removal fee, which made Gu Yanran even more annoyed.

"Beauty, you can't say that, you didn't open anything, maybe you were unlucky, but you also saw that this master of calcification was invited by me from other places, you can't let it go. He's doing it for nothing."

"Both of you are people who do big things. You will definitely not embarrass people like us who do small businesses. We also ask the boss to pay the calcite fee."

The owner of the trader said it with emotion and reason, and it seemed that they didn't pay. It was really their fault.

Li Daoyuan scoffed at this situation. Although he did not play stone gambling, he had seen some stone gambling knowledge in his previous life.

Wherever the rough stone is bought, it will be cut for free. At most, if you win the grand prize, you will give a red envelope to the cutting master. How can someone like this boss charge him 3,000 yuan for calcination.

This is because they are too rich, and they are put on Kaizi to fish.

"Boss, I think these rough stones are all white-slab stones. You don't get a batch of stones from somewhere, and use them as rough stones to fool us, right?" Li Daoyuan tried to say.

He is now more and more suspicious that the stones here are all blank stones, and it is this boss who deliberately cheats people here.

However, as soon as the boss heard this, he gave up completely and said angrily: "This boss, I think you are also decent, you don't want to pay for calcite, and you can't slander me. I have been working in this industry for decades, if you dare to sell fakes, you will let me hit five thunders, and I will not die."

"Whether you die or not, that's your business. Now I suspect that you are selling white stones."

There are five thunderstorms in the sky, and you can't die!

This kind of oath, just listen to it as a joke, that's all, if anyone takes it seriously, then he is really a fool.

"Boss, if you don't want to pay the calcite fee, you don't need to frame me like that."

"Everyone, come and have a look. This man is well-dressed, and he doesn't want to show up for the 3,000 yuan calcification fee. Instead, he is still here to frame me and sell him white stones."

"Everyone, come and have a look, come and comment."

With a shout from the vendor, the people around them quickly gathered around and pointed at Li Daoyuan and Gu Yanran.

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