Luo Fan was thrown out by Lin Zhentian like a sandbag, and by the time she landed, she had fainted.

At this time, Li Daoyuan had already brought Su Xiaowan into the mansion, leaving only Luo Fan, whose life and death were unknown.

The reason why the protagonists are called protagonists is that in addition to the aura of the protagonist, they also have a huge ability, that is, their vitality is tenacious, like a little strong that can't be beaten to death.

Even if Luo Fan was just an ordinary person, he was still not killed by Li Daoyuan so easily.

I don't know how long it took, Luo Fan slowly opened his eyes.

Luo Fan, who got up slowly, only felt a sweetness in his throat, and a mouthful of blood could not help gushing out.

The protagonist's big life does not mean that he will not be injured. Although he did not die after being hit by Li Daoyuan, he was also seriously injured, and half his life is almost gone.

Looking at the vehicle that had disappeared long ago, and the missing Li Daoyuan, Luo Fan felt resentful.

"Damn Li Daoyuan, we have an extra bill to settle."

Luo Fan gritted his teeth. Although he was beaten badly by Li Daoyuan this time, he did not gain anything.

At least he has evidence that Li Daoyuan did evil.

He believed that as long as he showed this recording to his parents and sister Yu, they would be able to believe what he said, and they would be able to get out of Li Daoyuan's claws, and they would not be persecuted by Li Daoyuan.

Thinking of this, Luo Fan immediately reached out and touched the inside of his pocket.

This is all evidence of Li Daoyuan's evildoing, but it must not be lost.

However, he touched the inside of his pocket twice and found nothing.

Luo Fan was a little anxious. If the phone was dropped, everything he did today would be in vain.

Thinking of this, he immediately disregarded his injury and hurriedly rummaged in his pocket.

Finally, Luo Fan found his mobile phone.

However, he was a little dumbfounded at this time, because his mobile phone had been smashed into slag, and all the parts had been broken.

At this time, even if you go to a master to repair it yourself, it is impossible.

If you want to extract the recording just now, there is no such thing.

Feeling that there was still a hard thing in his pocket, Luo Fan reached out and found it was a note.

When I opened it, only two words were written on it: Silly Que.

Now Luo Fan, what does not understand, he is being pitted by Li Daoyuan.

It turned out that he knew from the beginning that he was recording, so he deliberately said those words to make himself happy.

He just regarded himself as a fool, playing around there, pity that he was kept in the dark by him, thinking that his plan had been successful.

"Damn Li Daoyuan!"

"Damn guy!"

Luo Fan felt. His lungs simply can't stand his anger, and sooner or later, he will explode with his own gas.

At this time, Luo Fan had a feeling of powerlessness. He really wanted to fall asleep and never wake up again, so that he could forget his troubles and forget everything.


As soon as this idea was born, it was immediately thrown out of his mind.

Luo Fan shook his head vigorously to wake himself up.

I am the protagonist, I am the protagonist with clairvoyant eyes, and someone who will reach the pinnacle of life in the future, how could he be discouraged by this trivial matter.

Luo Fan forced himself to cheer himself up, and he must stabilize himself. Now it is just a temporary difficulty, and he will find a way to solve it sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Luo Fan decided to leave here for the time being and wait until he finds a way to solve it.

Looking at the mansion in front of him, Luo Fan swore that the next time he set foot here, he would raze it to the ground.

With a heroic oath in his heart, Luo Fan dragged his severely injured body and stumbled away from the Li residence.

Luo Fan didn't hesitate, immediately called a taxi and headed home.

He was worried that something else would happen to Li Daoyuan to hurt his parents and sister. He had to rush back as soon as possible to protect their safety.

When he rushed home, what he saw was still a messy yard.

All the furniture was smashed to pieces, and all the appliances were rotten.

When he thought that all this was done by Li Daoyuan, Luo Fan was so angry that he could not wait to bite Li Daoyuan to death.

Entering the inner courtyard, although the house was clean and tidy, it was empty, except for a few small broken stools and a broken table.

Seeing that Luo Fan stumbled back, the family's eyes were all on Luo Fan.

Even if they saw that she was seriously injured at this time, and her clothes were stained with blood, Luo's father, Luo's mother, including her sister Luo Qingyu, had no intention to pay attention to this, let alone ask him.

On the contrary, Luo's father and Luo's mother have not seen each other for a few hours. The two have become haggard. Luo's father is even more ill, and the corners of his mouth are turning white, which can be seen from this. , this time he was very angry.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little cold, Luo Qingyu said first: "How is the situation now, did Brother Li forgive you, did he forgive our family?"

Hearing Luo Qingyu's question, Luo's father and Luo's mother turned their heads and stared at Luo Fan.

They hope to hear some good news in their mouths, so that they can feel better in their hearts.


Seeing that the whole family was looking forward to him eagerly, hoping that he would apologize to Li Daoyuan, Luo Fan's quiet heart once turned into anger.

He didn't understand, even if all of this was designed by Li Daoyuan, but they were his parents and his sister, why couldn't they believe in themselves once, why should they be so firm and unswerving in believing in Li Daoyuan's caution.

Luo Fan decided that he still had to show off with his parents and sister, and he must not let them be deceived by Li Daoyuan.

I saw Luo Fan gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Everything that happened today was designed by Li Daoyuan, he has already admitted it himself just now, those people were all found by Li Daoyuan, and his purpose is to take it step by step. The kindness he gave to our family, so that our family can remember his kindness and let him manipulate in the future."

Having said that, Luo Fan remembered the irritating words Li Daoyuan said again, looked at his sister Luo Qingyu and said, "And Qingyu, Li Daoyuan is deliberately approaching you, he has no good intentions towards you. , he wants to use you to deal with me, there are many women around him, when I went, he just did some shameful deeds with a... and a bitch."

Even if he didn't want to mention Su Xiaowan in front of his parents, in order to let his sister and his parents know the truth, he had to expose Li Daoyuan's true face.

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