"What kind of demolition are they here? It's clearly a group of robbers who threw everything in our house. He stepped forward to stop it, and he pushed him to the ground."

"And they also threatened us. If we dare to call the police, our family will not see the sun tomorrow."

"Why am I so unlucky to encounter such a thing."

Luo Mu continued to cry bitterly.

After hearing his mother's narration, Luo Qingyu finally figured out what was going on.

Looking at the random group of robbers who were still taking their belongings, Luo Qingyu burned with anger.

"Stop, you guys, stop me!" Luo Qingyu looked at this group of lawless robbers with ugly faces.

However, in the face of Luo Qingyu's "soft voice" restraint, it was as if the group of people didn't hear it, and they were still doing their own thing.

The moment the burly man saw Luo Qingyu stand up, his eyes lit up, as if he saw a rare treasure.

This little girl is so beautiful.

Although she was wearing ordinary clothes, a pair of ragged jeans, cheap clothes, and no gold or silver jewelry on her body, their figure and appearance were the best of the best.

It is said that people rely on clothes and Buddhas rely on gold clothes, but this is not entirely true.

Take Luo Qingyu as an example, even the most ordinary clothes, when worn on her body, can reflect the noble value.

It is not the clothes that set off her, but she sets off the clothes.

This group of gangsters, including burly men, have never seen such a beautiful girl before.

"Haha...I didn't expect that these two immortal old things could give birth to such a watery woman."

"It looks like my leopard is blessed tonight."

That's right, from the moment Leopard saw Luo Qingyu, all the tasks that Bai Mei explained were thrown behind his head by him.

those things. How could Luo Qingyu in front of him be more attractive.

Not only this burly man named Leopard, but even the group of younger brothers under him, drooling after seeing Luo Qingyu.

Among them were two daring little brothers. It went straight towards Luo Qingyu.

Luo Qingyu had seen this kind of battle before, and he was immediately stunned. He didn't know what to do, so he took a few steps back. retreated behind his parents.

At this time, she was very scared, she was afraid that she would be bullied.

If she is really being bullied by these gangsters, how should she face Li Daoyuan, I am afraid that she will only be dead by then.

Thinking of Li Daoyuan, Luo Qingyu's mind was imagining how good it would be if Li Daoyuan appeared beside him at this time.

If he is there, these problems will become no problems, and they can be solved easily.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something.

Perhaps, this is also a good way to try it.

Thinking of this, Luo Qingyu took a step forward, strengthened his courage, and said loudly: "Stop, do you know who I am?"

"Oh? Who are you? What kind of big man are you?"

"I'll tell you who you were in the past, I'm not interested in Leopard, but from this evening, you are the woman of my Leopard and the sister-in-law of my younger brother."

The leopard looked at Luo Qingyu, as if seeing prey, he laughed.

"Brother is right, you are our sister-in-law."

"Yes! You are our sister-in-law!"

"I've seen my sister-in-law!"

"I've seen my sister-in-law!"

The younger brothers under the leopard also began to coax, shouting constantly, it seemed that Luo Qingyu was really their sister-in-law.

"Brother, if you eat meat, can you give us some soup? I also want to..."

One of the younger brothers, who wanted to make some excessive demands, was kicked out by the leopard.

"Go away! I'm a woman, you dare to make up your mind, believe it or not I will kill you!" Leopard said fiercely.

This woman was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

He swears that this woman can only belong to him alone. If someone dares to attack her, he will not let the other party end well, even his brother will be no exception.

Luo Qingyu forcibly endured his shyness, and said sharply, "I'm Li Daoyuan's friend, do you dare to touch me?"

"Who? Li Daoyuan, which Li Daoyuan?"

Leopard asked suspiciously.

"Which Li Daoyuan could it be? Naturally, he is the richest man in Jinling City. Li Daoyuan and Li Dong, I am his friend. If you dare to be rude to me today, he will definitely not let you go." Luo Qingyu said domineeringly.

After getting along for so long, Li Daoyuan did not continue to conceal his identity, but told Luo Qingyu truthfully.

At first Luo Qingyu was still a little uncomfortable after learning Li Daoyuan's identity.

After all, she is just an ordinary rural girl, and she has the opportunity to meet the richest man in Jinling City. This is simply a fantasy.

Fortunately, after a few days of relaxation, Luo Qingyu finally accepted this fact.

Now that he has exposed this relationship, he just hopes that this group, after hearing about Li Daoyuan's name, will be able to cast the mouse and stop disturbing them.

However, after they heard the name, they were first stunned, and then burst into laughter.

It seems that Luo Qingyu was a little nervous when he saw the situation just now, and he specially told them a big joke.

"Who does this little girl say she is a friend of? She is Dong Li's friend? You say it's funny, but she actually said she is Dong Li's friend. This is just telling a joke to make me laugh."

"That is, what is Li Dong's identity? He is the richest man in Jinling City. He shakes his feet, and the whole Jinling City will be shaken. You actually say that you are Li Dong's friend. This is simply telling us that the sun hits the west. from."

"Okay, what are you laughing at, don't laugh anymore, hurry up and do business for Lao Tzu."

Leopard scolded him angrily, and these little gangsters stopped making fun of Luo Qingyu, but continued to help Luo Qingyu move things.

On the other hand, the leopard, who was doing nothing, stared at Luo Qingyu with a wicked smell.

For this little girl, he seemed to like it more and more.

"Little girl, become Li Dong's friend, you don't have to be delusional, but you can think about being my leopard's woman."

"Don't worry, as long as you are willing to marry me and follow my leopard in the future, I guarantee that you will be able to eat and drink spicy food, and you will not have to worry about food and clothing all your life."

Leopard said playfully, his eyes were full of possessiveness.

Seeing this scene, Luo Qingyu was very frightened, and said with some tears: "I... I am really a friend of Li Dong. Some time ago, we also visited a milk tea shop together."

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