Li Daoyuan said something to Bai Mei and finally reminded again: "By the way, the thing I told you before must be done by a less reliable person, and don't make any mistakes."

"Don Li, don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you. I have already let my best men do it."

The two were talking, and after a while, a burly man came over.

Although the big man was burly and arrogant, he was extremely respectful to Bai Mei.

He walked up to Bai Mei and said in a low voice, "Eldest sister, what are your orders?"

"Dong Li, let me introduce you, this is Biaozi, my confidant."

"Biaozi, hurry up and meet Li Dong!"

Bai Mei pointed at the strong man named Biaozi.

"I've seen Dong Li!"

Hearing Bai Mei's words, Biao Zi also greeted Li Daoyuan warmly, obviously, his attitude was not as respectful as Bai Mei's.

"Biaozi, Li Dong will be our nobleman in the future. Everyone who sees Li Dong must be as respectful as me, even more respectful than me, do you understand!"

Seeing this, Bai Mei reprimanded Biao Zi.

Biaozi is not only strong in martial arts, but also has a very good mind. In addition, Bai Mei has saved the lives of his family. He can be said to be the center of Bai Mei.

Bai Mei also valued such a person very much. She didn't want Li Daoyuan to have a bad impression on him because of Biaozi's attitude.

Li Daoyuan waved his hand, but said it didn't matter, he didn't care about these little things.

"Biaozi, I asked you to come here this time because I want you to deal with one thing."

Bai Mei then repeated what Li Daoyuan explained.

"Remember, look for some raw faces, and those people can't have any connection with us."

"Also, don't do things too much, that is, no human life can occur."

Worried that Biaozi would not be able to grasp the scale, Bai Mei spoke again, reminding him a few words.

"Sister, don't worry, I promise to satisfy you!"

Biaozi nodded and went down to prepare.

Since Bai Mei has nothing to do, Luo Qingyu and Luo Fan's affairs have been arranged properly, and Li Daoyuan has no plan to stay here, and got up and prepared to leave.

"Dong Li, you're going to leave now, don't you plan to stay for a while?" Seeing Li Daoyuan getting up, it looked like he was going to leave. Bai Mei asked tentatively.

"It's so late, what are you doing here?"

"Do you want me to eat you now?"

Li Daoyuan pointed at Bai Mei's nose and said with some playfulness.

"You and I……"

Bai Mei touched the aching nose that Li Daoyuan flicked, not knowing what to say.

Eat yourself?

Haven't eaten pork before, and haven't seen Pig Run? Although Bai Mei is already in her thirties, she is still a big girl, and she has never experienced those things at all.

But she naturally understood what Li Daoyuan meant.

Although she also understood that since she negotiated the deal with Li Daoyuan, she was Li Daoyuan's woman.

But Bai Mei still had a tangle in her heart, she hadn't made up her mind yet, she hoped that day would come later.

Li Daoyuan naturally saw her thoughts, and he was not the kind of person who would be difficult for the strong. Anyway, sooner or later Bai Mei would be his own person, so he was not in a hurry at all.

"Forget it, it's just a joke with you, don't take it seriously."

"But I still want to remind you, since that Chutian has already set his sights on you, you still have to be careful, and immediately check your own problems again, and those people under your command should also screen them again. , to clear it out immediately."

After saying this, Li Daoyuan also left the bar.

Seeing Li Dao go away, Bai Mei finally let out a sigh of relief, at least avoiding tonight.

However, Bai Mei also paid attention to what Li Daoyuan said, and was ready to clean up her men well tomorrow.


Luo Fan's house.

Last night, because Luo Fan kept belittling Li Daoyuan, Luo Fan's parents and sister had a lot of opinions on him.

After a night of cold war, Luo Qingyu's anger still hadn't cleared up the next morning, she said hello to her parents and went to work.

As for Luo Fan, he disappeared early in the morning, and I don't know if he said the wrong thing last night, had no face to face his family, or had other things that needed to be dealt with.

This morning, the sun was extraordinarily warm.

Luo Mu slowly pushed Luo father outside the small yard, euphemistically called the sun, to ventilate and reduce fire.

Yes, even if Luo Fan was his own son, Father Luo always believed that what Luo Fan said was wrong.

Although they didn't take this matter too seriously, they only thought that their son was jealous of the big boss, so he would say such a thing.

However, there is still fire in my heart.

If Luo Fan hadn't disappeared without a trace, he might have taught his son a lesson.

"This Luo Fan is really getting more and more outrageous. When I wake up in the morning, I don't know where to go. There is no one here. I really worry about him."

Luo Mu said worriedly, for fear that Luo Fan was still angry because of what happened last night.

"What are you worried about? A person like him who does not distinguish between right and wrong is to be beaten by the society before he realizes his mistake."

Luo Fu didn't take it seriously, thinking that Luo Fan's life was too smooth for these years, and the lack of social beatings caused his current character.

"Open the door, open the door, open the door quickly!"

Just when Father Luo was talking to Mother Luo, there was a loud knock on the door, and it seemed that someone was shouting loudly outside.

Before Luo's father and Luo's mother could react, the knocking on the door became louder and louder.

The wooden door that had been around for a long time could not stand the tossing of this group of people, and was kicked open by someone.

Immediately, a burly man in tattered clothes, accompanied by a dozen younger brothers, came to Luo Father and Luo Mu aggressively.

Looking at their aggressive appearance, with the wooden stick in their hands, it can be seen that this group of people are not good people.

"Who are you?" Father Luo dared to ask tentatively.

"We are from the demolition team, and we notified you to move last month. How come we haven't moved for so long?"

"You two old guys, are you watching your brothers talk so easily and taking our words as a deaf ear?"

"Do you have to give you a stick and beat you to a crippled one by one of your brothers, so you're going to get out?"

Looking at the ferocious appearance of the burly man, it seems that Luo's father and Luo's mother are not ready to relocate, and they are about to do it.

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