Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 995: Share the joys and sorrows and the fate!

Chapter 995: Sharing joys and sorrows and sharing fate!

 The cardamom girl has her black hair **** with only a jade hairpin inserted into it.

The dim candlelight shines through the jade hairpin and falls on her cheeks, filling her face with brilliance and touching beauty.

Mu Jue's heart beat as if a drum was beating, making his blood surge.

Such a major event involving countless lives and deaths, if other women encountered it, they would probably panic and wipe away tears.

 But the girl in front of her was so determined and so high-spirited.

 She said she wanted to fight alongside him, so... fight!

 The warm breeze in early summer never misses such beautiful moments. It sneaks in quietly from the window and honestly bears witness.

Love at first sight in this world is always about lust.

If you want a long-lasting and unbreakable relationship, you must share the joys and sorrows!

It was late at night, the lights in the house were extinguished, and only Jiayin was left.

 But she still didn't sleep until the white figure of the little fox came in.

Jiayin hugged the little fox and started chatting while feeding it grapes...

There is no airtight wall in the world, let alone such a big thing as the destruction of military supplies.

The Northern Expedition not only carried the emperor's desire to unify the mountains and rivers, but also the people's desire to regain their homeland.

Over the years, many elderly people have been talking about their hometown and old friends in Jiangbei when they are dying.

They want to be buried back in their ancestral graves and worshiped in their hometown. These are their only last words.

Xintinghou led the Northern Expeditionary Army and went northward every year, driving the barbarians northward bit by bit, like a millstone, consuming the barbarians' vitality.

 After spending countless blood and lives, the decisive battle has finally come this year.

 The whole country is looking forward to and paying attention to this.

As a result, there are still people under such circumstances, under the noses of Xindu people, stumbling upon the Northern Expeditionary Army, hoping that the Northern Expeditionary Army will starve and fight the barbarians.

How vicious and despicable!

 “This is treason!” In a teahouse, a middle-aged scribe slammed his tea bowl on the table, his face red and neck thick with anger.

Several friends at the same table were also very angry and responded one after another.

"That is, if I knew who was behind such despicable means, I would definitely write a thirty-page crusade against him, so that all his ancestors would be ashamed to reincarnate!"

"Such evil thieves really deserve to be cut to pieces by a thousand swords. It's a pity that we, the scholars, don't have the power to restrain the chickens, otherwise we would have personally escorted the military supplies northward."

"Those people in the Ministry of War don't know when they will find someone to take action?"

But some people said, "Could it be that the barbarians sent scouts here to make us suspicious of each other and disrupt the new capital?"

 But someone immediately retorted, "It's impossible. In the past few years, the Marquis has opened three lines of defense in Jiangbei. It's impossible for the barbarians to come quietly."

"Even if this matter is embarrassing, I still have to say that there must be a traitor in our Tianwu."

 In various markets and streets, people are also talking about it.

"This life is not getting better. We are not afraid that there will be no good things, but we are afraid that there will be no good people. The Marquis and the others are killing the enemy in the front, but there are these rotten fish and shrimps behind them, which is really annoying!"

“That’s right, I really want to use a butcher’s knife to skin and carve out the skin of this bastard!”

Some well-informed people said, "I heard that the general of the Northern Expedition Army and Uncle Li are borrowing grain from each noble family. They plan to transport it to Jiangbei first, and then wait for the grain from each state capital to be transferred before returning it."

"Really? This is a good idea! I still have a load of rice at home, and I want to give it to the Northern Expeditionary Army first!"

“Me too, me too, I have two loads at home. I originally stocked up on rice while it was cheap, but now it really comes in handy.”

"I don't have much rice at home, but I have potatoes. I'm going to ask if I can give them to the Northern Expeditionary Army to feed their horses!" Everyone talked and hurried to the entrance of the military department.

Unfortunately, the threshold of the gate is high, and anyone is willing to greet these flat people.

 The people had no choice but to find the relief agency in the end.

It happened that Li Laoer came back to pick up something, so he quickly thanked everyone when he saw this.

“Thank you to the folks for caring so much about the Northern Expeditionary Army. If Jiangbei is recovered safely, most of the credit must go to the folks.

“After all, with everyone’s strong support, the soldiers and generals can rest assured to kill the enemy at the front.”

 The people were happy to hear this and waved their hands modestly.

“Uncle, your words are serious, we should do this.”

“That’s right, we can’t kill the enemy, but we can do a little help.”

Li Laoer smiled again and handed over his hands, and finally tried to dissuade him, "I know everyone is sincere, but for the time being, we have collected enough military rations, and they can be sent to Jiangbei in the future.

"Everyone, please keep the rice and food at home for now. If we don't have enough military rations in the future, I will go to the street in person to ask everyone for help, okay?"

“Have you really collected enough food?”

 “This is great, these high-ranking families are finally generous this time!”

"We listen to my uncle. The Northern Expedition is led by the Marquis, and General Li is also there. We really need food, and my uncle will not be polite to us!"

“That’s it, uncle, let’s go first.”

Everyone chatted for a while and then left one after another.

Li Laoer stood in front of the door and saw everyone off, but did not speak for a long time.

Zheng He stepped forward and whispered, "Uncle, no wonder people say that every time a person slaughters dogs for justice, most of them will be a scholar.

“These villagers only had one or two loads of food at home, yet they were willing to donate it to the Northern Expeditionary Army without any pity or hesitation.

"Look at those high-ranking families. Borrowing food from them is not in vain. They actually want to have a name in front of the emperor and gain favors from our family. In the end, it is their children who are saved. They are really greedy. It’s annoying.”

Li Laoer also felt uncomfortable when he thought about what he had experienced for most of the day.

 But now the situation is not good, and stability is the top priority.

It’s not time to worry about these little things.

“Let’s settle the food issue first. The Marquis and the others are fighting at the front, which is much more difficult than for us.

“In addition, send a message to Baiyunjian, asking them to make more ice bricks and add some honey juice.

“Children from the Relief Department who have no work go to the streets to sell their goods, just to make a profit. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, so it helps to cool down the heat for everyone.”

 “Yes, uncle.” Zheng He responded immediately…

 In the afternoon, cicadas were already chirping everywhere in the palace.

On the tall and lush trees, cicadas are hiding in unknown corners, screaming incessantly, which is annoying.

But in the side hall of Zhilan Palace, the good news swept away the boredom, and he happily asked Mu Jue, "Seriously? We have collected enough food and have distributed it?"

Mu Jue wiped his sweat and replied, "Of course, I saw the loading of the ship with my own eyes. This time General Li Yong personally escorted him to Jiangbei without any delay."

"That's great!" Jiayin breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was four or five days late, with his adoptive father's caution and years of experience in battles, this would never delay the campaign or shake the morale of the army.

 (End of this chapter)

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