Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 980: Relying on the old and selling the old is shameless!

Chapter 980: Relying on the old man and showing off his shamelessness!

“Third Master, I came here today because I really have something to say. If you have offended me, please let me know.” Mr. Tang put down his tea cup with a very solemn expression.

Li Laosan quickly waved his hand, "Mr. Tang, just call me Hansheng. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Mr. Tang gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and spoke.

"Han Sheng, you should have heard the news. I have been asking many questions about the whereabouts of the Jiangbei tribe, but there has been no news. I originally thought that all the tribe members were killed, but I didn't expect to see my eldest brother's eldest grandson today!"

Mr. Tang was still a little excited when he talked about this.

Li Laosan was also happy for him and responded, "Oh, congratulations Mr. Tang, this is a great reunion."

Mr. Tang nodded and said, "Speaking of which, this grandnephew is also related to your Li family. He is Mu Jue, the guard of the princess! This child looks so much like my eldest brother when he was a boy. It can be said that he is exactly the same. He is absolutely the same." That's right.

"Our Mu family finally has no descendants, and thanks to God's mercy, there are still descendants who have escaped the catastrophe! As long as Mu Jue marries a wife and has children, and revitalizes the Mu family, I will be able to live with my ancestors in the future. Lie Zong explained."

Li Laosan hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement, but did not say a word.

He considers himself to be the stupidest one in the family. He is not as thoughtful as his eldest brother, not as smooth and shrewd as his second brother, and not as brave as his fourth brother.

 But at the very least, he can still be cautious.

Especially since this matter seems to involve my niece, I have to be more careful and not accept it easily. If I get into trouble for my niece, it will be him who is not the uncle.

When Mr. Tang saw this, he felt a little anxious, so he simply made it clear.

“Hansheng, I want Mu Jue to stay with me from now on. I want to teach him to read and take scientific examinations, and then marry a well-matched wife so that the family can flourish as early as possible.

“But this kid is stubborn. He remembers the Marquis’ kindness for rescuing him in Jiangbei, and refuses to agree to it. He also wants to fulfill his promise and serve as the princess’s guard for three years, and even...”

He paused, looked at Li Laosan's face that turned pale, and said bravely, "He even said that he and the Marquis had an agreement that he would marry the princess in the future! This child has taken a liking to the county. !

“It is understandable that the young man was originally passionate, but our Mu family is in such decline now, and we are really not worthy of the princess. It is well known that everyone in your family loves the princess, and I am afraid that you are not willing to let the princess come to our Mu family to suffer hardships...

"So, Hansheng, I want to ask you to go home and ask if you can let Mu Jue go free? And let's let the joke-like engagement go.

“Of course, in order to thank you for taking care of Mu Jue in your family, I will definitely give you a lot of thanks.

“Even at the Marquis’s place, when he comes back from the expedition, I will personally come to thank him and apologize..."

 Before he could finish speaking, Li Laosan's face turned dark.

This was said euphemistically, but he was not a fool, so he couldn't understand the twists and turns in it.

 He ​​has no daughter, and he is really careful about his niece, whom he has loved and loved since childhood.

The family has long discussed the niece's marriage, but every time there was no result. It was felt that no man in the world had the qualifications and ability to be entrusted with protecting his niece for the rest of her life.

If you look at Mu Jue alone, he is also a good boy. Since he can be favored by the marquis, he must be a good candidate to be his niece's son-in-law.

 Otherwise, the Marquis would not have made such a rash agreement!

 But even the ten thousand advantages, now they all count because of the old man in front of me!


What if the Li family hasn't chosen the Mu family yet? How dare a shabby family that is almost dead dare to despise their Li family's precious child!     What's so high that you can't reach?

 Obviously they were afraid that the Li family would be so powerful that they would bully the only seedling of the Mu family!

Why don’t you want the princess to be wronged?

Obviously he looks down on the daughter of the Li family and is afraid that she will not be able to live with the Mu family!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He snorted coldly, raised his chin, looked at Mr. Tang and said, "I understand what Mr. Tang means. But I have a few words. I hope Mr. Tang will listen carefully.

"First, the princess is the only girl in our Li family. The whole family loves her like the apple of our eye. We have searched all over the world for her future husband-in-law, but we feel that all men are unsuitable. Therefore, our family has never made an agreement with anyone. Have a marriage.

“Sir, it’s best not to talk to anyone about what you said today, otherwise we, the Li family, will never allow any gossip to spread and ruin the princess’s reputation.

“Let’s talk about the Marquis. He is a father of the princess. Everyone in Xindu knows that the Marquis treats the princess as his own daughter. He gave all his glory and the palace to the princess in his early years because he was afraid that the princess would be wronged.

"Presumably, if he wants to choose a husband for the princess, he must find a man with both parents. The elders are sensible and cannot just grab anyone. Therefore, even if he had a few jokes with someone in the past, it must have been under the influence of alcohol. Drunk talk, don’t take it seriously.

“When the Marquis returns from the Northern Expedition, our Li family will tell the Marquis to be careful in what he says in the future.”

Mr. Tang did not expect that Li Laosan, who had always been honest and honest, would become really angry and speak so fiercely, with every sentence filled with threats and ridicule.

 He wanted to get angry, but because the Li family did not agree with the marriage, he reluctantly endured it.

However, Li Laosan ignored his expression and continued, "Secondly, our Li family never interferes in the marriage of our children. As long as the child likes the other person and feels that the other person is a lifelong lover, the family will support it to the end. .

“To take a step back, if the princess really has a mutual affection with Mu Jue and plans to join hands for a lifetime and share the wind and rain, then no one in the world can stop them from being together.

“Otherwise, neither I nor anyone in our Li family will agree, not even you!

"If you think that Professor Jiaren has been able to tell the princess how to do things after just a few years of writing, then I believe that Jiaren would rather cut off his left hand and give it to you than sacrifice his sister's happiness!"

He picked up the teacup heavily and clinked it on the table. "Old sir, go slowly, I won't send it away!"

"Okay, very good!" Mr. Tang's fingers trembled with anger, "I originally did it for the benefit of the children of both families, but I didn't expect you to be so rude, so there's no need to say it again!"

 After saying that, he got up and was about to go out.

Li Laosan added coldly, "It's understandable that you have selfish motives, sir, but don't do it in the name of doing good for your children. I don't care what Mu Jue thinks, but our Li family's children are loved by others, so no outsiders need to worry!"

Mr. Tang snorted heavily, stepped out of the threshold and stormed away.

Dazhu's daughter-in-law, who was working in the kitchen, brought a plate of snacks. She originally wanted to bring them to the house, but she met Mr. Tang on the opposite side and was shocked when she saw him like this.

She quickly walked to the door of the house and asked, "Third Master, what happened? Do you need help?"

"No! I'll drive back to the Earl's Mansion. You can take care of the canteen. If you have anything else to do, wait until I come back tomorrow!" Li Laosan said, and hurriedly hit the car and went home.

Dazhu's wife shouted, "Third Master, it's already dark. If you leave now, you won't be able to enter the city gate!"

 Today’s update is here~~

 (End of this chapter)

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