Chapter 972 The source of chaos

“That’s great. Having an acquaintance to lead the way will save a lot of trouble on the way.”

Li Laoer agreed unceremoniously. This was not the time to give in casually. After all, there were so many dangers on the thousand-mile road and the high mountains.

 At this time, it is important to ensure that the son arrives safely.

Jia Xi and Jia An listened on the side, also for the sake of their brothers.

Since the two of them couldn't go too far, Jia An said, "We can't send my eldest brother to his appointment, but we can send him a gift to celebrate the Ming Dynasty. It's time to go out and relax."

 Unfortunately, Li Laoer waved his hand and extinguished their thoughts of traveling with one sentence.

"You also need to prepare your luggage. I'm afraid you will have to return to Quanzhou before Jiaren and others set off. There has been news in the court that the envoy will leave Beijing in ten days at most."

Jiaxi and Jiaan were a little frustrated. Jiaxi muttered, "Hey, I thought we brothers could hang out together again."

   Brother Cat gloated and shouted, "Haha, fourth brother, don't worry about it. I have nothing to do. I'll see off sixth brother for you! I promise to have a good time and write to you later."

His arrogant look made all the brothers look at him. One of them was so angry that he slapped him in the face and ruffled his bun. He looked as embarrassed as a madman.

   Brother Cat felt aggrieved and went to his sister's side to act coquettishly, "Sister, look, they are all bullying me!"

"You are really more naughty than Yuanyuan. If you don't punish me, who will you punish?" Jiayin smiled and pulled her brother to sit down. Then she took out a silver comb from her sleeve and quickly tied her brother's hair into a bun and inserted a hairpin.

Brother Cat shook his head and started to show off again, "Oh, whose family does such a handsome young man belong to? Please introduce him to a good girl!"

Everyone was made to laugh by him, and even if they were a little sad about parting, they all ran away in an instant.


Li Laosan went back to the village to pick someone up for his nephew, while Li Laoer went to visit Liu's house as a guest.

 Brother Cat was thinking about his brother's good things, so he pestered Brother Li to go to the study room to open boxes and sort out old things.

Jiaxi and Jiaan ran to watch the excitement, and picked up their son and nephew to play together.

Jiaren just noticed that his daughter-in-law looked wrong, and now he led her back to the house, "Wan'er, is there something on your mind? Can you tell me about it?"

Wan'er's eyes were red and she tried her best not to shed tears, but she still didn't succeed.

“Husband, I’m really worried about you going to such a far away place to take up the post, so I want to go with you.

“But here at home, if I also leave, only my father will be left alone, and there will be no one to take care of the food and daily life, and there will be no one to take care of my sister.

“What if my sister is wronged in the palace and cannot tell her family, and I am not here?”

Jiaren felt distressed and quickly hugged his wife in his arms, jokingly admonishing, "So that's what happened. Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why did you put yourself in such a difficult position? I had planned it before, not to take you with me when I took office. Go with the kids."

Wan'er immediately raised her head, her eyes full of anxiety and reluctance, "How can you do it when you have traveled thousands of miles and there is no one around you to take care of your food, clothing, and clothing?"

She bit her lip and struggled in her heart for a long time before saying, "It really can't be done... You, can you accept a roommate?"

"What are you talking about?" Jiaren was startled and shouted in a low voice, "It's not like you don't know that there are rules in the family that prohibit us brothers from taking concubines.

“Strife between wives and concubines, and disagreement between concubines and concubines, are the source of chaos in the family. I am the eldest son and grandson, how can I not follow the rules and ruin the unity of the family?

"Besides, we have a deep relationship as husband and wife, and you have worked hard to take care of the family in the past few years. How could I hurt your heart just for the sake of convenience! Don't mention this again!"

 Wan'er cried even more urgently, but this time she was moved and happy.

She is not afraid of the hard work or the difficulties and obstacles ahead, as long as her husband treats her sincerely and always sees her efforts in his eyes.

Jiaren looked for a veil, wiped his wife's tears, and said, "It's my fault that I didn't make it clear just now. I planned to let you stay at home while I went to work alone.

“In the autumn, I have established a foothold in Fengshan County. By then the situation in Xindu has been decided. Grandma and aunts will come back, and you can go and reunite with me.

"My sister's caravan travels out all the year round. It's not difficult for Uncle Hei and the others to make one more trip to Fengshan." Wan'er's eyes lit up when she heard this, and her face slowly turned red.

The matter that she had been struggling with for a long time was actually solved by her husband with just a few words. Fortunately, she couldn't sleep these days.

 “I… didn’t know you were planning this, I thought…”

Jiaren couldn't help laughing and responded, "Okay, ask me in advance next time. If you have any difficulties, we will find a solution together. You are my wife, and I will never abandon you and make you sad."

"Okay!" Wan'er rarely took the initiative to hug Jiaren and whispered, "I will quickly send someone to send a letter to my mother. She even mentioned this to me during the last flower viewing party, and she was also so worried that she couldn't eat or sleep well. ”

After saying that, she blushed and hid in a hurry.

Jiaren smiled helplessly, and then went out to the study to have a look, so that his brothers would not have to divide up all the unique books he had finally collected.

Jiayin returned to his room and had no time to spare.

 Although Lao Hei and the others were escorting them all the way, preparations must still be made.

Xindu looks peaceful and prosperous here, but in fact, it is only three or four hundred miles away, and it is a completely different scene.

 The people can only have enough to eat but are not hungry. Life is still difficult. If you want a better life, other than eating more hard, it is a wrong way.

Hide a group of people in the deep mountains and forests and rob a passing convoy. This is a good way to make a fortune, as all children know.

 So, when you go out on a journey, it is the most important thing to bring more life-saving things.

 Fortunately, for the Northern Expedition, Zhengjiazhuang worked day and night to build a lot of weapons.

This time, each of Lao Hei and the others are equipped with a set of hand crossbows and a hundred poisonous arrows, and that's about it.

In addition, medicines for wounds, various pills for treating wind-cold, dysentery, and antipyretic pills, medicinal powders for detoxifying snake venom, preventing miasma, and repelling mosquitoes are also required...

 To make a poor family rich, it does not mean that you should bring more money with you on the road, but also that all kinds of materials should be as abundant and comprehensive as possible.

 After all, at the critical moment, you may be able to save a life...

 So busy, by the time I have some free space, it’s already dinner time.

Jiayin had dinner with her family. She always felt that there was something missing around her. When she remembered it, she asked Shuiling.

 “Have you seen Guard Mu?”

Shui Ling quickly shook her head, "No, did you not come out of the palace?"

Jiayin frowned, but didn’t ask any more questions.

The night gradually deepened, the entire Earl's Mansion became quiet, and almost everyone fell asleep.

Jiayin felt a little sleepy after walking, so he lit a lamp and sat in front of the window to read a travel journal.

 This was recommended by Lu Zong before. It is said that it writes about the landforms and customs of the southwest in great detail.

 She planned to take a closer look and prepare more things for her elder brother.

Halfway through reading a book, there was sudden movement in the yard. Before Jiayin could look in, the window was suddenly pushed open.

 A breath of blood rushed towards my face!

 Two updates will be sent today~~

 (End of this chapter)

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