Chapter 964 Things you don’t know

“Father!” Jiayin hurried over to greet him, shouting, “Why did you come back so early today? Didn’t you go to the military camp?”

The Marquis stepped aside and took off the orange-red glow all over his body. All the hard lines on his face softened and he said with a smile, "I will go on an expedition the day after tomorrow. No matter what, I have to come back and take a look today."

Jiayin's heart skipped a beat, and she suppressed the sudden anxiety in her heart and responded, "Okay, I'll cook some good dishes for my adoptive father to eat later, and the village chief and grandpa are also coming to drink."

The Marquis nodded and walked around the pharmaceutical workshop.

 The girls and boys who were working were very excited, and everyone came forward to salute.

 They are children from Suijintan, and they are very aware of the Marquis's military exploits. It can be said that every battle that the Marquis fights is a bedtime story for them.

 The Marquis is the person they admire the most!

The Marquis smiled gently and encouraged him a few words. After the good news was finished, they went back to the village together.

Mu Jue was waiting outside, leaning on the doorpost, holding a straw stick in his mouth, squinting his eyes to enjoy the sunset.

When the Marquis saw him, he said, "Go home first. Fu Niu'er has me here."

Mu Jue raised his eyebrows, glanced at Jiayin, and turned away with some reluctance.

Mr. Hou smiled clearly and walked slowly on the path with Jiayin.

 The grass on both sides of the path is lush and exudes a faint fragrance.

Birds anxious to return home fluttered their wings and occasionally called out to friends.

 Everything is being prepared for the coming night.

The Marquis didn't hear his daughter's words for a while, so he patted her on the shoulder and asked, "What's the matter? Are you worried about your adoptive father going to war?"

Jiayin nodded, her eyes filled with worry. She pulled a branch and shook it in her hand.

She tried to persuade him a few words, but she knew it would be useless, so she changed her words.

“Father, do you still remember the first time you came to my house?”

"Of course," the Marquis smiled, with a nostalgic look on his face, sighed softly, and rarely opened up his chatterbox.

“At that time, I actually had plans to die. After all, my parents and family members died early, and the only cousin I cared about also became the emperor.

“I dragged my sick body around, planning to bury it wherever I died. But in the end, I ran into your family and this little girl like you.

“Your family is very poor, but lively and warm. You are more like a little fairy boy who fell from the sky. You are cute and full of aura in your eyes. You are loved by the whole family, which makes me very envious.

“I still think that if I am lucky enough to be born into a family like yours in the next life, it will be great.

 “I didn’t expect that you didn’t give me this chance!”

The Marquis smiled widely, with rare joy in the corners of his eyes and brows. He gently rubbed his daughter's hair.

“You came to me every day, put pills in your little fist, exchanged silver coins with me, and then saved my life.

"Of course I felt weird and surprised, but I was even more happy to have survived. So I made a vow. No matter where you come from, whether you are a fairy boy or an ordinary child, since you gave me half of my life, Then all the glory and love in the rest of my life will be given to you.

“So, we have come all the way till now. I am extremely lucky that I came to your house and had a daughter like you!”

Hearing the good news, her heart felt warm and congested. She couldn't help but hold her adoptive father's big hand, feeling the calluses on it from years of holding knives.

“Father, being your daughter is the happiest thing in my life. Others only have one father, but I have two. I am the happiest child in the world.”

“Silly girl!” Mr. Hou shook his daughter’s hand and wanted to let go, but he couldn’t let go. When my daughter is older, she can no longer be as close as she was when she was a child.

 But it was getting dark now and there was no one on the road, so there was no need to avoid suspicion.

 After all, no one can guarantee his safe return from this expedition.

  It is almost fate to go into battle and be wrapped in horse leather.

 He thought for a moment, then held his daughter's hand and continued walking forward.

“Fu Niu’er, I’m sorry that my adoptive father made arrangements without consulting you.

“You should be able to tell that I put Mu Jue by your side specially.

 “ the husband I am looking for for you.

"I am kind to him, so I made an agreement with him. In return, I will let him stay by your side for three years, protect you with his life, and never leave. In this way, you can know more about him, and he will also observe you."

"If you both like each other, you can get married in the future. If you don't like each other, after three years, let him go free, and you can just be friends."

Jiayin had some guesses as to why her adoptive father put Mu Jue beside her, but she just thought that Mu Jue had some mysterious abilities that could keep her safe.

Who would have thought that it was actually raised by her husband!

She stared in shock and then blushed a little. After all, she had never been in love with anyone in her past life.

"Father, is this... too early? I'm only fourteen."

The Marquis shook his head and said seriously, "In some aristocratic families, in order to find a good home for their daughters, they have known each other since they were young, and their character, talents, knowledge, and behavior must all be taken into consideration.

"Our family has a shallow foundation, and the families we often move around, including the two boys from the Liu family and the boys from the Guo family, are not good enough. In the past few years, I have also paid attention to the young people from various families in Xindu, but unfortunately none of them caught my eye. A big family is not suitable for you either. , there are too many rules.

“Fortunately, I met Mu Jue in Jiangbei, so I barely passed the exam.

“Mu Jue was born in a scholarly family, but both his parents died and there were not many people in the family. This meant that he had no family to rely on and no one to restrain him.

“Without a family to rely on, he is alone, so he is easily attracted to the excitement of our family and is eager to blend in.

“There are no constraints from parents or family, which means that if you get married, you won’t be wronged by anyone, and you can even live in Suijintan after you get married, without having to leave.

“Mu Jue was a young man who suffered a serious blow in his family and was ruthless in his actions. However, he was also very smart, and his three years of study was better than that of others in ten years. But he was kind-hearted and disdained the restraints of the world. He hated the rules and ethics the most.

“In this way, he can protect you from now on and won’t ask you to stay in the back house like an ordinary woman. He will accompany you to see the world and do the things you like.

"Even...even if you act a little different from ordinary people sometimes, he will accept it more easily than others."

The Marquis said too much in one breath, and then said slowly, "But these are all the adoptive father's considerations. You have to see for yourself whether he is good or not.

“If you think well, everything will be fine. If you think poorly, he won’t be good no matter how good he is.

"My adoptive father hopes that you will be accompanied by someone who knows your heart and will live a happy life!"

Having heard the good news, tears fell from my eyes.

 In the past two years, her adoptive father has been on war, and she has grown up. There are too many things, so it is inevitable that she will become distant.

Unexpectedly, her adoptive father loved her no less and actually planned so much for her behind the scenes.

 Today’s update is here~~

 (End of this chapter)

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