Chapter 959: Young and ignorant

Jiaren smiled and said, "Oh, Sanjo actually ran back from the palace?"

This winter day, Sanjiu hated the cold outside and spent most of the time hiding in the space, eating, sleeping, and bullying the little green snake.

Occasionally, Jiayin will ask it to do something, and it will be rewarded with dried small fish.

 Fortunately, the good news happened both in the palace and at home.

 So, no one noticed anything was wrong.

Since I couldn’t see it at home, I thought it was left in the palace.

The third princess couldn't find the little fox in the palace, so she thought she had gone home with the good news.

This makes the little fox feel at ease and lazy until now.

Wenwen arrived at the Earl's Mansion just now. He was probably unfamiliar with the place and felt a little cautious.

As soon as the good news came, he took out the little fox and let him play with the two children.

 Sure enough, children all like small animals, especially furry ones like little foxes.

It was lying on the ground, waving its tail from side to side, making the two children jump around and giggle.

 When the baked snacks are delivered to the children, only half of them go into their mouths, and the other half is eaten by them.

Jiaxi and Jiaan haven’t seen the little fox for several years. Jiaxi picked up the little fox and stroked it several times, which made the little fox protest and jump directly onto Jiaan’s shoulder.

Jia'an smiled and rubbed its head, causing the little fox to chirp, the cry full of joy.

Jiayin chased her out of the backyard and saw this scene. She couldn't help but joked, "Brother, you are going to **** my little fox just after you come back! This can't be done. Xiaohong has been coaxed into rebellion by you, and the little fox will Leave it to me."

Everyone laughed when they heard this, but Jia Xi and Jia An couldn't help but blush.

  Xiaohong is the pony that Li Laosi specially found for his daughter when Good News celebrated her birthday.

As a result, Jiayin didn't get to ride a few times at all. He was coaxed by some of their older brothers and rode in turns all day long until he couldn't catch the horse.

Of course the main riders are Jiaxi and Jiaan.

 So after Jiaxi and Jiaan went to sea, Xiaohong lost energy and ate less grass. In the end, he was sent to the military camp and raised with war horses before he recovered.

Now, the two culprits, Jiaxi and Jiaan, are back. Jiayin will complain a few words when caught.

 Jiaxi and Jiaan had just been in front of outsiders, and they were chatting and laughing, and they were able to deal with it easily.

 But when it comes to his sister, all he can do is scratch the back of his head and laugh.

You are young and ignorant, you just want to play.

 Besides, at that time, they were very close to their sister and didn’t think much about it.

Now that I have grown up, and think about it carefully, I did steal my sister’s birthday gift, and it also ruined the feelings of my elders.

“Don’t be angry, sister, we have brought you a lot of good things this time.” Jia Xi quickly flattered her and pulled her sister to look at the cars outside the door.

The car was loaded with boxes of various sizes, each carrying the fishy smell of the sea. One smell would tell you that they had traveled across the ocean and returned.

Jia'an also smiled and said, "There is really a golden horse in the box, inlaid with precious stones, and it is also a clock. It will be delivered to your house in a moment."

Jiayin doesn’t really care about a horse. He is just acting coquettishly with his brothers.

At this moment, she ran forward with a smile, took her brother's arms one by one, and shouted, "My brother is the best! Come on, I've prepared delicious food for you, and the meal will be served soon!"

The three brothers and sister ran away laughing, causing everyone to laugh and follow them. Li Laoer smiled and said, "Our Fu Niu'er is a little money-lover. As long as we have gold, everything will be easy."

“When I was a child, I liked solid gold bracelets, and when I grew up, I also liked gold horses. I don’t know what kind of husband our daughter will find in the future. The poor family can’t afford to support her.” Li Laosi also smiled and agreed, feeling a little worried.

The Marquis was not in a hurry, and responded, "With the dowry prepared by our family, I won't have to worry about living in any family I marry into. Besides, maybe Fu Niu'er will marry under our noses, and no one can watch her suffer." ”

After saying this, everyone entered the main courtyard.

 At noon, Jiayin, Wan'er and others casually dealt with each other, just to wait for everyone to come back for the reunion dinner.

Of course, this so-called dealing with is not really “dealing with”.

Jiayin cooked red dates and millet porridge, steamed shrimp dumplings, and paired them with two fresh side dishes.

 Ai Bei, Wen Wen, mother and son were very satisfied and happy after eating.

Their taste is relatively light, but when they were in Quanzhou, Tao Hongying was afraid that they would not eat well, so every meal was full of fish and meat.

 But if you eat it once or twice, it is fresh, but if you eat it every time, it is a burden.

Aibei secretly drank a lot of fire-reducing soup to avoid getting angry.

 Originally I thought it would still be the same in Xindu.

 Unexpectedly, the first meal after arriving home was so satisfying.

Needless to say, my sister-in-law's attentiveness and thoughtfulness made Abe feel more relaxed.

 At this time, everyone in the family came back, and sumptuous food and wine were put out.

Aibei also knows the rules of Tianwu, and men and women should avoid suspicion, so he opened another table in the room with Wan'er and Jiayin.

 But Wenwen was carried to the main room, where he sat with the elders, eating and listening to the excitement.

 After dinner, Jia Xi and Jia An asked people to carry the boxes and began to distribute gifts to their family members.

 Because Jiaren and Li Geer had just been named on the gold medal list, Jiaxi and Jiaan were very proud and gave their brothers automatic absorbent pens brought back from overseas, as well as gold pocket watches as big as a child's fist.

The other elders in the family, Li Lao Er, Li Lao San and Li Lao Si, as well as Mr. Hou, Mr. Wen and Li Yong, as well as Jia Huan, all have a pocket watch each.

The elderly people in the village didn't need it, but they left an extra piece for Doctor Zhang to make it easier for him to make medicine and tell the time.

Jiayin, of course, also got a piece. She took out the two Duan inkstones she got from shopping and gave them to her eldest brother and sixth brother to celebrate their high school.

Duan inkstone is a good thing, and the annual tribute from the southern state capital is only three to five yuan.

 Brother Li and his sister stayed away and joked, "I thought my sister had forgotten it! I've been looking forward to it, but luckily I'm not disappointed."

Jiayin responded with a smile, "I forgot something, and I can't forget to send congratulatory gifts to my brothers. I dug this out of Uncle Huang's private treasury. For this reason, I bake snacks every day to coax Uncle Huang. Not to mention how hard it is. ”

Brother Li smiled and rubbed her hair, and responded, "Thank you for your hard work, sister. When I go out to be an official in the future, if I have good things, I will buy more for you."

“That’s more or less the same!” Jiayin smiled, showing her small white teeth, and turned to ask Jia’an, “Brother, did you rob Yingji Country’s workshop? How did you get so many pocket watches?”

Jia An smiled with some pride, "We were lucky. We rescued a person as soon as we arrived in Yingji. He was actually the owner of this clock workshop and a Duke of Yingji Country. It was only after his introduction that we met The eagle gathers the king and brings back the envoy.”

  Everyone was surprised when they heard this, but Brother Cat shouted, "Brother An, don't say too much, wait until I write your adventures in a new travel diary from your perspective, and I will give you half of the money after selling it!"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, and Li Laoer even patted his nephew on the shoulder and said, "You kid, you are so mean-spirited. You have imitated your sister."

The Marquis wanted to ask about the military strength of overseas countries, but before he could speak, a young boy came in with Eunuch Feng.

Today’s update is here~

 (End of this chapter)

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