Chapter 952 I don’t accept it!

The chefs of the Lu family were brought over from the southwest border, and their cooking methods are slightly different from the new ones. Almost every dish has some spicy ingredients added, so the taste is naturally much stronger.

 But this kind of dish is also the best to go with rice.

Everyone is of a good age, and they wish they could eat four meals a day and get up to add a plate of snacks.

 At this moment, one person picked up two bowls of rice before slowing down and talking about trivial matters.

After they had eaten and drank enough, the dining table was cleared, the food and drinks were served again, and a pot of good wine was boiled, everyone got down to business.

Jia Ren was the first to ask, "Brother Lu, it's a happy event for you to be the top pick in high school. Why have you been so preoccupied these past two days? We were thinking about it, so we took the liberty to come and ask today. If there is anything we can do to help, just ask. Don’t be polite.”

"Yes, Brother Lu, we have been friends for many years. We are better than real brothers even if they are not real brothers. You are alone in Xindu. If you need help with something, you must tell us." Jia Xu also said it sincerely.

Lu Zong felt warm in his heart and sighed softly. He raised his head and motioned for his bodyguard to go out and guard him. Then he said, "This matter originally had only a few clues. There may be changes. I don't want to tell you because I'm afraid you will be upset. . I didn’t expect that I would make you bother by showing off!”

"What happened?" Jia Xu was a little anxious.

Lu Zong was born into a noble family and was an only son. If there was any trouble, it could not come from his family. It could not be caused by Xindu.

Sure enough, Lu Zong raised his hand to refill their drinks and said, "I'm a prodigy, so I got it wrong!"

 Is it wrong?

Jiaren and others were all puzzled when they heard this. They took part in the palace examination together, and the examination papers were sealed in the hall and reviewed by the emperor and important ministers. How could there be an error in the final ranking?

Could it be that under such circumstances, Lu Zong still found an opportunity to cheat?

Lu Zong guessed what they were thinking, waved his hands with a wry smile, and said carefully, "It's not what you think, it's... the emperor gave me the honor of being the top flower for some reasons. With my ability, I'm afraid I can only be on the second list. "

 Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but they also became more and more curious.

 This is a talent selection for the country that happens every few years. What was the reason that made the emperor personally open the back door for Lu Zong?

"Brother Lu, since you have said this, can you explain in detail what is going on? Did something happen in the southwest, and the emperor wanted to appease your family, so he raised your ranking?" Jiaren thought more, When you open your mouth, look for reasons from your family.

Lu Zong shook his head. The depression in his heart could no longer be suppressed, so he drank it all.

“It’s not because of our family, it’s the emperor who is choosing a husband for the third princess!

“When the rankings were released, I suddenly won the third prize. I was just surprised, thinking that my article was lucky enough to catch the eye of the emperor.

"But I happened to meet the princess present, and while we were chatting, I mentioned that I saw a corner of a blue skirt behind the screen during the imperial examination that day. I guessed that the princess was thinking about us and went over to take a peek.

“The princess said that the third princess was also present. I felt something was wrong at that time!

 “As a prostitute, I’m afraid that the emperor intends to… promote me!”

There were not many words, but the amount of information was really too much, and it also involved good news, which made both Jiaren and Brother Li frown.

Jiaren thought for a while and asked, "Brother Lu, are you overthinking this matter? Although the third princess is a few years older than Fu Niu'er, she is still a girl with a playful and lively nature. She went over to take a peek. It’s reasonable, you don’t necessarily want to choose a husband for yourself, right?”

Lu Zong smiled bitterly. He had comforted himself in this way countless times, but the facts prevented him from pretending to be confused.

"Our family also has a few good people in Xindu. On the day the results were released, I ordered to go and find out. The emperor indeed intends to choose a consort for the third princess!"

"I also hope that I am overthinking this matter. I am waiting for a few days to see if the emperor will summon me to the palace. If I do, I am afraid that this matter will be close to the same."

 Everyone didn’t know what to say. Although they had learned some social skills from their elders, they mainly focused on studying. Suddenly faced with such a thing, they couldn’t help but feel a little confused and confused. Jia Xu cheered up and said jokingly, "Brother Lu, don't worry. It's not a bad thing if you become the consort. After all, the third princess is still favored. If she marries into your Lu family, your family won't have to worry about the emperor's suspicion.

  "You will be married so that both the emperor and your family can feel at ease."

Lu Zong drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, as if to quench the anxiety in his heart, and responded in a low voice, "I'm afraid everyone will think so. If the family needs me, I will naturally be willing to marry the princess, even if I don't have any love.

“But I have studied hard for ten years, and if I get the second place, I will be well-deserved and feel at ease.

“Now just because I was chosen as the consort and occupied the position of the third flower, everyone will think that I stole the high position because of the royal favor, which directly wiped out all my hard work and efforts.

 “I...don’t accept it!”

Everyone sighed when they heard this, and felt equally uncomfortable.

They all know that Lu Zong is right. As soon as the news of Lu Zong being selected as the consort comes out, he will immediately become a being despised by all scholars.

 No one cares whether he is really talented or not...

At this time, it was Brother Li who spoke, "Brother Lu, whether this is true or not, do you want to send a letter to your family? If your family doesn't agree, they will naturally find a way."

Lu Zong knew that this was to comfort him. After all, no matter what he thought, his family would not disagree.

The Lu family is a king with a different surname, and what worries him most is the emperor's fear and suspicion.

For so many years, the Lu family had worked diligently and loyally to guard the border, and they took the initiative to send his only son to the new capital just to appease the emperor.

 Now, he married the princess and became the emperor's son-in-law. Later, he gave birth to a child and took over the southwest border. The emperor felt more at ease and the Lu family had no worries.

 As long as the safety of the whole family is in danger, his honor, disgrace, and preferences are not important at all!

Jiaren signaled his brother to stop talking, raised his hand to pour wine for Lu Zong, and advised, "This matter is beyond our control. Now we can only wait and see what happens and let nature take its course."

Jia Xu also nodded, raised his glass and touched it with Lu Zong, smiling bitterly, "It doesn't matter what happens tomorrow, just have fun today!"

Jiaren and Brother Li also raised their glasses. The four of them drank the wine and changed the topic in a tacit understanding. They talked about going back to the academy together tomorrow to send gifts to thank their teachers...

 The night was deep outside the window, and the warm spring breeze was blowing everywhere, shaking the branches that had just sprouted buds wildly, adding a little bit of vividness to the quiet world...

 Two days passed in a flash. When she got up in the morning, Jiayin was busy changing her clothes and getting ready to leave the palace and go home.

The family must have been very busy these days. Not only do we have to celebrate the eldest brother and sixth brother's high school, but the fleet from the south is about to arrive.

Sister-in-law Wan'er is the only one doing all the work, so I really don't feel at ease with the good news.

 (End of this chapter)

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