Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 950: A bad hand of cards leads to flowers!

 Chapter 950 A bad hand of cards makes a good show!

 When the dust settled, the number one scholar came out of the Li family.

Such a great joyous event, of course, requires a big celebration.

Tianwu's literary style flourished, and everyone was proud of reading.

If you promote promotion and make a fortune and celebrate it, it will be easy for people to criticize you.

But the court and the people would probably find it strange that the top scholar in high school didn't celebrate in a big way!

Such a great event that honors the ancestors, no matter how you organize it, it won’t be too ostentatious!

Everyone in the Li family was busy having a celebratory drink.

Even at Broken Gold Beach, people were killing pigs and slaughtering sheep, and they were so busy that they started to smoke.

Jiaren is the eldest son of the Earl's Mansion, so the wedding banquet will naturally be held in the Earl's Mansion.

Li Laoer, a father, was almost smiling crookedly as he welcomed and sent off guests and entertained congratulatory guests.

 Liu Zhiheng, Master Xing, and Mr. Peng all came early to help.

Even the Marquis is sitting in the mansion, chatting with the guests.

On the other side of the village, Li Laosan and Li Laosi entertained the folks from the four villages.

Compared with the guests in the city who have to pay attention to etiquette and thoughtfulness, the folks in the village are too simple. A big bowl of meat and a big bowl of wine are enough to keep everyone satisfied and happy.

Jiayin had been helping her sister-in-law for most of the day. When she saw the sun setting on the top of the western mountain, she wanted to rush back to Suijintan to have a look.

 At this time, Mr. Wen finally came back after a long journey.

Perhaps it was the incompetent brothers in the family who almost ruined the career of his proud disciple, making Mr. Wen blame himself too much.

 In just a few days, Mr. Wen lost a lot of weight, and there were more wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

 Fortunately, he breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Jiaren was the top scorer in high school, otherwise he might never have the face to see the Li family again.

 It's fine if others don't know. As a teacher, he knows all too well how much hard work Jiaren has put in for this day.

Because this child is missing **** on his right hand, he has to practice the handwriting of his left hand all over again. He also has to study hard like others, and the effort he puts in is almost double.

Moreover, the Li family had a low starting point. Compared with those students from scholarly families, Jiaren was born with less accumulation than others.

  It can be said that this kid played a bad hand that was obvious to everyone!

Jiaren felt sorry for the teacher. Seeing that the teacher was so haggard, he quickly stepped forward to salute, and then personally helped the teacher go inside.

"Teacher, you have worked **** this trip. I was thinking about you at first, and I was afraid that I would not be able to catch up with the excitement at home. Fortunately, you are back now. Wash up and change your clothes quickly. Everyone in the family is waiting for you to drink."

Mr. Wen felt warm after hearing this and patted his arm gently without saying much.

By this time, the foreigners had already left, leaving only my family and familiar relatives and friends.

 Because Mrs. Wen took her children and followed Mrs. Li and others to Quanzhou.

 So, Mr. Wen often comes back to stay with Li Laoer on weekdays.

The Li family also put away his clothes, shoes and socks. The house even brought him two sets of clothes for seasonal changes a few days ago.

Now, I picked out a brand new set of sapphire-colored gowns and asked Chang Sui Wen Hai to take care of Mr. Wen's washing and dressing.

Mr. Wen appeared in the hall again, finally changing his appearance and looking less haggard.

Everyone called him to sit down, but he first bowed to Li Laoer and others to apologize.

The incident in the examination room happened suddenly. He was anxious and angry, so he escorted his family members away.

 After that, Jiaren took the exam. As a teacher, he couldn't sit in and give advice and help. He felt really guilty.

The Li family has no complaints about Mr. Wen at all. They met him on the road to escape from the desert and have devoted themselves to teaching Jiaren for so many years. It can be said that he has fulfilled half of his father's responsibilities. The Li family is only grateful, how could they forget the years of friendship just because of a trivial matter?

Li Laoer quickly supported him and sat down.

Jiaren and Brother Li even knelt down and kowtowed, thanking Mr. Wen for his teaching.

 For a while, everyone cleared up all their misunderstandings and knots.

Wan'er hurriedly took the maid and mother-in-law to the banquet again. Everyone accompanied Mr. Wen and ate a few small bites. Needless to say, it was joyful and lively.

Seeing this, Jiayin was relieved and returned to Broken Gold Beach before the city gate closed.

As usual, Mu Jue drove the carriage, Ye Shan accompanied him, Shui Ling and Shui Yun waited on him, and the family was not worried about the safety of the good news.

 In the village, the big stove is still steaming, and the aroma of butchered vegetables wafts far away.

The village chief, Uncle Zhao and others accompanied the respectable men from each village, their faces turned red as they drank.

Seeing the good news coming back, without the village chief's instructions, the people in the new village stepped forward to talk, forming two human walls without leaving a trace, keeping the folks from each village out.

This is for fear that someone will be drunk and do something ugly and spoil the good news.

Jiayin also knew the good intentions of everyone, so he joked with them for a few words and then went into the backyard.

Li Laosan and Li Laosi both drank too much and were already lying on the kang and fast asleep.

 Fortunately, Li Yong remained awake and was drinking sobering tea, waiting for the folks outside to disperse.

Li Yong was relieved after hearing the good news and went to bed after chatting for a few words.

 That night, at the third watch, everyone dispersed.

Since they had to watch Jiaren, the top scholar, parade through the streets on the second day, the village chief and others also went to bed quickly.

The village, which had been noisy all day, finally calmed down...

 Early on the next morning, the Li family gathered around the dining table to eat. Li Laosan hesitated and said to Jiayin, "Fu Niu'er, do you have any better corn seeds or potatoes?

“Jiaren and Brother Li are both well-known in the gang, which is a great joy.

“I asked some friends who have business dealings, and they said that when wealthy families in the city encounter this problem, they usually go to the temple to add money for sesame oil, or to give up porridge and medicine.

“But after thinking about it, neither of these are suitable for our family. Spring sowing is about to begin now. If we can save some good seeds, the villagers will be happy and they can get more food in the autumn.”

Jiayin didn’t expect that the silent third uncle could come up with such a good idea.

It can be seen that in the past few years of being in charge of the college cafeteria, San Bo has grown a lot and is no longer the taciturn farmer he used to be.

She quickly responded with a smile, "Okay, Third Uncle, this is a good idea. I have good seeds here, which can yield at least 10% more grain than ordinary seeds. Third Uncle, I will see how much is needed, and I will prepare some."

Li Laosi also patted his brother on the shoulder and said with a smile, "The third brother is still thoughtful, I don't have the patience to think about this."

"You are the one who wants to do big things. Just kill more barbarians and take back our hometown as soon as possible. I am the most useless in our family. I can just take care of such small things." Li Laosan said it sincerely, and there was no trace of it. Jealous brother means.

Li Laosi glared and immediately retorted, "What did the third brother say? Without you and the second brother at home, how can the eldest brother and I have the intention to walk around outside."

Li Laosan smiled naively and said nothing more.

 Everyone discussed it and decided to give out 20,000 kilograms of seeds, with a limit of ten kilograms for each farmer who wanted to ask for it.

Ten kilograms of corn seeds are enough to plant two acres of land. In autumn, 10% more grain will be at least three to four hundred kilograms, enough to feed two people.

Jiayin naturally gave her full support. Before she had nothing to do, she planted several crops of corn in the space, and now she has accumulated hundreds of thousands of kilograms.

If you weren’t worried about being too eye-catching, let alone 20,000 jins, it wouldn’t be difficult even if it was 200,000 jins.

 Today’s update is here~~

 (End of this chapter)

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