Chapter 943: On the list

The third princess held half a bowl of rice in her hand. She poked her chopsticks on the plate, but she didn't take a bite. She stared at the door and kept sighing.

Shuiyun simply stood at the door, paying attention to what was going on in the yard.

The eldest maid didn't want her master to go hungry, so she whispered, "Princess, the princess always keeps her word. She said she would be right when she came back tonight. You eat first, and you must be full before you feel energetic." Stay up late and wait for the princess."

The third princess simply threw away her job and said angrily, "I know that too, but I just miss her. It's already dark, why haven't you come back yet? Did you get caught up in something? I should have known better that I wouldn't have let her go back!" "

Shuiyun was anxious when she heard this at the door. Except for the Chinese New Year, she and Shui Ling had never been away from their master for such a long time.

This time, the master sneaked out. In order to hide it from others, she and Shui Ling were left behind.

To sum up, they were even more anxious and angry than the third princess.

At this time, a cheer suddenly sounded in the yard, and then Shui Ling led the good news to the door.

Jiayin smiled and waved to a few people, and asked, "One day is like three autumns after not seeing each other. We haven't seen each other for six years. Have you missed me?"

“Woo,” Shui Yun hugged his master with red eyes, “Of course I have, Miss must take us with her next time she goes out.”

The third princess also rushed forward and hugged the good news. She didn’t know whether she was happy or angry. She jumped on her feet and shouted, "You still know how to come back. It's already dark, so you're not afraid of losing it!"

Jiayin was choked and couldn't breathe, so she quickly surrendered, "I was wrong, I was wrong! I will never run away again, please let me go!"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh and pulled her into the house.

Jiayin had eaten at home, but seeing that the third princess had not eaten, he washed his hands, sat at the table and ate a few more bites with her.

She didn’t bring any basket, so it was difficult to take out fruits, vegetables and the like, but small things were relatively easy.

Jiayin used her bag to cover herself and took out two bottles of beef hot sauce from the space. She smiled and said, "Here, try the hot sauce I made at home. For these two bottles of hot sauce, one of my cows 'accidentally' fell to death."

The third princess picked up a pair of chopsticks. The toughness of beef, the spiciness of chili peppers, mixed with sesame seeds, minced garlic, etc., and the fried oily and salty aroma made her immediately appetite stimulating, and she took a few bites of rice.

 “Wow, it’s delicious, it’s so delicious!”

 The eldest maid immediately replaced the master's rice with a new bowl.

Jiayin saw that there were no outsiders, so he invited Shui Ling and Shui Yun to sit down and eat together.

Shui Ling and Shui Yun hesitated. The third princess took another spoonful of meat sauce and said, "We have eaten together so many times. Why are you so polite?"

After saying that, she called to the eldest palace maid, "Caiyun, you also eat together. How can I finish all the dishes with so many dishes?"

Caiyun was so shocked that she quickly waved her hands, refusing to give up.

Shui Ling and Shui Yun sat down and ate together.

 After all, they often ate with their master in Broken Gold Beach.

 They are slaves, but more often than not they are playmates and sisters of their master.

Caiyun retreated behind, helping to serve rice and soup from time to time. I was very envious...

Not to mention the joy of the reunion of the ladies in the palace, just that the examination papers for the big exam were sealed and sent for unrolling, which became a highly anticipated event in the entire new capital.

 Three days are like a year in the eyes of the candidates and their families.

 Finally, it was time to post the results today, and the gate of Gongyuan was so crowded.

Li Laosi got stuck because of something, but Li Yong came back. He brought a few boys, Zheng Yi and Zheng Liu, and came over early to occupy the place, but they were still blocked by the black crowd of people.

Li Yong rolled up his sleeves and rushed in with the boys. He squeezed out many people's hats and shoes, but they finally got a place at the front.

Soon, some officers came out to post the list, and some people even went to various houses to announce the good news and make a little fortune.

 As a result, there was a huge crowd in front of the door, and the officers were blocked.

 Fortunately, they were also experienced and shouted at the top of their lungs.

 If people don’t move the place, they won’t post the list!

 In an instant, there was a large empty space in front of the wall of Gongyuan. The officers then proudly stepped forward, applied paste, and posted the list in one go.

 Li Yong saw Jiaren’s name ranked second on the top list at first glance!

Zheng Yi was so happy that Zheng Liu and Li Yong joined hands and threw Zheng Yi up.

Zheng stepped on the wall and ran out. He jumped over the crowd and rushed directly to his carriage. He shouted loudly, "Young Master, you are number two on the list, number two!"

Li Laoer, Li Laosan, Jiaren, Li Geer, Lu Zong, and Jia Xu all stood together, looking around with their feet raised.

Suddenly hearing the good news, everyone was excited.

 “Second? Okay, great!” Li Laoer happily patted his son on the shoulder, choked with excitement, and thought about what to say, but everything was stuck in his throat.

The Li family is a family with two titles, but both are awarded by the emperor.

Although they have actually found high-yield grain for Tianwu and solved the problem of food and clothing for the people, some people often say that the Li family is a sycophant and that the title was obtained incorrectly.

Now everything is fine. My son relied on his own ability and got a serious academic title.

Let’s see who dares to speak out in the future!

Li Laosan, Jia Huan and Brother Li also gathered around, and Tong Jiaren happily said congratulations.

Jiaren was still a little disappointed. After all, he was rushing to be the first.

 But it has to be said that hearing about his sister’s accident in the examination room still disturbed his mind and made him perform worse.

It’s already pretty good to get second place now.

Moreover, he will have to take the palace examination later. When the time comes, he will take the exam under the emperor's nose. No one will dare to do anything wrong. He might even be able to get the first place!

Thinking like this, he also saw smiling faces and started laughing with everyone.

Soon, Li Yong, Zheng Liu and others saw the entire list and squeezed out in a panic.

Li Yong held a shoe in his hand and his bun was loose, but he didn't care and said, "Brother Li is the 58th on the second list! Mr. Lu is the 59th on the second list! Mr. Jia No. 21 on the third list!”

 Brother Li jumped three feet high with joy, going crazy with joy.

 From the time he took the scholar examination, he planned to accompany his elder brother.

Unexpectedly, I was so lucky that I actually followed my brother and passed the exam!

Lu Zong is also smiling. His family is full of military commanders. He is the best in fighting and cannot study well.

He is now on the list, and he is considered to be outstanding and has a glorious family.

Only Jia Xu looked bad. He had to say that he was ill in the end, which delayed his exam.

 Otherwise, given his level, he should be on the second list.

Jiaren and Lu Zong saw this and persuaded them one after another.

"As long as you can get on the list, there will be the palace examination soon. Take good care of yourself and study hard when the time comes."

“Yes, being on the list this time is just a pass. It doesn’t matter how many places you rank.”

Jia Xu felt a little ashamed when he heard this. To his friends, it seemed that he was narrow-minded.

He quickly cheered up and said, "Okay, let's compete in the palace examination again and win the top spot when the time comes!"

“That’s right! You’re listless, and it’s not like you anymore!” Lu Zong punched his friend.

I have something to do today, so the update is late. I will try my best to be on time in the future!

 (End of this chapter)

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