Chapter 941: Examination is physical work!

Seeing Jiaxi's family and Jia'an boarding the big boat and rushing to their hometown, not to mention Mrs. Li, even Tao Hongying and Zhao Yuru had red eyes.

Mrs. Wen also sighed softly, while Huiniang and Wenjuan raised their feet and looked around.

Only Sister-in-law Liu is okay. Her eldest son has just married his daughter-in-law, and her younger son is also with her. There is only one old man in the house, so she doesn't care about it.

Color held her grandma's arm and comforted her softly, "Grandma, don't worry about it. Let the fourth and fifth brothers go first. We will go back in autumn.

“When the time comes, I will go back with my grandma to see our hot spring valley in Suijintan and taste the sweetest jade melon in the world.”

"Okay, okay, that's our family's own territory. When the time comes, the jade melons will be enough, and you can eat as much as you want." Mrs. Li cheered up and smiled after being coaxed by her granddaughter-in-law.

Linlang was born a businessman, smart and eloquent. She then smiled and said, "Grandma Li, Broken Gold Beach is our family's territory. We will know the details when we go for a walk later.

“But now you are in Quanzhou, our territory!

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to our in-law’s restaurant! You, too, should try my chef’s skills. Although the cooking is not as exquisite as our restaurant’s, when it comes to preparing seafood, it’s also very good here!”

Sister-in-law Liu echoed and said, "Yes, Auntie, let's go out and follow Linlang to have a meal before going home.

“You don’t know, I’ve wanted to try her restaurant for a long time. Unfortunately, my wife is stingy and won’t take me there. I’ll use your help to satisfy my craving today.”

Linlang quickly hugged her mother-in-law's arm and said angrily, "Mom, you have wronged me. It was you who always said that you would go with Grandma Li and the aunts, otherwise you would be alone."

"Haha, okay, okay, it's my mother who has wronged you. Don't you think that your married daughter is throwing water away? How can she go back to her family's restaurant to take advantage of it!" Sister-in-law Liu and her daughter-in-law sang in harmony, and they had a tacit understanding.

Like a thief, Linlang glanced to the side and whispered, "Mom, you also talked about the daughter who got married, and the water was thrown away. I am not a member of the in-laws anymore, so of course I can't control that much. I will take advantage of it." ah!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

The Yue family loves their daughter Linlang very much. In the past few days since her wedding, the Yue family has sent people to deliver things almost every day, just to see if their daughter is doing well.

There is no way to throw away the daughter as water, she is obviously a treasure in the palm of your hand.

 Linlang said this purely to make everyone happy.

Everyone did not disappoint her. They got on the carriage and opened the windows all the way to Yue's restaurant with the wind blowing. They ate seafood, looked at the street scene, and chatted. It was quite lively.

This time, Jiayi and Liu Yang stayed behind to fight due to the sudden attack of Japanese pirates, and did not go to Beijing with the envoys.

Li Zhensheng was not worried about the women at home, so he wanted to stay in Quanzhou and only arrange capable stewards along with the ship.

 It’s Brother Cat, who wants to go home and have a look.

Li Zhensheng was helpless and told him to come back with the fleet later, and then he was released...

The boat trip was hard, but the wind and water were smooth and there was no talking all the way.

 Here in Xindu, the sun rises and the moon sets, and in the blink of an eye it’s six or seven days again, and the big exam is finally over.

 In the past few days, the gate of Gongyuan was relatively quiet, but in the last few days it was as lively as a boiling pot of boiling water.

 Because, older candidates or those with weak health are constantly being carried out.

There are people who are unwilling to give up. After years of hard work, everything is ruined in one day. They are still crying and struggling on the stretcher to go back. Unfortunately, their faces are like gold paper and half of their lives are gone. Even if they want to continue taking the exam, the examiner will not allow it.

It would be very unlucky if he died in Gongyuan.

Some candidates accidentally caught a cold at night, their faces turned red due to fever, and they fell unconscious. They sought a doctor as soon as they went out.

There is never a shortage of people watching the excitement in Xindu. Even if there are no candidates at home, everyone will come and block the alleyway of Gongyuan, looking around with their feet raised and talking about it.

“This year’s candidates are really miserable. I heard that there are more than 100 candidates.”

"Yes, yes, I remember that time a few years ago, I carried more than seventy people, and this will soon double." "You have to endure hardships to become a master. Studying is not an easy task, but in the end I still managed to do it." Compete for strength."

“Who says it’s not the case? These old scholars are so pitiful.”

"What a pity! As long as I pass the exam, I will definitely be an official in the future. This year, the Marquis will regain Jiangbei. There are so many prefectures waiting to be renovated. I don't know how many officials are needed. In the past, we still had to wait for official positions. , It’s not needed now.”

"Yes, so as long as you are on the list, you will be sitting on the official chair with half your butt!"

Everyone is envious and jealous, but more importantly, they are thinking about supervising their son's studies after returning home.

Maybe there will be a time to honor our ancestors in the future!

So, that night, the children of each family were caught in front of their elders to take a test on their homework, and then had a hearty meal of Jie Chi fried pork!

 Of course, this is all for later.

  The door of the Gongyuan opened for the last time as all the candidates left.

Even the burliest and healthiest candidates still look bad and have weak legs after nine days of suffering.

 Jiaren and Brother Li, as well as Jia Xu and Lu Zong were walking among the crowd.

Jiaren and Brother Li exercise every day, so apart from being a little haggard, they look fine.

 Lu Zong came from a family of military generals, so he was certainly not bad at all.

Only Jia Xu's feet were fluttering and his face was red. He also caught the wind and cold, but it was not serious, so he persisted in passing the exam.

 He was supported by Jiaren and Lu Zong, and the examination basket was also held in brother Li's hand.

As soon as the few people left the alley, Li Laosan, Li Laosi, Jia Huan and others surrounded them. Without saying a word, they walked away one by one, carrying them on their backs.

After getting out of the crowd, they rushed all the way to a quiet street, where four carriages were parked.

The stewards of the Lu family and the Jia family are waiting anxiously.

It’s not that they don’t want to go in to pick up people, it’s just that they can’t squeeze in.

 Fortunately, the Li family had Li Laosi, who rushed to the front with a charging attitude.

Seeing that Jia Xu was not in good condition, Master Jia and Master Jia had no time to say anything, so they quickly took Jia Xu over, thanked everyone, and rushed home to treat Jia Xu.

 At this time, the carriage door opened and two girls jumped out. They were Jiayin and Baozhu.

 Bao Zhu was thinking about his brother, so he hurriedly said hello to Jiayin and then followed his family members and got into his carriage again.

 It was good news, he was surrounded by surprised Jiaren, Brother Li, and Lu Zong.

“Sister, how have you been these past few days, are you okay?”

Although the family has made it clear, they still haven’t seen their sister. Jiaren and Brother Li are both worried about her.

Now that I see my sister in person, I naturally have to ask a few more questions.

Lu Zong didn't say anything, but he carefully looked at Jiayin from head to toe and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiayin pinched her fat face and said with a smile to her brothers, "Brother, I'm not good. I've gained several pounds and I can't even fit into my original skirt!"

 Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard this, and Jiaren even raised his hand to rub his sister's hair, feeling completely relieved.

Li Laosan stood outside, smiling honestly. He happened to see Lu Zong’s expression clearly and frowned...

 (End of this chapter)

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