Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 933: Relatives running in both directions

Chapter 933 Relatives running in both directions

 After the wedding banquet was over, the guests and hosts were enjoying themselves. At least most of the guests walked out of Li's house half drunk.

Jiayi and Liu Yang were kicked back to their new house early and were taken care of by their new wives.

Everyone in the Li family is very busy, but fortunately, the maid, mother-in-law and others have enough people.

Placing away the remnants of mats, tidying up the yard, and cleaning everywhere, all were clearly divided into tasks, and it hardly took an hour to complete.

  Grandma Li is getting older, so she is accompanied by Zhao Yuru to rest.

Tao Hongying is in charge of the housekeeper, and there is a lot of chaos, and no one can get in the way.

Wenjuan, Huiniang and Mrs. Wen also took the children down to sleep.

As for the men, they have long been snoring to sober up.

 This night, except for the two newlyweds, everything was quiet...

 As an elder, you feel at ease that you have accomplished a great thing and fulfilled your responsibilities.

 The young couples started a new life...

 Early on the second day, everyone in the Li family got up a little late.

Because they had sent news to the two young couples early, Hualu and Linlang were persuaded by their respective husbands and did not cause the embarrassing incident of waiting under the eaves early. Instead, they followed the locals, slept a little longer, washed themselves, and dressed neatly before arriving. Greetings from the courtyard.

The Li family, young and old, were all present, and they served tea one by one. The elders received greeting gifts, and the new daughter-in-law also gave needles and thread as gifts in return. Everything was in a happy mood.

Although Linlang entered the Li family, she was the daughter-in-law of the Liu family.

 So, she prepared a complete set of clothes for her serious mother-in-law, as did her several-year-old brother-in-law.

As for everyone in the Li family, she was only slightly worse, and they were considered to be well-mannered.

 Color, on the contrary, prepared thoughtful gifts for Sister-in-law Liu, Huiniang, Mrs. Wen and others, but the rest of the Li family did their best.

Of course, after she paid for her dowry, she didn’t have enough money to prepare any other valuable things.

 But she went into the sea countless times, risked drowning, and fished for sea goods, such as corals and pearls, and she fulfilled this purpose for herself.

What she presented to Mrs. Li was a hat she had embroidered by herself, with a few black pearls as big as peanuts dropped on it.

The ones given to Tao Hongying and Zhao Yuru were also pearl bracelets. They were milky white pearls, round and shiny, and could definitely be worn.

Wenjuan and Aibei, as well as Wan'er who was not present, all have a pair of coral earrings.

Even the children received some rare shells and trinkets, and were made to smile.

Old Mrs. Li was happy and distressed when she saw it. She took the strong granddaughter-in-law and made it clear to everyone.

"Everyone must love the child Huan more in the future. You don't know that I originally gave the money from my father-in-law to Jiayi and asked him to use it to buy a dowry for Huan in advance.

“But the child refused to take it, so she secretly went to the sea and earned money to buy things. She also made these gifts by collecting raw materials and sending them to the jewelry store to make them.

“No matter whether it is a good thing or not, no matter how much it is worth, we all must cherish this kindness!”

“This child is so courageous!” Tao Hongying was shocked. She had gone to the beach and watched the divers go into the sea. When they came ashore, their faces were sullen and livid. They died at the bottom of the sea by accident.

Zhao Yuru was also very distressed. She took Coral's hand and told her, "We can't do this again! You didn't come in before and didn't know the rules of our house. Be polite and we won't say anything. But it will never happen in the future. There is nothing in our house." Life is important!

"As long as you live a good life with Jiayi, you can give us the best gift in return."

Mrs. Wen and Hui Niang also felt that the things were hot to their hands, and they all started to persuade them.

 Coral was still worried at first. After all, she was an orphan marrying into such a big family.

But now when I saw that everyone was complaining, but they really felt sorry for her, I couldn't help but blush and nodded repeatedly.

Finally, she held a jewelry box to the old lady with both hands, "Grandma, this is a meeting gift I prepared for my sister. Please help me put it away. When I see my sister, I will pass it to her." "There is also a set of pearl jewelry in it." , not expensive, hope my sister likes it. "

"I like it, I definitely like it!" Mrs. Li quickly accepted it without even looking at it, comforting the coral, "You will know when you meet Fu Niuer in the future, she is the best sister-in-law in the world. If I knew you were like this, only Better for you!"

As I was talking, suddenly a boy came running outside the door to report the news.

“Old madam, sir, our fleet is back! A lot of things have been transported to Broken Gold Beach!”

Everyone stood up in joy!

"Oh, it's really who you say it is! Just when I was talking about Fu Niu'er, Fu Niu'er was sent to my sister-in-law for her wedding!" Mrs. Li shouted over and over again, "I don't know what's going on at home. Come on, who came with the boat?"

Of course Li Zhensheng was also concerned about it, and he quickly responded, "Mom, don't worry, take your family for dinner first. I'm going to go to the pier and be back soon."

 Jiayi and Liu Yang, as well as Jiaxi, Jiaan, and Mao Geer, of course couldn't hold themselves back and got up and followed the uncle away.

 For a while, only the old and young women and children were left at home, preparing for the meal, half-full while thinking about it...

 In the days since Jiaxi’s son returned to the Li family, what he likes most is eating.

 He was a little surprised when he saw that everyone had little to eat, but he did not stop talking.

 It was still the crescent moon and stars that helped my younger brother "popularize science".

“Brother, keep some food in your belly, my aunt will definitely bring us delicious food.”

“Yes, it’s delicious. My aunt’s place has the most delicious food.”

The fat boy didn’t understand. He was a little reluctant to part with the Xiao Long Bao in his hand. He didn’t understand what his brother and sister said was delicious. Is it more delicious than Xiao Long Bao?

With everyone's eager anticipation, at three o'clock in the morning, carloads of boxes and cages had been transported back from the dock.

There is nothing more joyful than opening a gift in this world.

Especially a group of homesick women who received things sent from their families thousands of miles away.

Of course, before this, everyone did not forget to read family letters.

Mrs. Wen and Huiniang received a thick envelope, and even Sister-in-law Liu received three or four pages.

 The ones with the most letters are of course the Li family, with more than a dozen letters.

As soon as I heard the good news, I wrote a letter to my grandma, my mother, my brothers, and my sisters-in-law. I even didn’t forget my little nephew Xingxing.

 In addition to those written by Li Laoer, written by Jiaren, written by Wan'er, written by Brother Li...

It was even written by the village chief, and the old and young women in the village put it together one by one...

 In short, the lively book-reading activity lasted for half an hour.

 This can fully let Aibei and Coral see the affinity and cohesion of their in-laws’ family!

Mrs. Li was relieved after knowing the current situation of her family, especially her granddaughter who was "killing people everywhere". She didn't feel aggrieved at all.

Hence, she also remembered to take care of her two new grandson-in-laws, quickly received the letter, and kept it for the evening to read slowly, and then called on everyone to distribute the gifts.

  Good news is always generous, especially this time with a new sister-in-law.

  She had sent almost all the good materials and all kinds of good things that she had robbed in the "palace", everyone had a share, and she even prepared some for gifts at home.

Mrs. Li did a rough calculation and found that these things amounted to two thousand taels.

 Fortunately, they had previously organized specialties from here to be sent back to Xindu, so their granddaughter did not suffer any loss.

 (End of this chapter)

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