Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 930: friendship fighting side by side

Chapter 930: Friendship fighting side by side

The emperor nodded and said with a smile, "You are well-informed. It is indeed your brothers who are back."

"That's great!" Jiayin responded with great joy, "Before, some people from Quanzhou brought a kind of small beans called coffee from overseas. They roasted and ground them into powder and brewed them with hot water. It can refresh your mind. brain.

“When my brothers went to sea, I asked them to bring back some more. When they arrived in Xindu, I figured it out and I would give Uncle Huang a taste.

“If it really refreshes your mind, your uncle won’t have to stay up late to review the memorial.”

The emperor felt very happy when he heard the good news.

It's really not in vain to hurt this girl!

 “Okay, uncle Huang is waiting for your filial piety.” The emperor happily agreed.

A few people said a few more words, and the Marquis was about to leave the palace.

Jiayin also hurriedly said goodbye and sent his adoptive father on his way.

On the way, no outsiders were present, and the Marquis briefly talked about Quanzhou.

Jiayin immediately realized the risk and asked in a low voice, "Father, if my brother marries the Golden Buddha Queen, will it have any impact on the family?"

The Marquis patted her on the shoulder and comforted her softly, "Don't worry, I will gather with your second uncle, Mr. Wen and others tonight. The Queen of the Golden Buddha, being the wife of a Tianwu official is an honor for Tianwu.

“Both the emperor and the officials, as well as the people of Tianwu, will be happy.”

Jiayin understood and knew that the family was prepared to use public opinion to set the tone of the matter and not give anyone a chance to provoke.

"Okay, I understand, adoptive father." Jiayin has no other choice, and this is the best response for the time being.

Soon, when we reached a fork in the road, the Marquis left the palace after giving a few instructions.

Jiayin also took Shuiling back to Zhilan Palace. As soon as she entered the door, she saw the third princess waiting anxiously.

“Jiayin, did something happen at home? Why did you run away in such a hurry just now?”

Jiayin is heartwarming. The friendship between the two of them because of "fighting" side by side during this period is still very solid.

 She took the three princesses to the side hall to have dinner together, and talked about family matters along the way.

The third princess was so happy that she kept shouting, "If your brother brings back anything good from overseas, you can't forget me!"

“Don’t worry, I’ll leave you a share of the good things!” Jiayin put aside her worries and started laughing with her.

 Compared to some troubles, the safety of my brothers is naturally the most important.

As long as brothers return safely, the rest can be solved slowly...

 Early on the second day, after dinner, Jiayin took Shuiling and Shuiyun and left the palace early.

Possibly guessing that she was coming back, Wan'er hugged Yuanyuan and waited in front of the second door early.

As soon as she saw her sister-in-law, she quickly greeted her: "My sister is back!"

“Sister-in-law, it’s still a bit cold in the morning. Why are you holding your nephew here to enjoy the wind? Come in quickly!”

Jiayin took the heavy little nephew and gave him a big kiss on his fat face, making him giggle.

Wan'er also laughed and said in a low voice, "Your brothers are all in the study. Hurry up and change your clothes and go over to take a look. I heard that the fourth and fifth brothers came back safely. Everyone was so excited that they didn't close their eyes for half the night."

"Okay, sister-in-law. The day before yesterday, I got a pair of emerald begonia flowers. They are just right for my sister-in-law at her age. After a while, my sister-in-law put them away and put them on when she sent my eldest brother to take the exam. He was very happy and got a good one. A sign." Jiayin hugged her nephew and walked in with her sister-in-law.

Wan'er felt happy and guilty after hearing this. Sister-in-laws always send jewelry and fabrics to their sisters-in-law. Thank God for coaxing the sisters-in-law into not causing trouble.

When she came here, her sister-in-law was sensible and well-behaved. She never made things difficult for her. She also gave her fabrics and jewelry every now and then, and they were all good things from the palace. She always felt that their roles were reversed, and her sister-in-law blushed.

Fortunately, she was not completely unprepared. She simply put away the jewelry and said, "Okay, sister-in-law, I will listen to you. I had nothing to do the past few days, so my sister-in-law made two pairs of shoes, which are the most popular shoes in the city. Take a pair of beads and tassel shoes with you when you return to the palace, and give the third princess a pair."

"Thank you, sister-in-law," Jiayin smiled brightly and complained to her sister-in-law, "Sister-in-law is so nice. The third princess is so squeamish. If she sees that I have new shoes but she doesn't, she will be angry if she keeps them!"

Wan'er also smiled, "The third princess's temper may seem bad, but it's actually just her little daughter who is coquettish. Fortunately, she treats you well."

The aunt and sister-in-law went to the backyard while talking. Soon, Jiayin changed into a comfortable and beautiful homely dress, and then went to the study room in the front yard.

 Because he returned to his home, Mu Jue no longer had to hide in the dark, he showed up directly and joined in the fun.

 In the study, not only Jiaren and Brother Li were present, but also Lu Zong, Jia Xu and Guo Wenhao.

It has been a long time since we saw good news, so everyone naturally got close to each other and asked how good news was in the palace.

  Good news cannot be said that she and the Queen Mother fought like black-eyed chickens every day, and almost drove the Queen Mother crazy.

So, she picked a few interesting things to tell, and everyone laughed a few times.

The waiter served hot tea and snacks again, and Jiayin asked Shuiling to bring a basket.

 The basket contains five tin boxes, each of which is only the size of a palm and is very delicate.

Jiayin opened one, let everyone take a look, and said with a smile, "In a few days, brothers will have their exams. I can't do much to help, I can only think about some food."

“This box contains milk tea powder, take it with you. After entering the venue, if you feel hungry or sleepy, just take two spoons and make a cup with hot water. Keep it and you will be full of thoughts.”

Lu Zong and Jia Xu had drank milk tea, and when they heard this, they were both extremely happy.

Lu Zong thanked her profusely, "Thank you, Princess Princess, this is a good thing. The weather is still a bit cold now, but with hot milk tea, we are not afraid of the cold anymore."

“Yes, with the milk tea from the princess sister, if we don’t get into the top spot, we won’t be able to see anyone.” Jia Xu also smiled and said thanks.

Jiayin distributed the box to several people and said with a smile, "Brothers, just relax and do your best. Luck favors those who work hard, and brothers will definitely be on the gold list."

 “I would like to borrow the good words from my sister, the princess.”

 “Thank you, Princess Princess!”

 Everyone thanked them and took their own box, including Jiaren and Brother Li.

At that time, Guo Wenhao was a little hesitant. He had just passed the scholar examination and was not able to finish the exam yet.

So, he said: "Princess, I will not take the exam this time. This milk tea powder..."

“Brother Wenhao, just take it, it’s just some fresh food. It doesn’t matter whether you take the exam or not.” Jiayin smiled and comforted him.

 It would be better to leave a whole village without leaving a single person behind.

Guo Wenhao originally had a sensitive and quiet temper, and Jiayin didn't want to make him feel inferior and heartbroken over such a trivial matter.

Sure enough, Guo Wenhao smiled widely and held the iron box tightly with his hands under his sleeves.

 Everyone chatted a few more words, and Lu Zong and others knew that the Li brothers and sisters would definitely discuss the matter in Quanzhou, so they left quickly.

 After sending them away, brother Li took his sister and talked.

“Sister, the fourth brother and the fifth brother are back! Last night, the Marquis said that the fourth brother also married a queen and gave birth to nephews!”

 (End of this chapter)

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