Chapter 928 Adding makeup

Now a woman sitting on the throne suddenly appears, Te Li. How can we not make everyone curious and envious?

Ai Bei's Tianwu dialect is not very proficient, but he is very good at observing people's words and has a good temperament. It is not difficult to communicate with everyone at once.

Similarly, the two girls, Huanhuan and Linlang, were not left out. Mrs. Wen accompanied them to talk about small daily things, and they also smiled like flowers from time to time...

 The days of happy gatherings always fly by quickly, and in a blink of an eye it is the day before Jiayi and Liu Yang are to get married.

 According to the rules, this is the day when the woman’s relatives and friends help add makeup.

Naturally, there are friends on the Yue family and friends on the outer contest of Yue members to come to the show. It is very lively.

 Surprisingly, the small courtyard where Coral stayed temporarily was not deserted.

Doctor Sun has been in the military camp for many years, and the number of people who have been treated and saved by his hands is not only not 10,000, but also several thousand.

Now that he has adopted his adopted daughter, his son-in-law is still Li Jiayi.

Some people who were truly grateful to him came with their wives and daughters to show their kindness to the coral.

Of course, I am also speculative, thinking that a good relationship with General Li's wife in the future will be repaid in the future.

Even the women who worked together with Coral in the wounded barracks got together and bought a pair of gold-plated hairpins and sent them to her.

It's just that because of the huge status difference between them and the guests, they are very restrained.

Color did not neglect them, and specially invited Sister-in-law Mi to entertain them. The snacks served were all egg tarts from Baiyunjian.

The women were flattered. They thought that if Coral married high, he would not pay attention to them, friends in need, but they did not expect to be treated with such courtesy.

Of course, they were still reluctant to eat the egg tarts they were given, and still had to wrap them up in handkerchiefs and give them to their children.

 The excuse is ready, take it back and make the children happy too.

 At this time, another distinguished guest was led to the backyard.

 It was none other than Miss Wenyu from the Tang family.

Color was also surprised and greeted her with a smile, "Miss Wenyu, why are you here? If you have anything to do, just ask grandma to run over."

"How can it be done?" Tang Wenyu put on a curtain hat, smiled and lifted the gauze, revealing a face as white as the full moon, and replied, "Sister Hualan is getting married, how can I not come to add makeup!"

After saying that, she added, "I have already been to Sister Linlang's place just now. Sister Coral, don't be upset. Sister Linlang's place is really close to our home."

"How could it be!" Linlang took her hand and sat down, smiling, "I'm very happy if you can come."

Tang Wenyu took a box from the maid's hand and gave it to Hualu, "Sister, it's better if you don't say I'm partial.

“I was shopping earlier and saw two sets of red gold headscarves that were very delicate, so I bought them both. Today I have just one set for you and sister Linlang. I wish you a happy marriage with flowers blooming together!”

 Additional dowry is a wish, and the bride who is about to get married rarely refuses it for the sake of good luck.

What's more, Tang Wenyu has a good temperament, and Hualu also likes to socialize with her.

 So, Coral happily took it and thanked her sincerely, which made Tang Wenyu narrow his eyes with a smile.

The sisters-in-law who worked in the military camp were all surprised when they heard that Tang Wenyu was the granddaughter of General Tang. They couldn't help but take a second look.

Tang Wenyu was not embarrassed and nodded to them generously.

After saying a few more words, she refused the meal left by the coral and went back with the maid.

The sisters-in-law who worked in the military camp only dared to talk after they saw her leaving the house.

“Oh, General Tang’s granddaughter is so beautiful, and she is dignified and polite.”

“Yes, she is not like those young ladies from rich families who wish their eyes would grow to their foreheads!”

“Such a good girl, don’t you know if she’s engaged?”

"Even if you don't have an engagement, what else can you do? Such a noble girl will definitely marry into a wealthy family." Hualu came back from seeing off the guests. Hearing this, Hualu couldn't help but smile.

 If nothing else happens, Tang Wenyu will definitely be her sister-in-law from now on.

 After all, ordinary women like such a good girl, and the Li family will also like it...

Sure enough, in the evening, after dinner, the Li family sat together and chatted.

Tang Wenyu added makeup to Linlang and Huanhu, and was told by Granny Chang who went to Hualu's place to help.

Mrs. Li became more and more satisfied and asked Tao Hongying, "Hongying, what do you think of this girl?"

Tao Hongying actually thinks it is good, but she has been with the old lady all the time and has a daughter who is different. She has not learned anything else and can still do it by fully respecting the children's opinions.

So, she nodded and said, "I think it's okay. I've seen it a few times and found that this girl is not a house disturber.

"But we still need to ask Jia'an about this. After all, she is his first wife who will live with him for the rest of his life. He must like her."

Hearing this, everyone looked forward to home.

Jia'an couldn't help but blush, coughed twice, and responded generously, "Miss Wenyu is gentle and generous, I think she can get along well with my mother and sister.

“It’s just that she is from the Tang family. Is it feasible for our family to marry into the Tang family? I don’t know the pros and cons?”

Old Mrs. Li felt that there was no harm in doing it, otherwise she would not have intentionally brought her grandson and Tang Wenyu together, but at this moment, to be cautious, she still asked her eldest son.

 “Zhensheng, what do you think?”

Li Zhensheng has thought about it carefully many times in the past few days. Due to the large number of people in the room, it was difficult to explain clearly, so he responded, "Mom, I also think there is no harm in marrying with the Tang family.

“After all, Jiayi and Liu Yang will have to take root in the Hailan Army in the future, Jiaxi will often travel between Jinfo Kingdom and Tianwu, and Quanzhou is also a must-stop place.

“The Tang family will become our in-laws in the future, so they will naturally take more care of our family.

“Furthermore, it would be best if the Marquis and Lao Si disbanded their troops and returned to their fields, and came to stay for a few years to stay away from the disputes in the new capital.”

 Everyone nodded and felt more relieved.

Mrs. Li then patted Jia An on the back and said with a smile, "Boy, let your uncle write a letter to Mr. Marquis and your second uncle in the next few days. If they think it's okay, grandma will propose marriage to you. "

 The tips of Jia'an's ears were a little red, but he still nodded.

If there is good news here, you must shout and protest on behalf of your brother.

After all, the eldest brother and Wan'er fell in love at first sight, the second brother and Wenjuan fell in love with each other, and even Jiaxi and Aibei shared weal and woe.

Jia'an settled on the Tang girl so easily, it was too fast no matter what.

But here in Tianwu, marriage has always been the order of the parents. According to the words of the matchmaker, how many people only see their lifelong partner on the day of marriage.

 It is very rare for Jia An to have met Tang Wenyu in person, to have a clear understanding of his character and temperament, and to be favored by the elders of both parties...

 In the Xindu Imperial Palace, lanterns have been hung up in various palaces.

In the side hall of Zhilan Palace, because biscuits had just been baked during the day, there was still a faint sweet smell lingering in the courtyard.

The little maids and eunuchs who were doing chores were busy fetching water while talking about the jam-filled biscuits they shared during the day, all with joy.

 Ever since Princess Kangle moved here, Zhilan Palace has been too lively.

The lives of these low-level slaves have also become easier, they are no longer beaten or scolded, and occasionally they can take advantage of Princess Kangle's idea of ​​something new.

At this time, Shui Ling hurriedly ran in from outside and accidentally kicked down the bucket in the hand of the little palace maid. She had no time to speak and rushed directly into the bedroom...

 (End of this chapter)

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