Chapter 921 Breaking news

"Go, go, bring An Ge'er back as soon as possible. The days are still long, so don't rush to say anything." Old Mrs. Li let him go happily, as long as her grandson was safe and sound.

Li Zhensheng immediately took his son and nephews to the study room in the outer courtyard.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Zhensheng said: "Brother Xi, please tell us carefully what happened when you went to sea and what news you brought back. Don't miss anything. I want to make arrangements in advance and be prepared."

 Reporting good news but not bad news is something that almost all the children of the Li family who are away from home are good at.

Needless to say, the process of going to sea will never be as easy as Brother Xi just said.

Jiaxi knew that he couldn’t hide it, and he couldn’t hide it.

So he started from the beginning in detail.

“When we went out to sea for a month, the fleet was separated due to a storm, and Angor’s and I’s ship ran aground on a large island.

“The master of the Foreign Affairs Department and I were seriously injured, and the ship also needed major repairs, so we stayed there.

“During this period, we established diplomatic relations with small local countries and received a lot of help. Unfortunately, the master eventually passed away due to serious illness, and we received the credentials, seal, envoy’s staff and the like.

 “My that…”

At this point, he blushed slightly, coughed twice and said, "Well, I got to know the princess of this small country and got married..."

“What, you’re married?!” Li Zhensheng, Jiayi and others all shouted in surprise.

Jiayi patted his younger brother's shoulder hard, dumbfounded, "You boy, you are so good! This speed is too fast!"

Brother Cat jumped over like a monkey and asked, "Brother, tell me quickly, what does your sister-in-law look like? Is she like those people on the street, with yellow hair and blue eyes?"

Since Jia Xi has talked about it, he simply has to explain everything.

"No, my wife's name is Aibe, but her complexion is darker, her eyes are big and her nose is high, she doesn't have blond hair and blue eyes. She is in the fleet. You will see her when she comes back in a few days."

"I got married at that time, and An Geer and I took the people to continue sailing. When we returned some time ago, we went to pick up Abe, and we found out that she had given birth to a son for me. Moreover, the old king passed away, and she became the new queen. .

"This time she handed over the government affairs to her younger brother and brought her children with me. Firstly, she went back to her husband's house with me, and secondly, she went to visit our Tianwu..."

 After he finished speaking, no one responded for a while, and the air in the room seemed to freeze.

After a long while, the cat brother jumped up and directly grabbed his brother, shouting excitedly.

 “Brother, you actually married the queen! The queen!”

Jiayi and Liu Yang also stepped forward and patted Jiaxi on the back vigorously.

Jiayi laughed and said: "You kid, you are really making a fortune in silence! If you want a wife, just marry a wife, and you actually married a queen! You are... simply shocking!"

Liu Yang also echoed, "If you encounter a storm, you will definitely die. Not only did you escape with your life, you also married a queen! Your luck is incredible!"

Jiaxi scratched the back of his head, feeling proud and modest, "I don't know what's going on, hehe, that's it anyway!"

Li Zhensheng slapped the boys away, pulled Jia Xi to sit down again, and asked: "Brother Xi, after your wife comes back with you, will she go back to her country in the future? If the government is abandoned like this, will her brother? Will he usurp the throne?

“Also, are you getting married outside and marrying a foreign woman to find a way out for your family?”

Hearing this, Jiayi, Liu Yang, and Brother Mao all sat down, their expressions becoming more solemn.

 Ginger is old and spicy!

Jiaxi was not surprised. The uncle guessed his and An Geer's plan right away!

“Uncle, Abe and I did get married because we liked each other. But going to sea is dangerous. When An Geer and I decided to continue our journey, we were afraid that she would suffer hardship with me, so after discussing with her, we left her behind.

“At that time, I also planned to use Abe’s country as a supply station, so that I could safely stop when I came back. But I didn’t expect that Abe would give birth to my child and become the queen.

"His younger brother is only eight years old. He was brought up by Abe since he was a child. He has a good relationship. He likes painting and reading and does not like politics. So for the time being, there is no possibility of usurping power. "I have discussed it with An Geer. , if my family allows me, I can live in her country with Abe and my children in the future.

“Her country can also be our family’s last resort, and it’s not difficult to even transit there and go to a country further out on the sea.

“Of course, it would be better if this escape route is not used at home.

“In the future, it will not be difficult for us to come back and move around after being separated by a month’s sea route.”

Li Zhensheng sighed inwardly, feeling happy and distressed at the same time.

 The children in the family have really grown up. Almost all of them have seen the dangers and shortcomings behind the current prosperity of the family. They are doing their best to add wings to the family and looking for a last resort.

“Okay, uncle understands.” Li Zhensheng nodded, thought for a while and asked, “Are there any envoys from other countries in your fleet?”

"Yes, uncle." Jia Xi responded, "We have visited seven or eight countries in the past three years, and envoys from almost every country have followed us to visit our Tianwu.

“But these envoys almost all have low titles in their countries. Even if there is danger at sea, there will be no loss to their country.

“If we have to talk about status, of course, the one with the highest status is Aibe, the queen.”

Li Zhensheng nodded repeatedly, "If Aibei and the child come back to recognize their ancestors, it will naturally be our Li family's business.

“But now that she is visiting as a queen, and envoys from other countries, she has to report to the court.

“The Marquis is about to send troops to regain Jiangbei, and the entire Tianwu army is full of fighting spirit. At this time, if all nations come to congratulate him, the emperor and the court will definitely welcome it.

“In a moment, I will take you and Jiayi to see General Tang of the Hailan Army and ask him to send a warship to meet the envoy fleet, and also ask him to write the memorial to be reported.

"But I will write a letter to the Marquis privately to explain the matter between you and the Queen, and then the Marquis will tell the Emperor. In this way, after you arrive in Kyoto, others will lose the opportunity even if they want to provoke you."

"Okay, uncle, just make arrangements, we will listen to him." Jia Xi responded quickly.

 No matter how much he and Jia'an learned at sea, they were only able to face natural risks.

 When it comes to guessing people’s opinions, it’s still a long way to go.

Now that you are home, it is wisest to listen to your elders in everything.

Li Jiayi patted his younger brother on the shoulder and said with a smile, "You came back in time, I will get married in a few days.

"You are here in Quanzhou, you have to repair it for half a month, just in time to drink the wedding wine before returning to Xindu."

Li Zhensheng thought of this and quickly told the boys, "When the time comes, if your grandma wants to follow the fleet back to Xindu, you must help me persuade her to stay.

“This year the Marquis will regain Jiangbei. Once successful, the situation in the new capital and the court will inevitably change greatly. No one can say for sure.

 They are here in Quanzhou, and everyone in the family is relieved. When something does happen, there is no need to be afraid of being caught. "

 Everyone nodded.

Jiaxi remembered something and suddenly said: "Uncle, I have a ready-made reason."

 “What’s the reason?” Li Zhensheng asked curiously.

 Two more updates~

 (End of this chapter)

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