Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 897: People who are poor are ambitious

 Chapter 897 A poor man has great ambitions

Xia Qing hurriedly greeted the women, "Sisters-in-law, thank you for your help. I am the eldest maid of the Li family. My name is Xia Qing. Sisters-in-law, if you are not busy, can you sit with me for a while?

“I brought some snacks baked at home, let’s talk and get to know each other.

“Perhaps we will have a chance to meet again in the future.”

 She wore a pea green shirt and pleated skirt today, with a silver hairpin in her hair and an exquisite silver bracelet on her wrist.

 While talking and laughing like this, there is no arrogance at all, but a bit more intimacy and kindness.

The women looked at each other and started to think about asking Xia Qing about the Li family.

So they invited Xia Qing to sit under a tree not far away.

There is shade here, it is not so hot, and you can still see the movement of the small tent. If the masters give orders, Xia Qing can go there at any time to serve.

As soon as Xia Qing sat down, she opened a small straw basket in her hand.

 The basket was lined with white cotton cloth and contained more than twenty shortbread cookies and a bag of candied peanuts.

 This was originally brought by Tao Hongying to give to Liu Yang and Jiayi.

The two boys were not at home last night. Mrs. Li was worried that they had not eaten well in the morning and wanted to give them some food.

Xia Qing took charge now and distributed the shortbread to the women.

The women were a little reserved at first, but when one of them was stuffed with two shortbread cookies, their faces turned red.

This shortbread is really good, one is as big as a woman's fist, baked golden and crispy, layer by layer, with a oily color. Sniff it carefully, it is fragrant and sweet.

A woman asked: "Where did you buy this shortbread? Why is it better than the ones sold at Liu Ji's shop near our house?"

Xia Qing smiled proudly and said: "This is baked by our family. The ingredients are much more abundant than those in the shop, and of course it is more delicious and affordable.

“And this is the simplest kind of snack. Our family also has a snack shop called Baiyunjian, and the snacks there are called Kit Kat. Everything is extremely delicious.

“Sisters-in-law can go and cheer for me when they have the opportunity, but my sisters-in-law like it more.”

 “In the white clouds?” The fat lady held the shortbread in a handkerchief and carefully stuffed it into her arms, preparing to take it back to the child.

 She suddenly heard Xia Qing talking about Bai Yunjian, and she shouted excitedly, "I know, I know!"

“My sister-in-law’s cousin’s brother-in-law works as a waiter in Baiyunjian. I heard that the snacks sold there are specially for the nobles, and they are so expensive that they make people vomit blood.

“We don’t even want to go to cheer for you, but we don’t even dare to come in!”

Everyone heard about it and nodded in the same way.

Xia Qing opened the bag of candied peanuts again and gave them to the women to sweeten their mouths. "The snacks sold in our shop are indeed a bit expensive, but we are genuine and we are honest!"

“And in Xindu, even the emperor sent people to the shop every now and then to buy snacks.

“When our young master came here, the old lady was worried that he wouldn’t be able to eat the snacks at home, so she opened the shop here.”

Everyone was envious after hearing this. They ate the sweet candied peanuts and started chatting.

What happened to Mrs. Li's family? Do you want to marry a coral girl to make a second room for General Li?

The one who asked how much property the Li family has in Xindu, is it extremely rich?

Xia Qing responded to those who could answer a few words, and changed the topic with a smile to those who couldn't. He asked about the situation in the wounded barracks, the life experience of Coral Girl, and her daily hobbies.

Not to mention the lively joking outside, but in the small tent, Tao Hongying and Mrs. Wen were sitting on two simple chairs, looking around calmly.

 The tent was very small, except for a simple wooden bed, tables and chairs, and only a small stove and some simple pots and buckets placed in the corner.

 The tables, chairs and wooden beds were very old, but the thin bedding on the bed was extremely clean.

The original blue background has even turned slightly white.

It can be seen that the quilt was folded temporarily, but it was laid out smoothly without any wrinkles.

All this fully explains a sentence, a poor family is not lazy, clean and tidy! Tao Hongying and Mrs. Wen looked at each other with a bit of satisfaction in their eyes.

Especially Tao Hongying, who couldn't help but nodded slightly.

 Because whether she was in her natal family or married into the Li family, no matter how difficult her life was, she would still keep the house clean.

 This is not pretentious, this is the attitude towards life!

Girl Coral was busy boiling water to make tea, and she didn’t forget to find a handkerchief to cover her mouth and nose.

 When she was about to pour tea for Tao Hongying and Mrs. Wen, she explained in a hoarse voice, "I'm sorry, madam, but the little girl has caught the cold and occasionally coughs.

“I hope you two will feel uncomfortable wearing this hijab.”

"Miss Huanhu is so polite, but we feel sorry for you. You are sick, but you can't have a good rest because of our visit." Tao Hongying quickly motioned to Huanhu to sit down.

 It’s a pity that there is no third chair in the room.

 Coral sat on the edge of the bed, her legs crossed on the right side, and her hands clasped together, very politely.

Mrs. Wen asked: "Miss Coral has such good etiquette. She must have learned it since she was a child."

A hint of sadness flashed in Coral's eyes, "Thank you madam for the compliment. My mother comes from a scholarly family. She has been strict with me since I was a child. When I was seven years old, I hired a nanny to teach me the rules."

Mrs. Wen quickly said: "I'm sorry, girl, I shouldn't have made you sad."

“No, Madam, you are exaggerating.” Coral shook her head, and the sorrow in her eyebrows was replaced by determination, “My parents and family are all deceased, this is a fact.

“I have avenged them, and I no longer have any obsession in my heart.

“It’s just...I can’t help but miss it when I hear it mentioned, and I can’t help but feel a little sad.”

Tao Hongying felt even more fond of hearing her speak so cheerfully.

She thought for a while and then asked: "Girl Coral, I am Li Jiayi's fourth aunt.

“Although Jiayi was not born to me, our children have been raised together since they were young, and Jiayi’s mother passed away early, so I can shamelessly say that I am half his mother.

“Years ago, when Jiayi returned to Xindu, he told us about you. It happened that there was nothing to do in the winter, so we waited on our old lady, Jiayi’s grandma, and came over for a walk together.

"I should have come to see you years ago, but there were always people coming and going at home, and I really couldn't take care of it. The delay lasted until today, so I came to visit you. I hope you don't mind."

 Girl Coral didn't know what she thought of, and her face slowly turned pale again.

She took a deep breath, looked up at Tao Hongying and Mrs. Wen, and said word by word: "Don't worry, Fourth Madam, please go back and tell the old Madam.

 “The little girl was grateful to General Li for saving her life and was lucky enough to survive.

“In the future, the little girl will definitely repay this kindness and will never threaten or entangle General Li with it.

“Young lady, you keep what you say. If the fourth lady doesn’t believe it, you can find someone to testify, or even write it down in black and white!”

Tao Hongying was stunned for a moment, then quickly waved her hand and said: "Girl Coral, you misunderstood! Our family does not have any ill will towards you.

“In the beginning, our family’s family justice saved you, but he also said that you also saved him.

“Even if he fell into the water in the end and embarrassed you, it was also his mistake.

“In the final analysis, you are a woman who has suffered the most and suffered the most in this matter.

“Our family feels very guilty, and we want to help you within our ability, both as a thank you and as compensation!”

 (End of this chapter)

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