Chapter 885 Your identity is not simple!

“What’s going on? The Wang family is going to be finished too?”

“Didn’t the second master of the Wang family say he was an upright official and had outstanding political achievements, so he was transferred back to Xindu? How could he still commit crimes?”

"Buying an official position and selling an official position is a serious crime! If it is found out, it will be difficult for the Wang family to stand up."

“I’m afraid there is no need to investigate. If there is no solid evidence, the emperor will not raid the Wang family...”

 “Didn’t you say you haven’t copied it yet?”

“What’s the difference? Xintinghou took the initiative to ask for inspection, how could the emperor refuse?!”

“The Marquis of Xinting has always been in charge of the Northern Expedition and has not participated in government affairs. Why is he so proactive this time?”

"Why are you so stupid? The Wang family has a dispute with the Li family. I don't know why the Marquis hates the Wang family. If I seize the opportunity this time, of course the Wang family will not be able to stand up!"

Everyone was coming and going, talking so enthusiastically that they inevitably forgot where they were and got the Li family involved.

Someone noticed that they had strayed in the wrong direction, and quickly coughed twice and advised: "Ahem! Just say a few words. If there is no trace, we are all just guessing."

 But in the backyard, there is no need to worry about such good news.

 She wanted to talk to someone, but no one in the family was there, so she could only mutter a few words to herself.

“I’m afraid my adoptive father started making arrangements for such a big thing two months ago, otherwise the host would not be able to come to Beijing in time.”

Not wanting to, Mu Jue sat at the door, flipping through a half-worn book in his hand, and replied casually: "It's not two months, it's two years!"

 Two years?

Jiayin’s eyes immediately lit up.

 She took two tangerines from the fruit basket, threw one to Mu Jue, and then turned on the gossip mode.

"Brother Mu, do you know the inside story? Tell me, I promise not to tell anyone else."

Mu Jue took the orange, tossed it in his hand a few times, and took the opportunity to make some conditions.

“I am really involved in this matter, and no one knows it better than me.

 “But it’s just one orange and I can’t get enough of it!”

 “Say, what do you want to eat?” Jiayin was straightforward and willing to place a big bet.

 “Braised pork, white rice!” Mu Jue smiled narrowly and added, “It is specially made for me and cannot be shared with anyone else.”

Jiayin couldn’t help but laugh.

Mu Jue is now living with Zheng Yi and the others. It is probably because of some small quarrel in private, otherwise Mu Jue cannot add the last sentence.

But it wasn’t difficult. She immediately responded, “Don’t worry, I’ll make it for you tonight. Just tell me!”

Mu Jue took two bites of the orange and then said: "Two years ago, the Marquis planned to uproot the Wang family.

“But the old fox of the Wang family was too cunning and protected the family so well that he couldn’t find any problems for a while.

“So, the Marquis transferred Zheng Yi and Zheng San to the south to secretly find out the details of Wang Laoer.

“Wang Laoer is indeed more cunning, but the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so he is bolder. In the end, Zheng Yi and others found out about buying and selling officials.

“This spring, Mr. Hou temporarily borrowed Ye Tong, Steward Ye, to sit in charge, and I also went to help. The more I checked for clues, the more I learned.

“It just so happened that Wang Laoer’s term of office was up. He returned to Xindu and was busy scheming against the Wu family and you. He couldn’t take care of his hometown, so it would be more convenient for us.

“Finally, we caught him and exposed his accomplices in Xindu.

“The Marquis and the Emperor discussed it and decided to cut off the Wang family directly without waiting until the end of the year.

“That accomplice also had his arm broken, so he had to walk in front of people to avoid making hidden moves from behind, which would make him unable to defend himself.”

Mu Jue’s words were simple and casual, but the amount of information was too much.

After listening to the good news for a long time, he finally came to his senses, but then he asked: "Brother Mu, I'm afraid your identity is not simple, right?

“After all, my second uncle and the others may not know such a secret thing, but my adoptive father actually didn’t hide it from you.

"Why were you put next to me by my adoptive father?" Mu Jue paused while playing with the dagger, raising his eyebrows and smiling mischievously, "You are indeed as smart as the Marquis said, but it's a pity that I can't tell you now. reason.

"But I don't have any ill will towards you, you can treat me as...well, as a friend or brother.

“As I said before, when I am by your side, I will protect you. Anyone who wants to hurt you must step on my body first!”

 At this point, his expression was full of solemnity.

Jiayin felt like there were a few kittens catching her, and she became even more curious.

But she also knew that she couldn't ask now, so she could just forget about it...

 Perhaps the customers at noon were very satisfied with their meal, and the hot pot restaurant’s business was better in the evening.

Especially at dusk, large swaths of snowflakes floated in the sky, and rows of red lanterns were lit under the eaves, dyeing the snowflakes orange.

Sitting in the private room on the second floor, surrounding a hot hot pot, cooking meat, drinking wine, and enjoying the snow, it is a rare pleasure.

 At once it attracted numerous guests to compose impromptu poems.

 Don't worry about the good guys, just shouting out under the influence of wine, you feel that you are quite heroic!

Jiayin sat in the backyard and watched until the moon was in the sky. When he felt a little sleepy, the Marquis and his second uncle arrived.

 The second uncle wants to stay here and help with the situation.

The Marquis sent good news back to the Earl's Mansion.

The good news on the road was that of Mu Jue, which made the Marquis laugh and Mu Jue rolled his eyes...

 On the three days since the hot pot restaurant opened, it has single-handedly taken away one-third of the business of all restaurants.

  It’s Cyclamen, it’s rare for me to have a little leisure time these days.

Of course, my colleagues were gnashing their teeth in anger, wishing they could burn the hotpot restaurant to the ground with the anger in their eyes.

 It’s a pity that they dare not…

Even if I think about it secretly, I have to cover my ears, for fear that the voice in my head will spread out and be heard by others.

There is no other reason. The hot pot restaurant is the business of Princess Kangle, and the person standing behind Princess Kangle is Xintinghou!

In the past few days, the marquis first sealed the door of the Wang family, then found out the secret passages and secret rooms of the Wang family, killed the Wang family's dead soldiers, and successively arrested the Wang family's kinsmen and minions.

The **** storm that started in Xindu made everyone unable to help but shrink their necks and pretend to be quail when they heard his name.

 There are rumors in private that the Marquis is taking revenge on the princess.

 But no one knows what the hatred is about!

  Whether this rumor is true or not, who dares to touch the princess's business at this time? I'm afraid that the door of the house will be kicked open in the next moment, and everyone, old and young, will be dragged to the market entrance...

Jiayin didn’t know that he had been promoted to the person in Kyoto who could not offend the most.

That day in the backyard of the fruit and vegetable shop, she had nothing to do. It was really boring, so she changed into men's clothes and planned to walk around the streets to feel the New Year atmosphere.

Shui Ling and Shui Yun also dressed up as servants and changed their coats and trousers, which was novel and uncomfortable.

 The two of them followed their master, and no matter how much they reminded themselves to hold their heads high, they always seemed a little distracted.

Mu Jue, on the other hand, walked behind the three masters and servants, helpless and funny.

This dress up is worse than no dress up at all. Anyone who is not blind can tell that they are girls, which makes them more eye-catching...

Jiayin doesn’t care about this, it doesn’t matter if others see it, she can just be happy.

As a result, as soon as they walked out of the back door, they saw a young boy pulling an old woman at the back door of the restaurant next door.

Suddenly seeing his master coming out, the boy was so frightened that he took a few steps back.

 The silver lock fell from the old woman's hand.

The young man was afraid that his master would misunderstand him, so he quickly said: "Master, this person must see you. The young master has ordered that no strangers can be brought to you.

"If I don't agree, she will give me money..."

 (End of this chapter)

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