Chapter 880 Obligatory Responsibility

The village chief was happy for the women in the second village and was the first to speak: "Fu Niu'er is so awesome, this business is indeed very profitable!"

 Others also echoed.

“Yes, it is indeed suitable for women who take care of their children and do housework at home.”

“We have all eaten bean sprouts, but we never thought of starting this business and making such huge profits!”

"This is still in Xindu. If we sell them in other places, wouldn't it be difficult to earn a thousand taels a month?"

Jiayin laughed happily, pulled the sleeves of the Marquis in a flattering manner, and whispered: "Father, do you want a thousand catties left in the military camp every day?

 “I can make the decision and make it cheaper for you.”

The Marquis was so funny that he pulled her to sit down and gave her a piece of dried fried saury. "No need to discount, one thousand jin per day, give her three days to try."

“If the soldiers are willing to eat, they can add more.

“The winter menu is single, and the soldiers are really complaining. If you can make some improvements, I will credit you with it.”

"Haha, great!" Jiayin couldn't help but clapped her hands happily, and quickly turned to her second uncle, "Second uncle, do you have any manpower in your relief department? You can wholesale bean sprouts from the second village, and sell them from door to door on the street, and make a profit. Easy!"

"Okay, I'm just worried about not having any work in the winter." Li Laoer smiled and agreed, "Let's settle it now, and we'll discuss it in detail later."

With a few words, the bean sprout workshop in Ercun was ready to be opened, and the sales channels and market were determined.

The good news was extremely satisfying, and he quickly persuaded everyone to eat the food. He was so attentive that everyone laughed.

 Early on the next morning, Li Laoer and others went into the city, and those who were on errands were doing errands, and the house became quiet again.

After Jiayin had eaten, he went straight to the second village, took Xiaocui and others to soak beans, and taught them how to grow bean sprouts.

Even Aunt Wu was invited to provide on-site guidance.

 She is a veteran and has more practical experience!

Xiao Cui and the others never expected that the princess would find them a good job after just one night, which was quick, convenient and profitable.

 They wished they could treat the princess as their ancestor.

Jiayin stated in advance that she would not participate in dividing the money, but she had two requirements for everyone.

 First, be sure to keep an eye on the workshop and don’t give anyone a chance to do bad things.

 After all, it is something for the entrance, and it has to be sent to the military camp. If something happens, no one can afford it.

 The second one is to take the boys from the Qi family with us.

 The boy from the Qi family was the child whose father died in the war and whose mother took the pension money and ran away, leaving her behind.

He was only eight or nine years old. During this period, he lived with his five or six-year-old sister. He learned to cook, wash and chop wood to burn the kang.

 Everyone in Xincun and Ercun saw him, and everyone was willing to help such a good boy.

The work of growing bean sprouts is not heavy, it just requires carefulness. A boy of eight or nine years old can do half of the work, so he is competent enough.

From now on, it doesn’t cost much. Qi Xiaozi’s two taels of silver each month is enough for him and his sister to live a better life.

Of course Xiaocui and others agreed.

Even if the princess doesn't say anything, they will do it voluntarily.

 Because they are military dependents and are responsible for the safety of the military camp. It is their responsibility to take care of the children of their brothers who died in battle.

 It is obligatory!

Soon, a large amount of beans were soaked, the wicker baskets for the bean sprouts were being prepared, and the light-proof room was also tidied up.

Seeing this, Jiayin became a hands-off shopkeeper and left everything to Aunt Wu and Xiaocui.

Aunt Wu had been helping Huiniang take care of the children, but now that Huiniang had taken her children south, she was suddenly free and felt really uncomfortable everywhere.

With such a job, she found a way to spend her free time, but she was very happy.

  Every day she goes back and forth between Xincun and Ercun. Her steps are lighter and she eats more.

 The village chief was also happy when he saw it. Occasionally, he would accompany his wife for a few walks, and everyone would make fun of him when they saw him, adding a bit of excitement to the village...

Jiayin stayed at home for three days, decided on the type and quantity of snacks for the New Year's gift, and wrote some gift lists. Then he left Shuiyun at home to bake the snacks, and took Shuiling with him to the city again.

  Two thousand eggs and one thousand duck eggs were brought along with the cart.

Eggs are put into a basket of eighty-eight eggs, covered with a thin straw net, decorated beautifully and exquisitely, and sold for one tael of silver per basket.

 Duck eggs are pickled and cooked.

Twenty pieces each are packed in small straw boxes, clean and neat.

 Although it is guaranteed that each egg yolk is oily, it only costs 500 yuan.

 Place it in the daily fruit and vegetable sales place to enrich the variety of goods in the shop.

Of course, the profits are also quite good...

In a few days, the two-story restaurant next to Tiantian Fruit and Vegetable has been almost tidied up.

  Guli saw the prosperity of the fruit and vegetable shop, and he was looking forward to the hot pot business.

With nothing to do, he estimated the income of the fruit and vegetable shop and then calculated the 10% he would get. But he was really shocked.

  It’s too much, so much that one month’s dividend can cover several years of his salary…

This is just a fruit and vegetable shop, if it also opens a hotpot...

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, he was really afraid that if he laughed out loud, it would be embarrassing.

Jiayin took Shuiling and Mu Jue for a walk upstairs and downstairs, but they were satisfied.

 But taking care of guests’ food and drinks is different from simply selling fruit. There are many emergencies, and cooperation among personnel must also be paid attention to.

Therefore, Jiayin was a little worried that the thirty girls and boys who had been temporarily trained would not be competent.

 She thought for a while, then wrote an invitation and hosted a dinner party for the little sisters.

 The location was chosen to be at the new restaurant, where we would have hot pot.

Not only that, she mobilized her second uncle, Mr. Wen, her eldest brother, and even Liu Zhiheng and Mrs. Jia, etc.

 One person gave a table a share and asked them to invite their relatives and friends to try the hot pot.

 Of course it’s not for nothing.

 First, let the new guys have a chance to try and make mistakes. If something goes wrong, their own family will never blame them.

 Secondly, I would also like to ask everyone to give your opinions, whether it is the taste or the dishes, whether there is anything that needs improvement.

 This was a very common trial opening in the previous life.

 But it is rare in Tianwu. When the invitations are sent out, everyone feels strange when they hear about it.

Especially Gu Qingqing and other little sisters, for fear that their family would disagree, they agreed immediately and sent someone to ask Jiayin if they could bring their familiar cousins ​​or cousins.

 After all, as a woman who has not yet left the government, she has too few opportunities to go out to eat.

This invitation gave them a rare good excuse, so they had to seize it tightly.

 Actually, girls think too much.

Those like the Gu family are familiar with the Li family's style of doing things, and are very happy that Gu Qingqing and the princess move around more.

Like Xu Xi’s family, even if they don’t like Jiayin, they still envy Jiayin’s ability to make money. They secretly hope that their daughter will visit the new restaurant and learn some skills...

As for Li Laoer and others, they had eaten hot pot many times at home, so they naturally felt confident and invited colleagues and friends.

So, on the day of the trial opening, people were actually coming and going in front of the restaurant, and there were seven or eight tables upstairs and downstairs...

 (End of this chapter)

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