Chapter 876: Put everything in the light

“Uncle Huang, I have come to see you with good news! I have brought you delicious fruits!”

Jiayin stepped forward quickly, put the basket on the desk with a smile, and then bowed his head and saluted.

 “Get up!” The emperor quickly raised his hand to signal her to get up, jokingly saying, “I thought you were so happy counting money every day that you forgot about the emperor!”

"Of course not! Forget that no one can forget the emperor!" Jiayin smiled, showing her small white teeth, and was as close to the emperor as she had been when she was a child.

She hugged a big white jade melon and showed it to the emperor, pretending to be in pain, "Uncle Huang, look at this white jade melon, the shop is selling like crazy.

“I managed to keep this. Uncle Huang will reward me with some good things soon, otherwise I will lose money!”

The emperor laughed loudly when he heard this, and said to the Marquis and Manager Yi: "Look, how brave this girl is! Today, all this business was done in front of me!"

The Marquis smiled and nodded, but Manager Yi took the white jade melon and said, "Your Majesty, the princess treats you as an elder!

"Everyone knows that the princess likes money. But if you can make the princess send you the white jade melon without any money, you will be the only one in the world."

 Sure enough, the emperor laughed even louder and sat down quickly after greeting the good news.

 Mr. Yi went down to cut the melons and took the young **** and the maids away with him.

 The room was very quiet for a while, and the emperor chatted with the good news about home affairs.

"I heard that your shop is doing very well. I heard people mention it in the palace."

Jiayin looked very proud, but she still had to be humble. She tried her best to wave her little hands, "No, no, the business is just average."

The emperor couldn't help but laugh again, and said to the Marquis: "Cousin, this girl is afraid that I will steal her business!"

The Marquis replied: "It's not easy for the emperor to rob her. She has been like this since she was a child. As long as the money comes into her hands, no one can take it away.

"I stayed in the military camp for a few days, and when I came back I found that she had set up a shop. Speaking of which, this skill is really quite big."

Jiayin quickly protested, "My adoptive father also said that if grandma and the others go to find a wife for the second brother, they can all go out, and you, dad, and uncles won't come back either.

“I am alone in Broken Gold Beach, alone and miserable.

“I opened a shop to make some money just to make myself happy!”

The emperor's eyes flashed and he spoke for Jiayin, "Yes, cousin. After finally returning from the northern expedition, if there is nothing in the army, I will leave it to the deputy general. Come back and stay for a while to recuperate.

 “I can wait for you to regain Jiangbei in one go next year!”

 After saying that, he asked about the good news again, "I just said that your second brother is going to get a wife? Is it a girl from the south?"

Jiayin nonchalantly peeled a banana and gave it to the emperor, then ate one himself and said, "Yes, my second brother rescued him at sea.

"It is said that this girl's family was killed by bad guys, which is very pitiful. But the girl is also stubborn and thinks of ways to take revenge. As a result,

“My calculation went wrong and I almost lost my life, but I was saved by my second brother at the critical moment.

“My grandma said they should go see with their own eyes how the girl is doing.

“If she is a good character and my second brother likes her, I will marry her back. If she is not a good match, I will find an adopted daughter and help her find a good family and marry her to a good home.”

The emperor nodded, the Li family has always been so kind.

 The two boys who were married before were not from prominent families.

 As long as the boy likes it, the Li family will never stop him.

But it has to be said that the Li family has good taste, and the granddaughter-in-law they married is filial and sensible, and they live a harmonious life.

Jiayin felt slightly relieved when he saw the emperor nodding.

Just as Manager Yi cut up the white jade melons and brought them in, she changed her subject and started talking about how difficult it was to grow white jade melons. He also said that when Lu Zong was eating melon, he almost cried because he missed home.

In this way, we mentioned how Lu Zong met and became friends with his eldest brother.

Even if the Marquis gave Lu Zong a horse just now, it was treated as gossip.

The emperor listened with a smile. Did he really just listen to it as gossip and ignore the good news?

This is considered a clear path. Whoever makes trouble with this horse in the future, or talks about collusion between the Xinting Marquis and the Lu family, will have no chance.

Just like that, the emperor and Jiayin were chatting while eating. The Marquis occasionally responded with a few words, and Mr. Yi was a good compliment. The room was very lively.

Perhaps the emperor wanted to discuss some political matters with the Marquis alone, so he said to Jiayin: "The third princess has been ill recently and has been stuck in the house.

“Go and see her on my behalf, talk to her, and give her some advice.

"You guys have grown up together, so she might be able to listen to what you say."

Jiayin complained in his heart, they grew up together since childhood.

 She and the third princess would have given each other face if they didn’t fight each other when they met...

But she couldn't say that, pretending to be happy, and followed Eunuch Feng to Zhilan Palace.

Jiayin originally thought that the third princess would definitely not want to see her. She would stand outside the gate of Zhilan Palace for a while, then she would complete the task and then leave the palace to wait for her adoptive father.

Unexpectedly, when the news was announced, the third princess actually let her in.

This can only be done, the soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth...

The third princess was sitting on the bed wearing a satin pajamas, with her hair disheveled, her face was so thin that only one sliver was left, and her expression lost the arrogance of the past, like a pitiful little mistreatment.

  But the way she looked at Jiayin still held a bit of resentment.

 Housage was given to her by good news, but she did not say a word.

Jiayin rolled her eyes secretly, and regardless of the rules, she found a chair near the fire cage and sat down.

Seeing a plate of roasted chestnuts on the table, she picked up one and smelled it, then peeled and ate it.

 The chestnuts are freshly roasted and are very sweet, but a bit choking.

After hearing the good news, he told the waiting maid, "Excuse me, go and make a pot of fruit tea for my princess."

The eldest palace maid is the protector of the princess. Seeing that Jiayin does not look in awe of the princess, she has long wanted to scold her.

 It's a pity that the princess never spoke, and she didn't dare.

  Now that she sees the good news, she eats and drinks casually and asks for tea. How can she be willing to obey?

As a result, the princess waved her hand and ordered: "Go down and prepare tea. Don't come in unless I give my instructions."

 The eldest maid was very worried, but she could only retreat with a complicated look on her face.

The third princess was still eating comfortably when she saw Jiayin. She couldn't help but speak first, "You know? Li Jiayin, I envy you very much."

“I envy the lively life in your family. I envy your grandma and your parents who are willing to risk their lives to protect you and love you. Even people like Mr. Hou hold you in the palm of their hands.

“I envy you even more for your boldness, for doing whatever you want to do. If you like snacks, you open a shop; if you like fruits, you sell fruits, and you never have any scruples!

“Even when you come to me, you still eat and drink freely, as if you are not afraid that I will poison you or punish you...”

 (End of this chapter)

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