Chapter 870 Traveling far away quietly

"Sister, I won't leave, I want to stay." Wan'er said with a gentle yet firm smile.

She then looked at Li Lao'er and other elders who were seeing her off, and said, "I am the eldest daughter-in-law of the Earl's Mansion. I enjoy the splendor and wealth of the Earl's Mansion, so naturally I have to stick to the Earl's Mansion when the storm hits.

“Besides, my sister is taking care of the old house at Broken Gold Beach, and I am taking care of the Earl’s Mansion, so we can rely on each other.

“The most important thing is that Brother Jiaren is about to take the exam. I am his wife. I can’t help him with anything. I have to prepare food and clothing with my own hands and send him to the exam room. This is my responsibility.”

Everyone wanted to persuade him, but they all shut up after hearing this.

 Li Laoer was even more pleased that this daughter-in-law was chosen well.

In the future of the Earl's Palace, there will be such a mistress, so why not worry about not being able to assist her son, live a peaceful life, and shine the lintel of the family!

Jiaren stepped forward directly, hugged his son's swaddling clothes with one hand, and held his wife's hand tightly with the other...

Jiayin was caught off guard and was stuffed with dog food. She could only quickly call the people on the boat to send her sister-in-law’s luggage down.

As a result, Wan'er said again: "Sister, no need. The things in my few boxes are all for grandma and everyone to use on the road, and there is no luggage for me."

At this time, Mrs. Li, Tao Hongying and others also knew that Wan'er, mother and son would not go south with the ship.

 They were lying on the side of the boat with extremely complicated emotions.

I feel sorry for Wan'er's determination and the difficulty of supporting the Earl's Mansion, but I'm also glad that Jiayin at least has a sister-in-law to keep her company, and doesn't have to run between the city and the village.

Wan'er smiled happily and waved to the boat, "Grandma, aunt, I can't play with you anymore.

 “When you come back, you must bring me more good things!”

 “Okay!” Mrs. Li and others agreed in unison, unable to help but blush again.

Li Zhensheng, Jiayi and Liu Yang finished their chores and rushed over at this time to say a few words of farewell to the Marquis and others.

Jiayin stepped forward and hugged Jiayi, patted her brother's back hard, and said, "Brother, remember, when looking for a sister-in-law, you must find one you like and who treats you well!

"It doesn't matter what others say. My sister-in-law is going to live with you for the rest of her life. No matter whether you are good or bad, no one else can replace you, so don't wrong yourself!"

Jiayi blushed and felt hot and congested.

 He ruffled his sister's hair, nodded with a smile, "Don't worry, your brother is not a fool, how could he wrong himself.

“It’s you, everyone in the family is gone, so don’t be too naughty.

“If you feel unhappy or get into big trouble, go to the south to find your third brother. On the sea, your third brother will be the invincible king!”

“Haha!” Jiayin laughed at her brother’s pride, hugged him again, and said, “Make sure you help me take good care of grandma and my mother!

“I have brought you a lot of wounds and poisons. You must study them thoroughly before using them. Don’t get confused.”

 “Don’t worry!” Jiayi patted his chest, then saluted the Marquis and others. Finally, he pulled Liu Yang and jumped onto the side of the ship.

Li Zhensheng also said goodbye to everyone, called the stewards and boatmen, untied the rope, weighed the anchor and set off.

 The big ship slowly left the dock and merged into the river little by little, becoming smaller and smaller.

 Everyone on the boat and on the shore was waving.

Seeing that the big ship was almost invisible, Jiayin seemed to still hear grandma shouting, "Fu Niuer, you must take care of yourself! Be obedient!"

Jiayin wiped away her tears, her face was cold and it hurt a little from the wind.

 There seems to be an empty space in my heart, I am scared and sad...

The Marquis stepped forward, shielded his daughter from the cold wind with his big cloak, and advised her, "Don't cry. Whenever you want to go, your adoptive father will take you to the boat at any time."

"No, I'm not going!" Jiayin pulled off the handkerchief, wiped her face hard, and said harshly: "Finally, no one at home cares about me. What if I am just having fun!"

Everyone laughed when they heard it and no longer worried.

Li Lao Er and Mr. Wen are going back to the Yamen, and Li Lao San is going back to Luo'an.

 Jiaren and Brother Li accompanied Wan'er and her son back to the Earl's Mansion.

 House, Li Laosi and Li Yong naturally have to stay in the military camp. There was only good news, so I didn’t want to go back to Suijintan alone, so I simply went back to the city with my brother and sister-in-law, planning to visit the new shop...

 The carriage came quickly and left simply, and the dock became quiet in the blink of an eye.

The Li family's actions were naturally seen by many people.

 But most people saw it, and they were just curious about where so many people from the Li family were going by boat, and they couldn't guess.

A small number of people are trying to spread the news, but this is the territory of the Northern Expeditionary Army, and it is not easy to get in and out...

 Let’s not talk about the dock. I just said that when the good news arrived in Xindu, I was separated from my brother and sister-in-law.

This time grandma and mothers took away most of the family members, including the cook in the kitchen.

But the good news still has people who can help it.

Shui Ling Shui Yun followed her as usual. The driver was a veteran, and Mu Jue was with her to protect her.

Over at the Princess's Mansion, Grandma Liu is in charge.

The trivial matters of the old house were left to Grandma Lin to take care of.

 This is the benefit of being a master.

As long as you grasp the big things, you don’t need to worry too much about the rest of the trivial matters...

 In the new shop in the business community, Gu Li is laying out the drawings and doing final checks.

 Turning around, he saw Jiayin's carriage parked in front of the door, and he hurried out to greet it.

Jiayin took a few steps into the shop, took off his hood, and said with a smile, "It's really cold today!"

Guli also smiled and replied: "Yes, Princess, it is almost the twelfth lunar month, and the coldest time of the year has arrived."

Jiayin exhaled a breath of white air and did not dare to take off her cloak.

 Guli quickly asked someone to prepare hot tea, but Jiayin waved his hand and called Shui Ling to go and get things done.

At the end, she said: "Gu Gu, please show me around. If there is no problem, I plan to open the fruit and vegetable shop in the next few days."

“The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and it’s a good time to grab money!”

This impatient tone made everyone laugh.

Even Shui Yun, who has always been taciturn, couldn't help but laugh: "The princess is happiest when she talks about making money."

Mu Jue also raised the corner of his mouth and followed Gu Li and Jiayin, listening to them talking about the various arrangements of the shop.

 The two-story restaurant next to it has many problems that need to be considered, and it will take several days to repair it.

This fruit and vegetable shop has only one floor and is much simpler.

 It is cold in winter, and fruits and vegetables are afraid of freezing, so keeping warm is the most important, but lighting cannot be ignored.

The original door of the shop was replaced with four large windows in a Tianzi grid, each of which was inlaid with large glass three feet square.

 For this reason, the greenhouse in the Princess's Mansion became a little dim.

Of course, this shop is much brighter.

The doors on both sides have been reopened. They are not as big as before, but they are enough to move around.

 The new door on the left is the entrance, and a small partition is made. Guests can stop here when entering, sweep away the remaining snow on their bodies, rub the soles of their shoes on the red felt, and then lift up the wind curtain to enter the shop.

 Of course the partitions are temporary and can be removed at any time during the summer.

The floor of the house has been repaired, and a warm-colored log floor has been laid, similar to the floor heating of later generations.

 When the time comes to light a fire in the backyard, the temperature in the shop is absolutely guaranteed and controllable!

 (End of this chapter)

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