Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 865: This girl is a miserable person!

Chapter 865 This girl is a miserable person!

Everyone stopped with their chopsticks and watched the old lady's face carefully, fearing that she would be sad.

 In the end, the old lady said it so casually that she didn’t even react.

Jiayi quickly took over the conversation and said, "Grandma, maybe there will be more people in the family next year. I... have something to say!"

 Have something to say?

Not only the old lady, but also everyone raised their heads curiously.

Tao Hongying asked: "Liu Yang came back earlier and said he wanted to marry a wife. Don't you have a girl you like?"

Mrs. Li was very excited after hearing this. She quickly sat down next to her grandson and urged, "Tell grandma who girl she is from? Is she good-looking? Is she even haircut?"

Jiayi felt uncomfortable being stared at by everyone. He blushed and coughed twice, "Grandma, I haven't even finished my horoscope yet, but... I just want to tell you first. If my family doesn't agree, I will..."

 “Agree! How could I disagree!”

Orange Mrs. Li and Tao Hongying shouted almost in unison.

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

Mrs. Wen quickly advised, "Auntie, let's listen to Jiayi slowly. This is a lifelong event, and it would be good for Jiayi to be more cautious."

Li Laosi also patted his nephew on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Yes, tell me quickly, my fourth uncle can help you with advice."

Jiayi thought for a while and said, "Actually, this matter is a bit complicated. This girl's name is Huanhu, and her father is a county captain near Quanzhou. He is very capable and brave.

“Previously, because of protecting the fishermen, the county lieutenant had an enmity with a group of Japanese pirates. Half a year ago, the Japanese pirates came to the door at night and killed the whole family. Only the coral girl survived because she was not at home.

“The coral girl disappeared after mourning her family. Many people speculated that she committed suicide. However, when I led the troops to sea, I met this coral girl.

“She didn’t know how she deceived the Japanese pirates, got on the boat, and put medicine in the Japanese pirates’ drinking water. Most of the Japanese pirates died, but the seven or eight missing ones also forced the coral girl to a desperate situation...

“At the critical moment, I happened to lead a patrol and encountered her, so I killed the Japanese pirate and rescued her.

“But I wasn’t paying attention for a moment and didn’t see the knife swung by the Japanese pirates. It was the coral girl who blocked my back and hurt my back.

"We... fell into the sea together, and Coral Girl got her clothes wet..."

Jiayi said it very happily before, but later he hesitated.

 But no one is stupid, how could they not understand the meaning behind this.

 For a long time, no one spoke in the room, and I even forgot to eat the dumplings.

In the end, it was Mrs. Li who spoke first, "Jiayi, to put it simply, this girl's family was ruined and she was seeking revenge alone. You saved her, and she saved you again, right?"

Just as Jiayi was about to nod, Tao Hongying added, "And this girl fell into the water with you in full view of everyone and lost her reputation, right?"

Jiayi's face turned even redder, he nodded and waved his hands, leaving everyone confused.

Hearing the good news, he was anxious. He grabbed his brother and asked, "Brother, just tell me, where is this girl now? Do you like her?"

"She is in the wounded barracks in our army. She was originally recovering from injuries, but there were not enough manpower, so she came to help."

Jiayi scratched the back of his head and continued: "I haven't even said a few words to her, how do I know if I like her or not.

"However, this girl is not one of those coy official ladies. If she gets married, she won't bother me all day long..."

 The old and young girls in the room felt helpless when they heard the good news, and they even wanted to give their brother a look.

 The ignorant straight man!

 In the end, it was Mrs. Li who told Jiayi, "Getting married is not a child's play, and you cannot just marry someone back casually.

“If you like it, nothing will matter to your family, but if you don’t like it, you will harm the daughter.

"You will have to stay at home for a while. Let me think about it carefully. It is best to find a way to get the best of both worlds." "This girl is a hard-working person, so she should not treat others badly." "

Tao Hongying and others nodded. As women, they understand the plight of women better.

"Mom, don't worry too much. The worst case scenario is that we bring the girl to Xindu, find a foster daughter in our family, and then find her a good in-law." Tao Hongying suggested.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, and Mrs. Li even smiled and praised her daughter-in-law, "Hongying has made a lot of progress by walking around more. This is a great idea."

Tao Hongying blushed at the praise and quickly said: "My mother taught me better."

Soon, everyone picked up their chopsticks again and chatted while eating.

Li Laoer asked for two jugs of wine and shared them with everyone.

 Brother Li and Brother Cat both joined in the fun and drank half the glass with a smile.

In this way, after eating the dumplings, everyone will be tipsy, but they won't get drunk and have a headache.

After dinner, the women wanted to put the children to bed and clean up the mess, so they sent the men to chat next door.

So the men all moved to the Marquis's study.

The Jiaren brothers took Jiayi away and went back to the room. They didn't know if they wanted to be naughty together or if they wanted to ask Jiayi whether his "peach blossom" was pretty.

Jiayin prepared some snacks and fruits for Zheng Qi and asked him to bring them in to add food to his brothers. Then he carried the honey to the next door.

  Honey is brewed by bees after the fruit trees in the space bloom. It tastes much better than ordinary honey.

 Put three spoons in a pot of warm water, stir it, and the sweet aroma will fill the room.

The Marquis and others all took a cup and drank it in one gulp, and couldn't help but laugh.

“Our Fu Niu’er is like a little fairy, she’s getting smarter and more skillful.” Li Laoer sighed with a smile, “If your brothers are half as sensible as you, my second uncle’s hair won’t turn completely white.”

"Yes, the fourth child is still blessed. We are all destined to break our legs because of our sons!" Li Zhensheng thought of his two sons and felt disgusted.

 After dinner, my son ran to play. Only my niece remembered to make them honey water...

Li Laosan also sighed when he thought of Jia Xi outside...

Li Laosi smiled proudly, stretched out his empty cup and asked his daughter to fill it up again, and said, "Three brothers, forget it, but if the eldest brother and the second brother marry a sister-in-law, they can still have a daughter!"

Li Zhensheng and Li Laoer quickly waved their hands, both with expressions of resistance on their faces.

 Li Zhensheng said: "It's good for us like this. Our mother also has Yuru and Hongying to take care of her, and there is no shortage of daughters-in-law.

"What if we have bad judgment and find a troublemaker to come back, my mother will get angry and the family will be uneasy."

Li Laoer also nodded and echoed: "And in this current situation, our family is at the forefront. If we catch this and plan some trouble, the gains will outweigh the losses."

The Marquis thought for a while and said, "Don't ignore the family relationship. From now on, our family will have to rely on him to take root in Quanzhou.

“If his wife cannot be a help, at least she cannot be a hindrance.

“Should I ask my aunt and the others to go to Quanzhou to relax and help Jiayi Zhangyan?!”

Everyone was stunned when they heard this and didn't say anything for a long time.

What the Marquis said must make sense, and the old lady doesn’t have to be in charge at home now.

It’s okay to take advantage of the old lady’s good health and her ability to go out and see different local customs and meet her future granddaughter-in-law...

 But at this time, Mr. Hou suddenly brought it up. Are there other considerations?

 The third update is here ~ Little fairies from the Huahua family, it’s the last two days, if you still have must-read tickets in your hands, give them to Huahua, and beg for cuteness! If you give me a five-star review or if it looks good, I will love you even more! Come on, code, refill!

 (End of this chapter)

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