Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 846: Congratulations to the Gou family

Chapter 846 Congratulations to the Gou family

I don’t know when a young man was lying here, with his hands behind his head and a piece of grass in his mouth, looking very leisurely.

 It's a pity that he underestimated the power of winter. His face turned blue due to the cold and his nose looked like a carrot. He was really embarrassed...

Dongmei came out of the kitchen with a pot of bean sprouts. When she saw Mu Jue coming in from the outside sneezing, she smiled and said, "Xiao Mu, where are you coming from? Why aren't you wearing a big coat?"

Mu Jue smiled and replied: "A vicious dog entered the village. I went to check it out. Thank you Aunt Mei for caring. I will go back and put on my coat right now."

Aunt Mei nodded and said: "Go to the kang to warm up for a while, and eat some fruit to cushion your stomach. I'll go next door to deliver a pot of bean sprouts, and we'll eat when we get the food back."

 “Okay!” Mu Jue responded and entered the house…

In the kitchen of Li’s house next door, soup was bubbling in a big iron pot.

  I made bone soup early in the morning, poured in half a basin of shredded pickled cabbage, and simmered it for more than an hour.

At this time, add frozen tofu, bone-in meat removed from the stick bones, and then cut the cooked pork belly into thin slices and put it on top, and it will be a high-end version of the butchered pork dish.

 It's a pity that the pig was not killed, otherwise it would have been a perfect match with freshly stuffed blood sausage.

Place it in a large bowl while it is hot, then crush a little of the half-roasted chili peppers in the stove and sprinkle it in.

That fragrant, spicy, and sour flavor can heat up your internal organs and even your bones!

If you don’t like chili pepper, you can also pound garlic and add some soy sauce, which is also delicious.

Shuiyun had nothing to do and came over to help. He was scooping out the butchered vegetables from the big pot.

Uncle Zhao and other old men gave a basin as a gift. Madam Hui, her mother and her son were eating at the village chief's house, and they also gave a basin as a gift.

 Liu Yang came back from a long journey and was at home today. He also gave me a basin.

 The Wen family and Ye family next door...

 A big pot of pig-killing vegetables looks like a lot, but after dividing it up, only half of the pot is left, but it is enough for the family.

Dongmei went into the hall to talk to Tao Hongying. When she mentioned going to the city tomorrow, Tao Hongying said, "The Marquis is coming back soon. Is there anything you want to add to your yard?"

“Just say it, I’ll get it back together.”

Dongmei quickly shook her head and said with a smile: "The Hou Mansion sent a message that the chief steward has arranged everything. If it is convenient for the fourth lady, just help me bring it back from the Hou Mansion.

“They are probably all newly made bedding, clothes, shoes and socks!”

 This is a trivial matter, so Tao Hongying agreed.

Just then Jiayin came from behind supporting grandma. When she heard this, she said: "Mom, take me with you tomorrow."

“Just in time, I’m going to Baiyunjian and the new shop to have a look. I also want to go to the restaurant to cook two dishes for third brother!”

Tao Hongying subconsciously wanted to refuse, but then remembered that the Wu family had been arrested, and then said: "You can also follow, take all the water, spirit, water and cloud with you, and never leave your side.

"Moreover, Mrs. Jia Er will also go to the banquet with me tomorrow, and she may bring Baozhu with her. Why don't you go and sit with Baozhu for a while?"

"Okay, last time she asked me to exchange for some small pearls, I will get her a box." Jiayin was so depressed that she couldn't help but be happy as long as she could go out.

Everyone laughed when they saw it...

 That night, it was rare that both Li Zhensheng and Li Laoer came back for dinner and brought back the emperor's oral instructions.

Hearing that after General Tang came to Beijing, the family's righteousness could offset the merits and demerits, and he was released from prison, the young and old of the Li family were extremely happy.

  Although it was expected, everyone felt at ease after receiving the accurate belief.

As for those officials who submitted memorials and secretly poked trouble, Li Laoer and the Jiaren brothers naturally planned a counterattack, with Mr. Wen assisting them.

 It’s time to give the younger generation some practice...

 Early on the next morning, after dinner, Tao Hongying went out with good news.

Tao Hongying brought Granny Lin, and Jiayin brought Shui Ling and Shui Yun, who happened to be in a carriage. As Ye Shan drove the car, Mu Jue also jumped on the other side of the carriage and smiled at Ye Shan.

Ye Shan did not chase him away, but whipped his whip and set off.

Today is the full moon festival for the eldest grandson of Mrs. Jia’s natal family, the Gou family. Tao Hongying goes in and out of Jia’s house on weekdays, and she gets along well with Mrs. Jia, and there are also boys from the Gou family who are marching in the north.

 So, the Gou family sent an invitation to Tao Hongying through Mrs. Jia's hand.

Tao Hongying brought a set of silver jewelry. It was not expensive, but the workmanship was very exquisite. It was especially suitable for children to wear.

The mother and daughter met Mrs. Jia Er and Baozhu in front of Gou's house, and walked to Gou's yard.

Baozhu was so happy to see Jiayin that she complained softly in Jiayin's ear, "Last time I went home, my cousin made a severe complaint in front of my mother.

“My mother punished me by kneeling down for an hour and copying the female precepts every day. Ugh, she didn’t even give me snacks. It’s going to kill me!”

Hearing the good news was so funny that he couldn't help but gloat, "Who told you to sneak out? Fortunately, there were many people there that day. Otherwise, if something happened, your mother would have broken your legs."

"Oh, I already knew I was wrong." Baozhu was very ashamed and said: "I haven't seen you for a long time, so I shouted out when I was happy, but I won't dare next time.

“I always envy you for being the princess. Looking at it this way, it’s too dangerous for you to be the princess.

"I don't want to be a girl anymore. I'd better be my mother's daughter. It'll be nice if I can eat snacks and go out to play."

Jiayin rolled her eyes and pinched her secretly, "Don't say it so disgustingly, as if you can be one if you want!"

 Baozhu was pinched and itched his flesh, and he couldn't help but hide and laugh at the same time.

 The two little girls were smiling like flowers. They walked in from the outside and inevitably attracted the attention of many people.

There was a woman who didn’t know, so she asked an acquaintance. After getting the answer, her expression became a little complicated...

It was a great joy for the Gou family to have a new member of their family. Everyone sent congratulatory gifts, talked around the old lady of the Gou family, and looked at the baby in the swaddling clothes. They all smiled with joy.

 Children, new hope in life always makes people easier to feel soft-hearted and generous with their blessings.

Soon, the child was carried down. The banquet would not start for a while, so everyone went to hang out in the garden together.

The old man of the Gou family liked strange stones. He spent a lot of manpower and financial resources to search all over the world and selected the ones he liked best and put them in the garden.

 Every guest who comes to the door will come to see something novel.

I have to say that Mr. Gou has an excellent vision. The strange stones in the garden may have strange shapes or rare textures. Some are standing upright and some are lying down, turning the garden into a stone forest.

Baozhu and Good News walked in front, looking here and there. Shui Ling Shui Yun followed behind, and gradually became a little far away from the others.

When the good news came and my mother was missing, I took the pearl and found a place sheltered from the wind and facing the sun to rest and wait.

Shui Ling stayed aside, while Shui Yun went to ask for hot tea and warm the hands of his masters.

By chance, at this time, someone came nearby and started chatting.

A woman with a sharp voice said: "Have you seen Princess Kangle, the one wearing the gold-woven pipa skirt, and her mother, Mrs. Li Si?"

Another woman with a deep voice replied: "You saw it, what's wrong? The Gou family and the Jia family are related by marriage, and the Li family has always been close to the Jia family, so it's okay to come over to congratulate them."

“Oh, that’s not what I said!” the sharp-sounding woman said, “I mean, the Li family is really shameless.

“The boy in their family just killed someone and is still squatting in jail. They don’t take it seriously and even come out to drink wedding wine!

“But that’s right, he’s a second-bedroom boy, not a fourth-bedroom boy, so of course they don’t care.

“People say that the brothers of the Li family are harmonious, but I think it’s nothing more than that!”

 (End of this chapter)

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