Chapter 844 An unexpected visitor!

“Really?” Mrs. Li quickly put down the royal blue satin and went to check the other materials.

Jiayin came in from the outside with a plate of dried meat, smiled and stuffed a piece into the mouths of both grandma and Mrs. Wen.

“Grandma, sister-in-law, how do you like it?

“My mother and third uncle are still working on it. It’s five or six kilograms. I’ll ask my second uncle and the others to take it into the city tomorrow and deliver it to my brother-in-law.

"This butcher shop is very hungry. If it is inconvenient for my sworn brother to eat there, I can just chew two pieces for half a day."

Old Mrs. Li snorted coldly, "It's a credit to him being in jail. The family has to prepare extra food for him."

That's what she said, but she still added, "Make more spicy ones, and the family's loyalty is strong."

 Mrs. Wen and Jiayin couldn't help laughing when they heard it.

Just then, Zhao Yuru came in from outside and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mom, most of them are spicy, and only a small part is sweet."

 Such a big thing happened at home, so it was natural to send news to Luo An.

 Li Laosan and Zhao Yuru rushed back last night.

Li Laosan took over the chores at home and in the village, leaving his two brothers to busy in the city with peace of mind.

Zhao Yuru stayed at home, taking care of the elderly and children, and helping Tao Hongying.

Old Mrs. Li pulled Zhao Yuru to sit down and shouted good news again, "Go and ask your mother to come in and rest for a while, she has been busy all morning."

The good news was answered, and just as he was about to go out, a little maid ran in quickly, "Master, the messenger from the second village said that a young lady brought someone to visit the princess, but she refused to tell her name, and only said that she was the third in line. ”

Everyone was confused, but Jiayin's mind was quick and he immediately guessed the identity of the visitor. After thinking about it, he said: "Ask Ercun to let people in, don't neglect the etiquette!"

"Yes, Princess." The little maid hurriedly ran back.

 Old lady Li asked: "Fu Niu'er, who is here?"

Jiayin replied: "Grandma, she should be the third princess in the palace."

Three princesses?

Everyone was shocked.

Zhao Yuru frowned and asked: "What is the third princess doing here at this time? Does she want to raise an army to punish her?"

Orange Mrs. Li and Mrs. Wen also looked bad.

No matter what you think, nothing good will happen if the three princesses come to visit...

Jiayin smiled and comforted: "Grandma, don't worry.

"This is our home. No matter what her purpose is, she will never be bullied."

Mrs. Li and others nodded and relaxed their brows slightly.

Soon, the third princess brought two nuns into the Li family yard.

Perhaps she didn't want outsiders to know that the third princess was dressed very ordinary, and even wore a large cloak, covering her head and face tightly.

When the Li family saw her like this, they treated her as an ordinary guest, with simple courtesy and tea and snacks.

 The third princess was actually not angry, but instead smiled to welcome everyone.

This has to make Jiayin secretly sigh.

She is not the only one who has grown up. The third princess has also lost the pride and domineering she had when she was a child, and finally has some dignity.

Old Mrs. Li is old and the senior one in the Li family. She is accompanying the princess to greet her.

  Why is it cold in winter? Are there many people doing New Year shopping in Xindu? What kind of snacks does the princess like to eat? How careful are you in making your own snacks...

The third princess patiently responded with a few words, but finally couldn't hold on any longer. She turned to Jiayin and said, "Sister Jiayin, can you say a few words alone?" Jiayin secretly shook goosebumps when she heard her calling her so close. : "Okay, princess, come to my room and sit for a while!"

 After saying that, she was going to lead the third princess to the backyard.

Mrs. Li, Zhao Yuru and others were worried and wanted to stop him when they got up, but when Jiayin waved his hand, they had no choice but to stay.

The third princess, Xu, wanted to show that she had no ill intentions and left the two nuns in the front yard.

The good news led the third princess all the way to the backyard and into her apartment.

Jiayin has been staying here these days to accompany her grandma.

Therefore, on the big Kang where she usually lives, there are also the travel notes she often reads, a box full of snacks, and even a plate of golden-red oranges.

Two pots of blooming camellias were placed on the wall sill by the window, emitting a faint fragrance.

 The big kang was heated up and covered with brand new straw mats.

There are two thick cotton cushions placed next to the Kang table, embroidered with a simple and funny big white bear, and two doll cats leaning on the side...

 The third princess looked around carefully, with a flash of envy in her eyes.

 Her bedroom was much larger and many times more gorgeous than this room, but it was not as comfortable and warm as this one.

Jiayin invited her to sit down and peeled an orange for her with his own hands, but did not take the initiative to say a word.

The third princess took the orange and was embarrassed for a long time, but she still said bravely: "Sister Jiayin, I came ask you to do me a favor."

Jiayin pretended to be stupid, "The princess is joking, I am just a little girl from a peasant family.

“You are the darling daughter of heaven, your majestic princess. I am a humble person, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to help the princess.”

The third princess was anxious and said quickly: "No, you can definitely help. My father likes you more than me. If you help me to plead for mercy, my father will definitely let it go..."

 Halfway through her words, she suddenly saw Jiayin's cold face and couldn't speak any more.

Jiayin put down the tea bowl and asked: "Princess, why didn't you say anything? I'm afraid the princess also knows how difficult it is to ask me to do this favor, right?"

The third princess bit her lips and said bravely: "I know that my mother and my grandfather's family have annoyed your family, but they were just impulsive.

“Besides, you are not... not hurt, so can’t you be magnanimous and forgive them?”

“Hmph!” Jiayin sneered angrily, almost dropping the tea bowl, and asked: “Princess, since you said that, you must also know what your mother and the Wu family have done, right?

“The princess has read books for so many years, can’t she still not be able to write two words of Mingli?

“Put yourself in my shoes, would you forgive someone if they wanted to do this to you?”

The third princess rarely bowed her head for the sake of her mother. When she was forced to question her, she lost her temper and said loudly: "Why don't you forgive me?

“My mother and the Wu family are just trying to scare you! Aren’t you still alive? Your family has already killed my cousin, so why bother killing them all?

“Is it so difficult to ask you to go to my father and say a few words without pursuing any further investigation?!

“I promise that my mother and my grandfather’s family will never bully you or cause trouble to your family in the future, okay?”

"No!" Jiayin was also annoyed and slammed the table directly, "They want to kill me, why should I plead for them?

"They deserve whatever they suffer. Whoever asked them to do bad things means that evil will be punished!"

“Also, I thought that the princess would be more discerning as she got older, but I didn’t expect that she would still be just as stupid.

“Are you the emperor’s daughter? Why haven’t you inherited any of the emperor’s wisdom?”

 “You!” The third princess’ face turned livid after being scolded, and she stood up and was about to get angry.

At this time, the door of the house was suddenly kicked open, and Mrs. Li led Tao Hongying and Zhao Yuru in from the outside.

Jiayin was startled when he saw clearly what Mrs. Li was holding, and the third princess even weakened her legs...

 (End of this chapter)

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