Chapter 842 Brothers meet

“Boss, come and see, there’s something delicious to eat tonight!” a jailer shouted.

The other one also jumped down the stairs in a few steps, and then waved behind him, "Come in quickly!"

Everyone heard the sound and looked over. Three guys who looked like waiters came in, each carrying two food boxes in their hands.

 The aroma was faintly emanating from the food box, and it became more and more obvious in the dark and airtight prison.

 The guy at first was dressed the same as the other two, but his back was very straight.

He put down the food box, put his hands in his hands and said with a smile: "Everyone, you have been busy all day and have worked hard. I prepared ten good dishes with my own hands and brought them to you to simply fill your stomach. Please don't dislike it."

 “Haha, I don’t mind it.”

 “Don’t dislike it!”

The jailers are not stupid, so they can naturally see that this guy has an extraordinary status, and they don't dare to offend him, so they just smile and say a few polite words.

The prison boss nodded and said: "Today, a new person suddenly came to the cell. The food prepared in advance is not enough. Could you please help me, brother, to give some food to the new person."

"Yes." The waiter put down the big food box in his left hand, patted it casually and said, "There are some things under this food box to make you hungry. I hope the officials like it."

 After saying that, he cupped his hands, picked up the snack box in his right hand, and went inside.

The remaining two waiters immediately stepped forward and started to get the food out.

Soon, the dinner table was filled with plates.

 Chicken, fish, meat, eggs, and two kinds of seafood are simply delicious and delicious.

The prison boss dismissed the man and opened the last food box with his own hands.

In addition to the white flour steamed buns on top, there is also a layer of silver tassels on the bottom, five liang each.

The jailers' eyes were burning, and they all looked at the cell leader.

The prison boss gave one to each of them, and stuffed the remaining two into his arms.

 Everyone looked at each other and felt happy. They quickly got together and started eating in a lively manner.

 In the corner room of the cell, the clerk also delivered the food box.

The man in black who was sitting leaning on the wooden fence turned his head and shouted in surprise, "Second brother, why are you here and pretending to be a buddy?"

Needless to say, this guy is a family favorite.

He rolled his eyes angrily and really wanted to knock his brother all over his head.

“You still have the nerve to say that the whole family is almost turned upside down because of you. You were naughty when you were a child, but now you are so old, you still haven’t made any progress!”

Jia Huan gritted his teeth angrily, but still opened the food box and took out the things quickly.

The wooden fence is a bit narrow, so plates can’t be put in. Fortunately, the food Jiahuan brings are roasted chicken, grilled skewers, and steamed buns, which are easy to pick up and eat without plates.

Jiayi chuckled, took the food and ate it.

  It has been more than half a day since he committed the crime, and he was already hungry.

Jia Huan felt a little distressed when he saw his younger brother devouring his food. Just when he was about to give some advice, a man suddenly came out of the rotten hay in the corner, startling him.

 Fortunately, Jiayi was alert and didn't put down the steamed bun in his hand. He only kicked the "rotten grass spirit" back with one kick.

The "rotten grass spirit" was about to pounce on him, so Jiayi threw him a steamed bun and half a roast chicken, and the "rotten grass spirit" sat cross-legged and began to eat.

Jia Huan was dumbfounded. He pointed at the "rotten grass spirit", looked at his younger brother and asked, "Who is this?"

“I don’t know,” Jiayi replied nonchalantly: “He was here when I came over.

“He’s very good at fighting, so I’m going to let him practice with me in the past few days, so that his bones won’t get rusty and I won’t have the energy to kill the Japanese pirates when I go back south.”

When Jia Huan heard this, he became very angry. He couldn't help but reached in and slapped his brother, "You are already twenty, can you use your brain when doing things? "You are really happy, just kill someone. Come in, do you still remember that my grandma is sixty years old? I can't stand being so scared by you!

"There has been no news about Jiaxi and Jiaan. Grandma has been sick several times because of her worries. But you came back to cause trouble!"

Hearing the word grandma, Jiayi felt guilty and asked in a low voice: "Is grandma okay? There is also a sister..."

Jia Huan grabbed a handful of meat skewers, stuffed them into his hand, and said angrily, "Everything is fine. You are not filial, and we are different from you!"

Jiayi felt relieved and ate the skewers with great satisfaction and joy.

When he was full, Jia Huan took out some things from under the food box and stuffed them in. He said, "My sister prepared these things for you. There are daggers and medicinal powders. You can keep them for self-defense."

“Besides, from now on, your meals will be delivered from the restaurant, so don’t touch anything in the prison.”

 After saying that, he handed another flat kettle in.

 Jiayi's eyes flashed, and his family's unexpected caution made him more curious and worried.

He lowered his voice and asked: "Second brother, tell me the truth, why did the Wu family bully our family? Is my sister really safe?"

Jia Huan didn't want him to worry about it, so she motioned for him to come over and whispered a few words.

“Fuck!” Jiayi cursed at that time, “If I had known this was the case, I should have hanged that **** from the Wu family on the wall and beheaded him alive!”

"Okay, just be honest!" Jia Huan was startled, fearing that this younger brother would do something if his brain got hot.

Even though he was killing Japanese pirates in the south, making meritorious deeds and becoming a general, that was in front of outsiders.

As long as he returns home, he is still the same reckless and brave naughty boy.

“My uncle and his uncle want me to tell you, just wait and see. The Hailan Army has sent someone to deliver a message. General Tang will come to Beijing as soon as possible. You just need to take care of yourself and don’t worry about the rest.”

Jia Huan was afraid that something would go wrong, so he took the trouble to give instructions. He didn't feel relieved until Jia Yi nodded.

On the other side, the jailers had almost finished eating, and the guys were clearing away the dishes.

Jia Huan could only wave his hands, quickly went forward to join them, and then exited the prison.

Jiayi was so angry that he wished he could change to another prison and be locked up with the Wu family.

 Unfortunately, this is simply not possible…

 The "rotten grass spirit" had a full stomach and gained strength, and began to compete with Jiayi for the dry land at the door.

 The two of them were in a small prison, going back and forth, and the fight was lively again...

 Early on the next morning, just as it was getting dark, the Cyclamen food box was delivered again.

This time it was millet and red date porridge, pork buns with chopped green onion, and four side dishes.

The millet porridge is golden and sticky, the steamed buns are soft and plump, and the side dishes are salty and crispy.

As usual, the small part was sent to the prison, and the larger part was left on the jailers’ table.

The jailers were rubbing their sleepy eyes, holding steamed buns in their mouths, and drinking porridge. It was all a joke.

“This life is so enjoyable, I’m looking forward to the person inside staying there for a few more days.”

“Haha, that’s right! This is Cyclamen’s food. It is said that even if you have money, you may not be able to eat it!”

One person couldn't help but sigh, and lowered his voice and said: "They say that the Li family protects the calf, we just heard it before, but now it seems that this is really a good saying.

“The man inside killed the uncle of the state, and if he put it in someone else’s house, he would have discarded it long ago, for fear of causing harm to the family.

“But this guy is not willing to suffer a little injustice even if he eats or wears clothes. It’s really enviable..."

Bystanders also looked around, "I just sent another package in, it seems to be quilts and new coats and trousers, right?"

 (End of this chapter)

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