Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 839: The Li family has been having bad luck recently!

Chapter 839 The Li family has been having bad luck recently!

When he was half full, the young man in black called the boy again, threw him a handful of copper coins and asked: "Brother, we have been going to the south for more than a year, and when we suddenly came back, we are really not familiar with anything in Xindu.

“Look at what’s new recently, tell us a few words, and let us enjoy the excitement.”

There was no one in the shop at the moment, even the shopkeeper had gone back to the backyard to eat.

The young man had nothing to do, and he had a reward, so he carefully hid the copper coins and started talking in high spirits.

 Whose house in Nancheng was robbed, and whose daughter in Xicheng eloped with someone...

After a few words, he was interrupted by the young man in black, "Little brother, our new capital is under the emperor's feet, won't this be the only trivial matter?"

“Are you talking about important matters in the court?” The boy immediately changed his tune and responded repeatedly: “Yes, of course!

“Something big just happened today!

“The queen’s mother’s family, the Wu family of the Marquis of Jiangning Mansion, had their house confiscated and their entire family imprisoned. The old Marquis couldn’t bear the blow and died at that time!

“We are usually a glamorous nobleman, but we are led to the yamen like a grasshopper. It’s so miserable, we can’t even see it!

“But I heard that the eldest young master of the Wu family, who was the queen’s biological brother, was fooling around outside at the time and took the opportunity to run away without being caught.”

 Another young man in gray asked curiously: "Did the Wu family make a big mistake that requires the whole family to be imprisoned?"

The young man looked around and saw no one, so he lowered his voice and said, "I heard that the emperor was offended, so he sent an order directly to the Wu family, saying that the Wu family had failed the emperor.

“But some people say that the Wu family offended the Li family and was sued by the Li family.”

  Li family?

The two young men looked at each other, and the young man in black asked, "Which Li family?"

 “Who else could it be from the Li family?” The young man seemed to have found a sense of superiority and spoke more.

“Of course it’s the Li family of Suijintan! I heard that Uncle Li and Princess Kangle entered the palace in the morning, and after they left the palace, the imperial edict was sent to the Jiangning Marquis Mansion.

“So, everyone guessed that the Li family instigated the emperor to rectify the Wu family.”

The young man in black sneered and retorted, "It's ridiculous! How wise is the emperor? Why would he just listen to a few words and send his father-in-law and his family to prison?!"

The young man was stunned for a moment, and finally he suddenly realized, "Oh, that's the truth! The Li family usually behaves well, how could they harm the Wu family for no reason?

“It’s definitely not the Li family’s instigation, maybe it’s just a coincidence.”

"Yes, that's what you said!" The young man in gray smiled honestly and complimented casually, "I have traveled all over the country for so long, and the second brother is really the smartest and most sensible one among the guys I have met."

 The younger brother was proud of the praise, but he said modestly, "Hey, I just said it casually.

“Actually, the Li family has a good reputation. No one believes that their family does bad things. It’s just that the Li family has not been very lucky recently..."

While we were busy chatting, the young man started talking about the Li family affairs.

 Princess Kangle was seriously ill and spent a lot of money to seek medical treatment, but she was restored to health over and over again.

 Why did the Li family have a great-grandson and hold a banquet at the Earl's Mansion...

The young man in black and the young man in gray listened from beginning to end. Finally, seeing that the boy had nothing to say, the two young men rewarded him with a handful of copper coins and then left in a hurry.

The young man got dozens of cash in extra money, but he was so happy that he just looked forward to having more guests like this.

 Let’s not talk about how he had sweet dreams, just say that these two young people are Jiayi and Liu Yang...

They walked in the night of Xindu, hesitating for a moment whether to leave the city quickly or go to the Earl's Mansion to stay for one night.

Suddenly, a horse entered the city gate. The knight on the horse held up the flag and shouted loudly: "Good news, good news! Great victory in Jiangbei!"

 “The Northern Expeditionary Army killed 20,000 enemies and captured 8,000!”

With a few words, the city that was about to become quiet suddenly became lively again.

 Everyone ran to the streets.

Someone asked loudly: "Is this a good news from Jiangbei? The Marquis has won again!" "Yes, kill twenty thousand barbarians, twenty thousand!" Others echoed and danced with joy.

 “The Marquis is mighty, and the Northern Army is mighty!”

Jiayi and Liu Yang were happy to be among the crowd.

Liu Yang lowered his voice and said, "That's great. Fourth uncle and Uncle Dayong must have also made meritorious deeds. They should be promoted again this time!"

“When General Tang arrives in the new capital, we will definitely get rewards after we sacrifice the prisoners.

“By then our Broken Gold Beach will be completely famous!”

Jiayi's brows jumped when he heard this and his smile dropped.

Liu Yang had lived and ate with him for so many years and was more familiar with him than a real brother. He immediately guessed that something was wrong with him, so he quickly dragged him into an alley.

"Jiayi, what's wrong? You're not jealous of your fourth uncle and the others, are you?" Liu Yang joked.

Sure enough, Jiayi patted him and whispered: "What nonsense are you talking about? I suddenly thought of four words... Great achievements surpass the master."

 Have great achievements to outshine the master?

Liu Yang blinked twice, came to his senses, and asked, "Are you afraid that the court will be jealous of our family?"

Jiayi nodded, "Grandma used to say, you're not afraid of good things happening, you're afraid of not being good people.

“Your Majesty, Xu Shi, has no doubts about the Marquis and our family, and he is also happy that our family has produced so many generals who are dedicated to protecting our family and country.

“But there are people who are jealous of Bao Qi and go to the emperor to say something that shouldn’t be said!

“Now Tianwu only has the Jiangbei defense line, our Hailan Army in the southeast, and the hoarding of troops in the important towns in the southwest.

“The Northern Expedition Army is in the hands of the Marquis. My Fourth Uncle and Uncle Dayong are both generals. We are also in the Hailan Army and we are on our own.

“It can be said that except for the important towns in the southwest, our family already controls most of the military power.

“Three people become a tiger. If the emperor hears it too much, he may be afraid and want to gather military power...

“But the Marquis and the fourth uncle only wanted to regain Jiangbei and drive the barbarians out of Tianwu.

“After these few years of hard work, next year may be the time for the general offensive, and we cannot afford to delay it even a little bit..."

Hearing this, Liu Yang quickly turned around in his mind and asked hesitantly: "Do you want to...defeat yourself?!"

Jiayi smiled and did not answer. He just said: "Let's go around first and find out what is going on between our family and the Wu family. It's not too late to talk."

Liu Yang nodded and walked to the door of his house. He could stay for a month or two this time, not less than a few days.

 In Broken Gold Beach, everyone dispersed after having a sumptuous dinner.

This matter about the Wu family was like a sword that had been hanging over their heads for many days. Now it was taken away all at once. There is no need to worry about someone suddenly coming to cause trouble.

I have to say that the Li family has finally found a peaceful life. Even Mrs. Li went to bed very early today and did not stand by the oil lamp to do needlework.

Hearing the quietness in the backyard, Jiayin wrapped himself in a thick cloak and took Shui Ling, who was on duty at night, to Wen's house next door.

Sure enough, the three brothers Li Zhensheng, Li Laoer and Jiaren, plus Mr. Wen, all gathered together to drink tea and talk.

Everyone was surprised when they saw the good news coming through the door.

Li Zhensheng asked: "Why hasn't Fu Niuer fallen asleep?"

Jiayin smiled and sat down next to her eldest brother, and replied: "At the dinner table, no one said anything about what happened during the day. I guessed that you were afraid that grandma would worry, so you were discussing it secretly behind your back.

 “Sure enough, I got caught!”

 (End of this chapter)

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