Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 835: The root cause of the Queen's illness was found!

Chapter 835 The root cause of the Queen’s illness was found!

“Go and call the imperial doctor, I have a severe headache!” The queen lay directly on the bed, holding her head with both hands, frowning, looking unbearable.

The palace maid was stunned for a moment, and a flash of helplessness flashed in her eyes, "Yes, your Majesty, I will send someone to the Imperial Hospital right now."

 The queen waved her hands and said no more.

The palace maid quickly stepped back and breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't worry about whether the master's trick of pretending to be sick is effective or not, as long as she doesn't get angry and beaten...

 Unfortunately, the doctor on duty at Tai Hospital was not so lucky.

 During this period of time, the Queen complained of headache every day, but the cause could not be found, and they could not say that she was not sick.

In the end, I can only prescribe some warm and tonic prescriptions every time, hoping that the queen will find her conscience one day and stop using them as an excuse to see a doctor...

 Normally, it is about looking, hearing, asking, and understanding, prescribing medicine, and boiling medicine.

The queen got angry and poured tea all over the doctor. She scolded her angrily for half an hour before she finally calmed down...

In the middle of the night, the Kunning Palace was in full swing, with lanterns lit everywhere. They were as bright as targets in the huge palace, and it was difficult not to pay attention.

And in the palace, not to mention people, even a ray of wind is a master who leads Yueyin and carries news.

As long as it is within the palace wall, let alone an inconspicuous mouse hole, don't even think about hiding any secrets.

Therefore, the queen of Kunning Palace did not wait to blow the medicine soup to cool down, and the masters of each palace had already heard about it clearly.

There was a concubine lying on the bed, whispering to the maid who was waiting next to her.

“We, the mother of the country, don’t know where our brains have gone, we are getting stupider day by day!

“In the past, she was arrogant at most, but now she adds the word ‘stupid’. She really wants to have a prince, and she wants all the old dogs on the street to know about it.

“As a result, I still complain about being sick every day and drink medicinal soup as water every day... I can’t even think of giving birth to a child if my good body continues to suffer like this.”

"What the empress said is that the Kunning Palace is filled with the smell of medicine, and whoever goes there will want to take a detour!" The personal palace maid smiled and said: "But it is a good thing that she is stupid, so that the emperor can find that the master is smart and virtuous, and come to accompany him more often. Where is the master? Maybe by this time next year, the master will have the little prince in his arms."

"Haha, that's the truth. Go to sleep. I heard that the emperor has been coughing recently. I will stew a cup of snow pears and send it to you tomorrow." The concubine happily made her plans and went to sleep contentedly.

 But in the imperial study room in front, the emperor was wearing bright yellow pajamas, holding a book in his hand, and his brows were frowning tightly.

"The queen called the imperial doctor again? What's the reason this time?" The emperor was very impatient.

 After all, a good life is nothing but asking for medical advice every day, which makes everyone feel bad.

Manager Yi carefully poured the emperor soothing tea and said, "I heard that I still have a headache. The imperial doctor has prescribed a prescription. I think the Queen must have taken the medicine and fallen asleep by now."

“Hmph!” The emperor snorted coldly, threw down the book in his hand, and cursed in a low voice: “It’s a medicine that’s three parts poisonous. She’s been drinking it for several months. She’s trying to poison herself to death!”

Nowadays, there are signs of establishing a prince in the court from time to time, but he can suppress it for the time being.

 Just saying that the dragon body is healthy and the spring and autumn are in full swing can make everyone shut up.

But if the queen tortures herself to death, someone will definitely make a fuss about establishing a queen.

 And the new queen's child is the legitimate child, the perfect candidate for the prince...

 It is inevitable that there will be another **** storm and the court will be in turmoil!

The emperor became more and more irritable as he thought about it, and ordered: "Tomorrow, the doctor from Zhaotai Hospital will come to Kunning Palace to give the queen a good diagnosis and treatment. It is best to find out the real root cause of the disease and don't let her take medicine randomly!"

 General Manager Yi quickly agreed, served the emperor, drank the soothing tea, and then rested. Neither the master nor the servant expected that the root cause of the queen's illness would be found early the next morning before the doctor entered the Kunning Palace...

The emperor was sitting behind the desk. He was very happy when he saw Li Laoer and Jiayin coming to pay their respects. He said, "Fu Niu'er hasn't come to see me for a long time. Hurry and get up!"

Jiayin lowered his head and said cautiously: "I also want to see Uncle Huang, but I'm not allowed to go out at home."

 She wore a light blue brocade coat today, paired with a moon-white pleated skirt, with two braids and two simple pearl hairbands.

Moreover, her ears and wrists were bare. Her face was even smaller against her slaps, and the circles under her eyes were black. Coupled with her slightly white lips, she looked very haggard.

 This is so different from her usual festive and noble dress!

If it is a little sun on weekdays, then today it is just a dry little wild flower swaying in the cold wind...

The emperor felt more and more distressed as he watched, and couldn't help but ask: "Didn't Fu Niu'er get better from being sick before? Isn't it easy?"

“There is also an old ginseng tree in the warehouse. I will ask Manager Yi to find it soon and bring it back to you..."

Jiayin’s eyes were red at that time, and he choked and said: “Uncle Huang, I’m not sick, I’m just scared!

"I want to find my adoptive father, my father! Uncle Huang, can you send someone to take me there?"

The emperor was confused when he heard the news, and felt even more distressed when he saw the tears dripping from his eyes as he cried at the good news.

After all, this is the little girl he has watched grow up, and he promised to take good care of her when her cousin went off to war.

He hurriedly said: "Don't cry, Fu Niuer, why do you have to go find your adoptive father?

“Didn’t you tell me when you were a child that Uncle Huang is the greatest in the world, even more powerful than your adoptive father?

"Who bullied you? Tell Uncle Huang, and Uncle Huang will support you!"

Jiayin lowered his head and just wiped his tears without saying a word.

Seeing this, General Manager Yi quickly said to Li Laoer: "Uncle Li, what kind of injustice has the princess suffered?

"The princess is a girl and timid. Please tell me quickly and don't make the emperor anxious!"

Unexpectedly, Li Laoer lifted up his robe and fell to his knees.

“Your Majesty, Fu Niu’er has been sensible since she was a child. She didn’t want the Emperor to be in trouble, so she thought of finding the Marquis and her father to take shelter.

“But she is still young and can’t think of much. This world belongs to the emperor. No matter how powerful or lawless anyone is, they can’t get past the emperor!”

The emperor nodded. At this moment, he also guessed that the Li family was being bullied, but what Li Laoer said touched his heart.

Tianwu is his world, there is nothing he can't control.

He asked with a stern face: "Uncle Zhongshan, tell me, what's going on? Don't hide it! I want to hear who is lawless!"

Jiayin was a little anxious. He stepped forward and pulled the emperor's sleeves, with a worried look on his face, "Uncle Huang..."

The emperor patted her back and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, uncle Huang is not angry.

“You are my own princess, and I want to see who dares to bully you and who is so bold!”

Li Laoer took a deep breath, as if trying to suppress the grievance and resentment in his heart.

He started from the beginning, "Your Majesty, some people in Xindu previously said that Fu Niu'er was very lucky. Our family felt that it was not good for a girl to be talked about like this. So Fu Niu'er pretended To avoid the limelight, I went to the palace to ask for an old ginseng tree, and that was how I settled the matter. You must remember that, right?"

The emperor nodded and replied: "Remember, I want to send an imperial doctor. You said it is a temporary measure for the family, so forget it."

 (End of this chapter)

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