Chapter 825 Price but no market

So Brother Cat happily picked up the wine flask and filled the wine bowls for his father and his second uncle, not forgetting to keep some for himself.

 Everyone laughed when they saw it. Li Zhensheng patted his son but didn't stop him.

 He was out and about all year round, and his early experiences were “wonderful” enough.

 So, he does not advocate raising the children in the family to be too honest and well-behaved.

 Otherwise, when you grow up and go out in the future, you will easily suffer a disadvantage.

 It is normal for the boy to be a drinker by nature, like to do things with his hands, and be very curious.

 When you are young, you cannot do whatever you want and be free. When you get older and have a family, you will have more things to worry about and it will be too late to regret.

Seeing this, Jiaren, Brother Li and Jia Xu also joined in the fun and poured half a bowl of wine.

On the contrary, Lu Zong needed to avoid drinking because he was taking medicinal soup to condition his body, so he could only satisfy his craving by nibbling goose meat.

Li Laoer thought of something and asked, "Have the old men in the backyard and Doctor Zhang given away goose meat?"

“Sent it away!” Cat Brother responded quickly, “Second Uncle, I personally took someone to deliver it, so don’t worry.

“Our family killed eight geese today, and even Aunt Dayong and Uncle Liu’s family also gave a pot to them.”

Li Laoer then nodded and asked: "I heard that the Liu family and the Wang family came to plead for mercy today?"

Jiaren replied: "Yes, dad, these two families are really at odds with each other. They want to expose this matter under the guise of a child's joke and don't want to expose it to the public."

Li Zhensheng sneered when he heard this, and said, "Don't worry, today I will cut off the rest of their family's business. Your father has taken away Wang Yuanzhong's errand. They will keep it and deliver the deed tomorrow."

"Really?!" Brother Cat was extremely happy, "This is how we should deal with them! They are so ignorant that they are so disgusting.

“Let’s see if they dare to act smart and scheme with others in the future!”

Brother Li also said: "The Liu family and the Wang family are so dishonest and do not keep their word. Even if we don't hand over the shop, no one will dare to do business with them in the future."

Jiaren thought more carefully, "When we get the shop, we will make preparations and go visit Mr. Mo Mei and other old gentlemen to express our condolences and thank you.

“In order to help us collect debts, several old gentlemen may have become angry.”

After hearing the good news in the room, he quickly said: "Brother, I will prepare the thank-you gifts for the old gentlemen.

“You can find potted flowers, fruits and vegetables in the greenhouse, and you can get a thank you gift by looking for it. It’s decent and doesn’t cost any money.”

Jiaren disagreed and refused loudly, "No, we can just go to the city to buy a thank you gift.

“The flowers, plants and fruits in your greenhouse are all grown by you with great hard work. You can just eat them at home. It’s not good to pick them out every time and give them as gifts.

“Besides, several old gentlemen are willing to help us in order to protect us. Naturally, we have to pay for the thank you gifts.”

Jiayin insisted, and simply carried the rice bowl out of the house, sat down between the eldest uncle and the second uncle, and said: "Brother, why are you being polite to me? Those two shops are not being given to me to start a new life." Fresh shop?

“Those old gentlemen are just helping me, so of course they want me to give them a thank you gift. Besides, these old gentlemen’s families are doing well, so they don’t need ordinary thank you gifts.

“If you send vegetables, fruits and potted flowers, everyone will know that our family grew them themselves, and they will definitely be happy and not burdened by the harvest.”

Jiaren thought about it and realized that this was indeed true. He could only smile and shake his head. He gave his sister a goose leg and reluctantly agreed.

“Okay, I’ll listen to you. Your mouth is getting worse and worse, and no one can talk to you!”

Jiayin gnawed on the goose leg and said proudly: "I'm in charge, of course you have to listen to me!"

 Everyone laughed along with them, and then said that visiting several old men separately was too eye-catching, so why not send a post to Mr. Mo Mei in the name of the Earl's Mansion.

Mr. Mo Mei will come forward to invite several other old gentlemen. It will be most convenient for them to meet at Mo Mei Courtyard.

In this case, just prepare six portions of vegetables, fruits and six pots of flowers at home.

 Six pots of flowers must be of different varieties and quality. It is up to the old gentlemen to decide how to distribute them. It can be predicted that the scene will be very lively...

 At noon on the second day, the Li family and the Wang family indeed sent the deed of the shop to Suijintan.

Jiaren entered the city with them in a carriage, quickly changed his name, and went to the government office.

As a result, the industry under the name of Jiayin has gained two new members.

 This is a piece of pie from the sky!

You must know that the shops on the shopping street are much more expensive now than when the capital was first moved.

 It can be said that there is a price but no market!

Now, the Li family has acquired two rooms without spending a single tael of silver, which makes everyone who hears about it can't help but be jealous.

  Some people say harsh words, and the Li family is using their power to bully others.

 But most people are sensible enough and willing to speak out fairly.

 Because there were too many people who could testify at the poetry meeting that day.

  It was Wang Sheng and Liu Kui who wanted to commit suicide. The Li family fought back despite being plotted against them. The plot was even more exciting than the script!

Now that the Liu family and the Wang family are offering their shop, they are just willing to admit defeat.

 What everyone is more curious about is that the little steward of the Li family is so secretive that he actually wrote such a good article and won easily.

It’s a pity that no matter how curious everyone is and how much they want to see the legendary steward, they still can’t succeed.

 Because Guli has been arranged by Mr. Jiang to hide out!

The Liu family and the Wang family were afraid that the Li family would continue to retaliate and lose their errands and shops, and they would not be able to survive in Xin.

So the two of them quickly sold the goods in the shop at low prices, took the money, packed up the goods overnight, and left the new capital at dawn.

Both shops are locked, but we have to wait for Jiayin to decide how to renovate them.

 For this reason, Brother Li and Brother Mao stayed in the shop all morning to draw detailed structural drawings for their sister.

Jiayin wants to decorate it like the small supermarket in her previous life.

 It is spacious, quiet, and has attentive service. It is a high-end fruit and vegetable shop that specializes in making money from the rich and powerful.

 The main purpose is, of course, “rob the rich and give to the poor”!

 In the next few days, she rushed to the princess's mansion and started drawing plans over and over again.

It’s a pity that I haven’t visited the store and I think it’s awkward no matter how designed it is.

 Once the dimensions are wrong or unclear, someone has to go to the shop to actually measure them.

In the end, even Cat Brother, who was most willing to go out, was so tired that he said, "Sister, we might as well rent out the shop.

"Otherwise, before your fresh food shop opens, your seventh brother will go to see the Lord of Hell!"

   Brother Cat was leaning on the rocking chair, looking like he was breathing more out than in.

I didn’t want to, Mrs. Li was walking around now, and she heard her grandson say this when she entered the door. She was so angry that she slapped him in the face and cursed: "You brat, you dare to say anything nonsense!

 “Be careful when I get a needle and thread and sew your mouth shut!”

 The cat brother was beaten and the mouse ran away.

Jiayin ran forward, hugged her grandma's arm and shook her with a smile.

 Old Mrs. Li knew her granddaughter well, and before she could speak, she said, "I don't agree."

Jiayin was frustrated and shook her grandma more and more coquettishly, "Grandma doesn't care about Fu Niu'er anymore. I haven't said anything yet, so why don't you agree?"

 (End of this chapter)

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