Chapter 818 Is it really luck?

 Brother Cat immediately took Zheng Liu and Zheng Qi, blocked their way, and sneered and taunted them.

“Hey, where are you going?

“Wasn’t he arrogant just now? Didn’t he scold our Li family for bad conduct?

“Why do you want to default on the debt after you lose?”

"Get out of the way! We didn't say we wouldn't give the lottery prize, we just... we just went home to discuss it!" Cold sweat dripped from Liu Kui's forehead.

He didn't want to go home to discuss things, he just had to find a place to take shelter quickly.

 Let his father know that Xiuzhuang was exported by him, he will definitely beat him to death!

How could Brother Cat be frightened by him? With a wave of his hand, Zheng Liu and Zheng Qi stepped forward, each of them escorted one to the front of the pavilion.

Brother Cat shouted: "Sir, these two people wanted to run away without paying, but I caught them!"

When everyone heard the sound and looked over, they were all disdainful and angry.

"If you can't afford to lose, don't compete. You were so aggressive just now, why are you running away now!"

 “What a disgrace to scholars!”

"They were originally expelled from Luo'an Academy, and I don't know where they got the nerve to come here!"

"I will never go to any place where they are in the future, lest I be exposed to their bad luck!"

Wang Sheng and Liu Kui's faces turned green and red after being scolded, and they wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

Mr. Mo Mei and several other gentlemen also snorted, very shamelessly.

Mr. Mo Mei even said: "I am willing to admit defeat. Your two shops must be given to the Li family!"

“If you regret it, I don’t mind coming to collect the debt in person!”

 The other gentlemen also responded one after another.

“And me, I don’t mind going to their home to see how they educate their children and raise two shameless villains!”

"If you can't hand over the shop to the Li family in three days as promised, don't blame us for being rude!"

Jiaren brought Brother Li and Brother Cat to salute the gentlemen, "Mr. Trouble, please help us make the decision."

Mr. Mo Mei waved his hand and said, "You're welcome. You won the prize at my poetry competition, and you won honorably. This is what you deserve!"

“If these two people’s families dare to cheat, I will definitely make them pay the price!”

After saying that, he called the boys serving tea and ordered: "Drive these two disgraceful things out, and they will never be allowed to step here again!"

 A servant immediately responded and almost dragged Wang Sheng and Liu Kui out.

Everyone couldn't help but cheer.

 “Mr. Mo Mei is mighty!”

Mr. Mo Mei was coaxed into laughing, waved his hand and said, "Those who want to copy poems should do so quickly.

“After you finish copying, go and enjoy the flowers. My garden only opens once a year. Don’t miss this good opportunity.”

Everyone ran back to get pens and paper. The first thing that needed to be copied was naturally Gu Li's "The Gentleman"!

The Li brothers and others don’t need to copy, because the lyricist belongs to their family!

Although Zhimin and Xiujie knew that Gu Li had been Mr. Jiang's book boy, they didn't know that he was so powerful.

At this moment, the two of them surrounded Guli and started asking questions.

Xiu Jie asked: "Gu Li, Gu Li, you are so amazing, you actually made such good words! Do you usually study with Mr. Jiang?"

“Yes, if I had known that Mr. Jiang was so powerful, why would we have gone to the academy?” Zhi Min said excitedly: “It would be great if we went to Suijintan to study with Mr. Jiang, and we could also soak in hot springs and eat fruits every day!”

Lu Zong, Jia Xu, and Guo Wenhao were also curious. Although they didn't ask, they kept looking at Gu Li.

 Guli bent down slightly and lowered his head, as if the golden light had faded from his body and he had returned to the silent and diligent steward. He saw that there were no outsiders around, then he said with a simple and honest smile: "Once, I was chatting with Mr. Jiang. We talked about virtue for a long time. I didn't expect that I would be tested this time. I had a draft in my mind, so I was not embarrassed. In the final analysis, it is really It's just good luck.

“Oh, I was prepared in advance, no wonder I started writing so quickly!” Xiu Jie suddenly realized and whispered excitedly, “From now on, if we have nothing to do, we can write more articles so that we won’t have to worry about the college exams!”

Jiaren looked at Guli and had something in his heart, but he didn't say it.

If it is true as Gu Li said, it was really a coincidence. Due to luck, the victory was easily won.

 But if Mr. Guli takes the test on other questions, Guli will still win without any preparation in advance.

 Don’t ask why, Jiaren just has this intuition!

This Guli, I didn’t pay much attention to it before, but now it looks more and more like a mystery...

 In the future, can he still be allowed to stay in the village and stay with his sister as a steward?

 Gulishu noticed the eyes falling on him, raised his head and looked at each other, then bowed his head humbly...

The Meiyuan Poetry Club was lively and lively for most of the day and then dispersed.

Needless to say, before sunset, the twists and turns of today’s six games will spread throughout the Xindu.

  But this has nothing to do with Tong Jiaren and others!

Since Zhi Min, Xiu Jie and Cat Brother were all clamoring to celebrate, Jia Ren sent someone home to deliver the letter, and then led everyone to Cyclamen.

My young master brought his friends over for dinner. Of course the shopkeeper and the clerks at Cyclamen were extremely attentive.

Almost as soon as Jiaren and others stepped through the door, the shopkeeper welcomed them upstairs and opened the best private room.

Jiaren waved his hand and said with a smile: "Today we are all brothers, not outsiders. Let's go to the backyard instead of going up to the second floor."

 “Hey, okay, okay.”

The shopkeeper quickly led the way and opened the door curtain between the front hall and the backyard.

Jia Xu and Lu Zong were naturally happy when they heard the word "brothers".

Lu Zong smiled and said, “I often come here to eat, but this is the first time I’ve entered the backyard.”

Jia Xu also said: "A place that sells food has the most reputation. There is a kitchen in the backyard, but not everyone can come in easily."

Guo Wenhao walked beside Jiaren with a quiet smile, while Jimin and Xiujie had already followed Brother Cat into the side room.

This wing is where Jia Huan rests. Occasionally, when he doesn't go back to his old house and Luo'an, he will stay here for one night.

When I encounter Jiayin and my grandmother go shopping in the city, or when Tao Hongying comes to try new dishes, I will always sit here.

 So, the place is very clean, and there are bookshelves along the walls with some account books and small ornaments.

There is a screen in the corner, and behind the screen is a bed. There is a big white goose doll placed at the foot of the bed, and a wide orange mouth can be vaguely seen resting on the edge of the bed.

There is also a table under the window with a pot of hydrangeas. The flowers are white and green, which looks particularly fresh and elegant.

Jiaren invited everyone to sit down. A boy brought in a teapot, and Brother Li helped everyone pour tea.

The cat brother was already familiar with the way and ran behind the screen and took out a square basket made of rattan.

 After opening it, there are more than a dozen kinds of snacks inside, most of which are new categories that are not sold in Baiyunjian.

 Brother Cat took some samples and put them into two plum flower trays.

Lu Zong took a piece of spicy beef jerky and ate it. He couldn't help but praise, "Spicy and delicious, this jerky tastes really good. Why doesn't Baiyunjian sell such a delicious snack?"

   Brother Cat smiled and shook his head, "Haha, Brother Lu is going to be disappointed. My sister made this by herself, and we can only eat it at our house."

 (End of this chapter)

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