Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 815: The waves wash away the sand, and the fire refines the gold!

Chapter 815: The waves wash away the sand, and the fire refines the gold!

 Brother Cat smiled and saluted, but he didn't hide it.

“Mr. Hui, I have been traveling a lot in recent years, writing travel notes about what I saw and heard, and earning some pen and ink expenses.

“This poem was written while staying on the snowfield in winter, and I had a sudden feeling.”

Before Mr. Mo Mei could speak, one of the old gentlemen said: "Oh, are you Jiafei? I have read two of your travel notes, they are very good!

“It’s just that I’ve always been curious about what the special meaning of my name is. It sounds very weird!”

 Hearing this name, Brother Cat's face turned a little red.

  When he tried to write his first travelogue, he really didn’t know what pen name to use, so he asked his sister to help him choose one.

My sister was sewing a doll, and she casually picked up the word "Jiafei".

As a result, the travel notes were sold well after being printed. Someone asked about the meaning of the pen name. He went home and asked, and his sister gave him an orange cat doll with a rogue and lazy look on his face...

He couldn't laugh or cry every time he thought about it. He was trying to stop his sister from letting the stuffed cat go among the white clouds.

 Otherwise, the ragdoll cat with the same name would be held in the arms of many girls...

 He is really too shameless to see anyone!

At this time, he couldn't say anything anymore, so he just said something casually.

“I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed, sir. In fact, it’s just taken casually and does not have any special meaning.”

As people mature with age, of course the old gentlemen could see Brother Cat's embarrassment, but they kindly did not ask further.

 Soon, the second game will begin.

But Wang Sheng stood up and protested: "Sir, I ask myself that I am not bad at writing poems. Why have my works been so clumsy?"

 Several old gentlemen frowned, somewhat displeased with Wang Sheng's rudeness.

 But Mr. Mo Mei still asked the book boy to find Wang Sheng's poem and read it in public.

 After all the students listened, Mr. Mo Mei gave a comment, "The rhetoric is too gorgeous and loses the nobility of snow."

 Everyone nodded and agreed with this sentence.

Wang Sheng probably wanted to show off his talent and knowledge, so he piled up gorgeous rhetoric throughout the article.

If you don’t know the original title, you probably won’t be able to guess that it’s chanting snow.

Wang Sheng's face was green and white, and he was a little reluctant, but he also sat down.

 The second session, the title is plum blossoms.

 Everyone was still well prepared and handed in the papers quickly.

 The final winner was Brother Li. He wrote about the pride of plum blossoms and was loved by all the old gentlemen.

I have to say that Mr. Mo Mei is also a wonderful person. There was no need for Wang Sheng to bring it up this time. He took the initiative to ask the book boy to read Wang Sheng's poems.

 It was inevitable that Wang Sheng would be crushed again!

 The third session, the topic is wind.

 The winner is Jia Xu. He has advocated freedom since he was a child and has been traveling around these years. He is very comfortable writing about this subject.

Mr. Mo Mei and several other elderly people did not hesitate to praise him.

The Jia family, which was not very famous originally, finally became famous in front of others because of Jia Xu.

 The fourth game, the topic is rain, and the winner is a student from Luo'an Academy, who is also famous for his talents.

There are even rumors that the dean intends to accept him as a disciple.

 Presumably after becoming famous this time, becoming the dean’s disciple is a certainty.

 In the fifth game, the title was Mountain, and the winner was Lu Zong.

His father has guarded the southwest border for so many years, like a silent and reliable mountain, protecting Tianwu's peace.

Most of the people knew his identity, and were moved by the perseverance and loyalty in the poems, so they unanimously decided that he was the first.

Lu Zong got the lottery prize, which was the dagger.

No matter how calm he is usually, he couldn't help but smile at this moment... The sixth session was the most difficult topic. It was no longer about objects, but two very abstract words - family.

 With each elimination, most people have withdrawn from the competition and automatically become spectators and judges.

 There are only a dozen or so contestants who can write!

 But the evaluation is the most difficult thing for the old gentlemen. After all, the big waves wash away the sand, and what is left is gold.

 Finally, after discussion, they selected the first name, which was Jiaren’s work.

He experienced the family’s transition from poverty to wealth, and the grief, indignation and fear of the country’s collapse, so he started from the idea that only a country can have a family, and then wrote about the family’s prosperity in detail, which requires the joint efforts of several generations.

Fathers are willing to be stepping stones, and brothers are each other’s arms to achieve each other’s success...

Mr. Mo Mei recited it himself. Except for the wind, no one made a sound in the garden.

 When the last word fell, everyone applauded spontaneously, convinced.

 This is not only the vision and ambition of the eldest grandson of a family, but also the guarantee for the continued strength of the family.

Some smart people are already thinking about how to make friends with Li Jiaren.

Mr. Mo Mei, on the other hand, wanted to hit the wall.

  Why didn't you know that Li's grandson was so outstanding? Otherwise, he would have been captured as his grandson-in-law no matter what.

It's good now. They've already gotten married, to an unknown girl from the Xing family, and they've all given birth to children.

Jiaren stepped forward and spoke a few words to several old gentlemen. He responded with ease, calmness and courtesy. He even gained the favor of several old gentlemen, who all invited him to come and have tea in the future.

 Finally, he took the horsewhip that represented a BMW and returned.

 Speaking of which, Wang Sheng is also a weirdo.

He actually became more and more courageous with every setback. He never failed in each of the six competitions, and every time his works were recited, as a control group, it could be said that it was humiliating, but he still refused to admit defeat.

Liu Kui had given up and sat aside, wishing he could cover his face with his sleeves, regretting that he had been sent to the door to be a clown.

 Looking at the Li family, everyone has made gains, except Zhi Min, Xiu Jie and Guo Wenhao who did not take the first place.

 But Zhimin and Xiujie think that they have only a short time to study, and they have just won third place twice, which is already very good.

Only Guo Wenhao, who took second place three times but never took first place, looked a little lonely.

Jiaren knew that this junior brother was talented in reading but sensitive, so he patted him on the shoulder and whispered comfort.

"Junior brother, read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. You are already doing well in studying. If you have the opportunity to travel outside more often and see more of different customs, you will definitely make progress."

 After saying that, he handed over the riding crop in his hand.

“For your birthday, I didn’t find anything good. I only gave you a set of the four treasures of the study.

“Today this horse will be your birthday gift, and from now on it will take you to see all the great rivers and mountains.”

Guo Wenhao was stunned for a moment, and then he felt as if he was placed on a stove, and most of the ice accumulated in his heart for many years melted instantly.

 After his grandfather passed away, all the warmth he experienced in this world came from the Wen family and the Li family.

This senior brother is like a real brother. How can he repay Wan Yi in this life...

His lips were trembling, and he had a thousand words in his heart, but he only said two words, "Senior brother..."

Jiaren put the riding whip into his hand and said with a smile: "Take it, Brother Cat will see it's time to grab it soon."

 Sure enough, Brother Cat had already come over and started to protest.

“Ugh, brother, you are partial. You treat your junior brother better than me, my biological brother!”

Jiaren knocked him and said with a smile: "Stop being so weird! Don't think I don't know. You ride my sister's little red horse the most, and it has almost become your exclusive mount.

“Wen Hao only has himself at home, so it’s just right to have a horse as a playmate.”

   Brother Cat scratched his head, came close to Wen Hao, and whispered: "I'll ride to see you someday, let's compete!"

 “Okay!” Guo Wenhao smiled, and his thin and cold face suddenly seemed to bloom, bright and dazzling!

 (End of this chapter)

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