Chapter 812 Return to Beijing early!

Jiayi just washed his face and asked his soldiers to cook two large bowls of noodles.

Last time my uncle came over, my sister brought him two jars of mushroom and pork sauce. Sometimes when the weather was too hot and I didn’t want to eat, I boiled it in the water and ate it.

Pour the meat sauce on the white noodles, sprinkle a handful of cucumber shreds, and a little chopped green onion. It's so delicious!

If he ignored the strong fishy smell in the air, he could even deceive himself. He was sitting under the eaves of his porch, listening to his grandma fish it out, his little sister was hiding behind her and making faces, and his fourth aunt yelled at him to eat slowly. There’s a lot more in the pot…

 Unfortunately, Liu Yang rushed in just halfway through eating.

Jiayi pointed to another bowl and said, "Don't tell me that I'm eating alone, I brought you a bowl too."

Liu Yang hesitated for a moment, then said: "Jiayi, something seems to have happened at home.

"A merchant from the north brought some news. The Yue family heard about it and just sent someone to tell me."

"What's the news?" Jiayi put down the bowl and stood up.

Liu Yang didn't dare to hide it, "According to merchants from the north, there was a rumor in Xindu that our princess was very lucky, and then the princess fell ill.

"The family offered a reward of a thousand taels to the doctor in Xindu, but no doctor could tell what kind of disease the princess had. Later, the emperor rewarded the princess with a precious ginseng tree and mixed the medicine with the princess.

"But those merchants came south and didn't hear what happened in the end..."

Jiayi had a cold face and immediately grasped the key point, "In other words, no one knows whether Fu Niu'er is cured now?"

"Yes," Liu Yang nodded, "Counting the days, this should have been more than half a month ago."

Having said that, he was afraid that Jiayi would be anxious, so he advised: "But don't worry, the princess has always been very lucky, and there is Dr. Zhang in the village, so nothing will happen to her."

Jiayi picked up his feet and left, "I want to go back to Xindu!"

“Hey, wait for me, I’ll go back with you!” Liu Yang hurriedly chased after him.

Hailan Army has been stationed in Quanzhou for many years to defend the tranquility of the coast.

 But Tianwu did not pay attention to the navy, and the money and food allocated by the court were limited.

 On the contrary, the navy needs to build ships and maintain and repair them, each of which is a huge expenditure.

With no choice but to do so, Hai Lanjun secretly plays some side projects on weekdays.

For example, when patrolling the sea, you will also take care of fishing.

For example, escorting merchants’ cargo ships ensures the safety of the three hundred miles between sea channels and rivers.

 In short, Hailan Army will not let it go as long as it can supplement money and food!

For this reason, General Tang of the Hailan Army took great pains. Now at the age of fifty, his hair has turned completely white.

However, many years of military service have allowed the old general to develop a righteous character, his eyes are bright and lively, he is very majestic, and he does not look old.

  Hearing that Jiayi and Liu Yang asked for an audience, the old general showed a rare smile. The soldier on the same side said: "Don't these two guys know that they are going to Beijing to offer prisoners, so they came here to plead for mercy?"

“After all, they haven’t been home for two years, so we might as well go back with them.”

The soldier smiled and said: "General Li and General Liu have achieved great success at a young age, and the family must be happy for them.

“However, even though they are far away from home, things from their home are constantly being delivered to them, and everyone is envious of them.

“Furthermore, the Li family’s fleet traveled frequently, and they also built a house and shop here, and retained manpower.

“There are often people coming and going on weekdays. In total, I am taken care of even more than my brothers who live locally.”

General Tang nodded.

 He ​​also knew about the Li family, otherwise he would not have taken the initiative to invite the two boys to join the Hailan Army, and protected them from a smooth journey to where they are now.

Of course, with the abilities of these two boys, they would definitely be able to survive without his protection.

 But those little intrigues will also wear down their will and slow down the progress of their promotion.

 Jiayi and Liu Yang bowed as soon as they entered the door.

Without waiting for General Tang to ask, Jiayi went straight to the point and said: "General, I just heard some news from the merchants. My younger sister is seriously ill and I don't know whether she is alive or dead. "I want to go back to Xindu immediately, and I hope the general will allow it. ! "

Liu Yang also followed suit and said: "General, I also want to go back together. I have arranged a marriage here, and I want to go back to report to my parents, and then come back to get married."

General Tang was stunned for a moment. His son was in charge of the news in Xindu, and he hadn't paid much attention to it recently.

 Unexpectedly, such a big event happened to the Li family.

He thought for a while and said: "You caught the Japanese pirate general earlier, which was a great achievement. The army decided to go to Beijing to offer prisoners, and I originally wanted you to accompany him.

“Since you are in a hurry, you should go back a few days in advance so that you can set up a forward position for the army.

“I will give you a boat with 200 people. The official documents and tokens for customs clearance are complete. You can set off at any time.”

 “Thank you, General!”

Jiayi and Liu Yang did not expect it to go so smoothly. They were both happy and quickly thanked them in unison.

General Tang immediately called for the paperwork and had everything ready in a few moments.

Jiayi and Liu Yang each selected a hundred soldiers, arranged their trivial matters, and set off overnight.

Even if some people know about it, they don’t take it seriously.

 After all, going to Beijing to present prisoners is a big deal, so it is normal to go in batches.

Jiayi and Liu Yang are from Xindu themselves, and they are considered local snakes. If they go back in advance, the arrangements will be more appropriate...

The Li family had no idea that Jiayi and Liu Yang had been rushing back day and night because of an overdue news.

On this day, the academy had a three-day holiday because of the renovation of the school building. Brother Li had the opportunity to come back and stay for a while.

By coincidence, several famous Confucian scholars in the city held a poetry gathering. They borrowed several pots of famous flowers from Baiyuan Garden and strongly invited the Jiaren brothers to attend.

 The major exam, which was originally scheduled for the end of autumn, was postponed by the court to next spring due to some problems.

 Even Jiaren’s calm temperament can be a little impetuous.

So, he planned to take his brothers to relax.

Lu Zong and Jia Xu naturally received the invitation, and even Guo Wenhao, Zhimin and Xiujie of the Liu family also wanted to go to the poetry meeting.

 It just so happens that their brothers can also get together.

On the day of departure, Jiaren took Brother Li and Brother Mao to the car, and their servants accompanied them. Zheng Sanjiang drove the car.

 Four veterans on horseback followed behind to take care of them at all times.

Even Mrs. Li was a little worried, but she was relieved when she saw the situation.

Although the Wu family is eyeing the enemy and is ready to take action at any time, there is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

 Furthermore, boys hide at home to avoid trouble and are easily raised to be timid and cowardly.

Jiayin stood next to her grandma, looking pitifully at the carriage going away, her big eyes full of envy.

Mrs. Li turned around and saw her, and immediately grabbed her granddaughter's hand tightly, fearing that her granddaughter would disappear if she didn't pay attention.

“Fu Niu’er, grandma is getting old and can’t do the work anymore. Winter is coming soon. Isn’t it time to take out the furs from the warehouse and sort them out?

“Earlier, Mrs. Cao took the milk cake recipe and sent so many thank you gifts, so I said your mother kept half of it and the rest went to the public.

“You help grandma pack it today, and we’ll look for something suitable to make a new cloak for the family.”

 (End of this chapter)

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