Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 810: If you don’t admit defeat, you can’t afford to lose!

Chapter 810 If you don’t admit defeat, you can’t afford to lose!

 Everyone murmured a few words, feeling relieved.

Mr. Wen and others discussed that tomorrow they will speed up the investigation at Dali Temple, put more pressure on the Wu family, and force the Wu family to take action again.

At this moment, everyone was talking about the Wu family, and it was no surprise that everyone was in a frenzy.

In the study room in the front yard of the Wu family, the eldest man of the Wu family was chasing his son with a ruler in his hand and waving it non-stop.

"Beast, I might as well beat you to death! At this time, the family is about to be in trouble, and you can't help, and you will cause trouble outside!"

 “What on earth did I do to you? What sin have I done!”

Uncle Wu Yan didn’t dare to run away. He lay on the ground with his head in his hands, crying and begging for mercy, “Dad, I know I was wrong!

“Meiniang was adopted by me last year. At that time, I didn’t expect that our family would encounter trouble!

“It hurts, it hurts! Dad, stop fighting, I don’t dare to fight anymore!”

Mr. Wu kept his ruler in his hands and cursed: "It's not unusual for you to play with a few women, but why can't you hide your tail?!

“I killed that one at the beginning of the year, and people found out about it, and they are trying to fix it in our house!

“Now I’m about to fix a girl from the Cao family for you, and you’ve got a pregnant concubine!

"Have you got any brains? I'll beat you to death, you idiot. What are you doing here? You'll die in peace!"

"Master, master!" Mrs. Wu couldn't help but feel distressed. She rushed forward and hugged her son, begging for mercy over and over again.

“Master, Yan’er knows he made a mistake, so don’t fight him again! He is still young, how could he not make a mistake!

"Besides, that woman is pregnant with our family's blood, so it's normal for Yan'er to be reluctant to let go..."

Mr. Wu became more and more angry when he heard this. He hit his old wife twice on the back with his ruler.

“You prodigal bitch, I haven’t settled the score with you yet, but you jumped out!

“If you hadn’t been so pampered, would you have raised such a rebellious son?!

“He is raising a concubine and having children outside, don’t say you don’t know!”

"You knew how to hide it from me, but now you are fine. You got into trouble and missed important family events before you begged for mercy!"

Mrs. Wu screamed in pain, but she did not dare to say anything because she felt guilty.

She does know that her son is misbehaving outside.

  But in her opinion, there are not many men who are not lewd.

Even if a woman outside gives birth to a child, she can find a village to raise her first, and then when her daughter-in-law comes in, she can take him back.

   At that time, whoever can make a fuss about divorce because of a concubine will have to endure it quietly, and then it will not be a big deal.

How could she have imagined that she would be so unlucky to meet the Li family at Cao's house and get rid of the scandal without hesitation!

She tried her best to protect her son and begged for mercy in a low voice: "Master, it's useless to kill me and my son now.

“I will go to the Cao family tomorrow and have a good talk with Mrs. Cao. When a girl from the Cao family marries her, I will treat her well!

 “There is also that concubine, go to the mother and leave the son...”

It's a pity that she is trying to make amends here, but her son is not living up to expectations. When he heard that his beloved was going to be killed, he started shouting, "Mom, you can't kill Mei Niang, I promised her to let her enter the house as a concubine!" "

When Mrs. Wu heard this, she wanted to grab the ruler and beat her stupid son to death!

Fortunately, Mr. Wu no longer had any illusions about his stupid son. He threw away the ruler and called his confidants to follow him in. He ordered: "Pull this useless thing down and lock it in the room. One meal a day, no food." My order is that no one is allowed to visit or come out!"

Chang Sui responded and quickly pulled Wu Yan out.

Wu Yan naturally disagreed and cried out, "Mother, save me, save me! Mei Niang is about to give birth, and she's still waiting for me to go back!"

Mrs. Wu pretended not to hear, and it wasn’t until her son was dragged away that she cautiously asked, “Master, is this how our family recognizes him?

“If the emperor doesn’t care about the queen, our family will be deprived of its title...”

Mr. Wu was irritable. He sat in his chair and said coldly after a while: "No, we can't admit defeat, and our family will not lose either!"

"Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment both have to look at the emperor's wishes and also worry about the empress. They will not find out the results too quickly. During this period, they have at least two months of free time to use! "Our family's only hope is the empress. If the empress is If you can conceive a prince, you will be a legitimate prince and a future emperor.

“Just for the sake of the prince, the emperor will be open to our family and will not let the prince have a corrupt wife.”

 “The master is saying that we need to...” Mrs. Wu thought of Tao Hongying’s warning during the day, and felt a little frightened.

Mr. Wu did not notice it, and continued: "There is no turning back. Since we have become enemies with the Li family, we will die.

“Before the Marquis Xinting comes back, we must crush the Li family!”

 After saying that, he finally raised his head and glanced at his old wife who looked anxious, feeling more and more bored.

“You don’t have to worry about these things, just take good care of your father.

"If her father dies, the queen will observe mourning for twenty-seven days. By then, even if she drinks her heart's blood, she will not be able to share a room with the emperor!"

"Okay, okay, I understand, sir." Mrs. Wu quickly responded.

I was thinking about taking out the best ginseng plant in the warehouse. As long as I can hold on to the old Marquis's attitude, it will be done for two months.

By then, if the queen can become pregnant and the old marquis passes away, no matter how angry the emperor is, he will not be able to do anything to the Wu family...

Nearly all the people in the Li family were keeping an eye on the Wu family and the Wang family. Naturally, they discovered the Wu family's changes early on.

 Everyone got the news, and began to be on tight alert.

Jiayin had nothing to do and went out again at night.

This time, the "robber" whom the people speculated burned another large farm belonging to the Wang family.

The food was still missing, and the people patrolling and guarding the farm were not hurt.

 In fact, after the Wu family's misfortune, the Wang family had already added protection to the farm.

But Jiayin has space in hand, it is simply a magical tool for transporting food. It was done in less than a quarter of an hour, making the Wang family very difficult to guard against!

 After receiving the news, the Wang family was naturally furious, and then they were thankful that the other granary had not been poisoned.

  If you hear the good news, you will definitely roll your eyes.

It’s not that she showed mercy, it’s that the farm was too far away and couldn’t be traveled back and forth in one night.

If she wasn't worried that grandma would get angry if she couldn't see her when she got up early, she would definitely not let it go!

 But even if she only harvested three granaries, she still gained a lot.

●At this moment, food bags are placed in every available space in the small courtyard of the space. Soon there will be no place to set foot!

  Hands of good news, looking forward to the return of my adoptive father.

 With his foster father’s ability, he will definitely find a suitable place to store the grain.

When the time comes, she will keep one third for emergencies and the rest for the Northern Expeditionary Army to use as military rations!

It is not said that the Wu family's dog jumped over the wall, nor that the Li family's dog is waiting for danger. It is just that far away in Quanzhou, on the vast sea, there are two large ships chasing the Japanese pirates' small boat and beating up the drowned dog!

Seeing no enemy, the Japanese pirates actually lit the boat on fire, turned around and rammed it towards the big ship, as if they were both going to die together!

 The fourth update is here! I’ve paid off yesterday’s debt and will resume three updates tomorrow!

 (End of this chapter)

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