Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 808: I'm the best at peeling and cramping!

 Chapter 808 I’m the best at peeling and cramping!

Tao Hongying pretended to be stunned, and then laughed, "Oh, blame me, blame me! I forgot to introduce myself to Mrs. Wu just now!"

"But our family is a small one, and my general's name is not very famous. I'm afraid my wife won't know about it, but when it comes to my daughter, I think Mrs. Wu must know it."

Mrs. Wu snorted coldly, "Who is your daughter? She's just a cat or a dog, I don't know her!"

"No," Tao Hongying slowly stopped smiling, with an equally cold face, "Mrs. Wu doesn't know anyone, and it's impossible not to know my daughter.

"Because, my daughter is... Princess Kangle, and she was given a fiefdom of gold beach!"

 Princess Kangle?

  Broken Gold Beach? !

Mrs. Wu's heart skipped a beat, she instinctively shrank her shoulders, and her face turned three cents pale.

No wonder this woman exposed the scandal in her family when she came up. It turned out to be that girl’s mother!

She tried to calm down and wanted to speak, but Tao Hongying got there first.

“Mrs. Wu’s expression is obviously that she has remembered something. Can Mrs. Wu tell me why she is so familiar with my daughter?”

Tao Hongying almost gritted her molar teeth and urged her with a smile: "After all, Mrs. Wu is so rich and noble, it is my daughter's honor to know her!

"Mrs. Wu will definitely come to our home if there is a chance in the future. I don't know anything else. What I'm best at is using a knife to chop meat, peeling skin and cramping!"

She spoke the last eight words one word at a time, and Mrs. Wu couldn't help but tremble in her heart.

She has absolutely no doubt that if she had a knife at hand, Princess Kangle’s mother would probably kill her right away!

But thinking of the queen in the palace, she tried to cheer up and sneered: "I'm just a mud-legged person, how can I have the nerve to invite me to dinner! Huh, I feel dirty!"

Tao Hongying dusted off her sleeves and refused to give in, "What Mrs. Wu said is worse than even a shrew in the market.

“Whose family has been a scholarly family since ancient times? Counting three generations up, aren’t they all mud-legged?

“Besides, what’s wrong with Clay Legs? The grains, vegetables, chicken, fish, meat, and eggs you eat are all the fruits of Clay Legs’ labor. Doesn’t Mrs. Wu despise these things as dirty?

“Then what does Mrs. Wu eat on weekdays? Make a hole in the window and drink northwest wind three times a day?!”


Many women eating melon finally couldn't hold back their laughter, but they didn't dare to offend Mrs. Wu, so they all turned into coughing.

Mrs. Cao was so angry that her hair stood on end. After the Wu family son did such a scandal, he still missed her precious daughter!

At this moment, listening to Tao Hongying scolding her happily, I felt extremely relieved.

 She was so lucky to invite Tao Hongying over for a drink today!

Mrs. Wu’s face was so dark that ink dripped from her face.

 When has she ever been so embarrassed? !

Sure enough, the Li family is a disaster, taking advantage of her daughter's good fortune and preventing her daughter from having a prince. Not only does she not feel guilty, but she is so arrogant!

"Okay, okay, you are such a sharp-tongued Mrs. Li Si. I have underestimated you!" Knowing that she could not get any favors today, she stood up and said, "I hope you can always be so sharp-tongued and never follow me." Lower your head!"

Tao Hongying also stood up, with her back straight, "Now I don't have to worry about Mrs. Wu! Our Li family behaves uprightly, sits upright, is loyal to Tianwu, and has a clear conscience towards everyone in the world!"

“Ten thousand steps back, even if I bow to anyone, I will not bow to you!

“Every daughter in any family is born in ten months of pregnancy and raised carefully. They are all the eyes of the mother. Don’t just think that your own daughter is the most valuable!”

“I, Tao Hongying, am a farm shrew, barefooted and not afraid of wearing shoes. Whoever dares to touch my daughter, I will fight to the death with whomever I want to see who regrets it!”

Mrs. Wu gritted her teeth and turned away without even saying hello to Mrs. Cao.

Tao Hongying was still upset and shouted after him.

“Mrs. Wu, remember to tell Uncle Guo when you go back, don’t bring your concubines to our shop in the future! Our shop only accepts serious people!”

Mrs. Wu stumbled, turned around, glared at Tao Hongying fiercely, and left quickly.

Tao Hongying Shiran sat down, took a sip of the cold tea, and breathed a long sigh of relief. The hatred that had been holding in her stomach for half a month finally subsided a little!

She was born as a fat **** the road to escape from the desert. Feeding a girl with a mouthful of food and a mouthful of water was her life!

 She can beat her and discipline her, but others can’t even hurt her daughter’s hair!

Mrs. Liu quietly patted her chest, still feeling a little frightened.

That was the Queen's mother, who was so violently sprayed by Tao Hongying and ran away in despair with spit on her face?

I'm afraid she won't have to take Tao Hongying to socialize in the future. Tao Hongying became famous this time!

Sure enough, Mrs. Cao and the other women in the room looked at Tao Hongying with bright eyes.

 Surprise and admiration flowed from their eyes.

They had just realized that the Wu family and the Li family were enmity, or because of Princess Kangle!

 Could it be that Mr. Wu bullied Princess Kangle?

 No, it seems that the Queen bullied Princess Kangle, but why didn't they hear anything about it?

Moreover, Princess Kangle has been ill for a long time and did not enter the palace...

 Everyone seemed to have a little rabbit in their hearts, and they could hardly help but scratch.

But they didn't dare to ask, if Tao Hongying sprayed at them again...

 The fighting power is too strong, they can’t bear it!

 The room was strangely quiet for a while. After all, it was Mrs. Cao who was the host. She quickly invited everyone to drink tea and snacks. From the snacks, she started talking about the booming business in Baiyunjian, and then took the initiative to extend an olive branch to Tao Hongying.

"Four Madam, my Lan'er is old enough, and the family is going to start giving her a wedding. I have prepared a lot of dowry for her privately, and it is almost complete.

“But there is still a recipe for dim sum. I hope that if she learns some crafts, she can be more filial to her parents-in-law and gain favor when she gets married in the future.

"I wonder if Mrs. Li Si has a suitable one. I can offer a high price."

Tao Hongying smiled and said: "Mrs. Cao, you're welcome. You and my Liu family's sister-in-law are handkerchiefs, so I should call you sister. That girl Mo Lan is my niece."

“My niece needs to add some money to her dowry, so naturally I, as my aunt, have to help.

“It just so happened that I was thinking about a kind of square milk cake a few days ago. It is small and exquisite in appearance, soft and easy to chew. It is very good and is not sold in the white clouds. It is an occasional snack for the elderly and children in our family.

“I’ll have someone deliver a box tomorrow. Sister Cao will taste it. If she thinks it suits her, she’ll decide on this recipe.”

Mrs. Cao smiled happily and quickly thanked her.

  In the past, the family had always kept a respectful distance from the upstart Li family. But when we got along today, I found that Mrs. Li Si was neat and cheerful in doing things, and she could move around more often in the future.

 Actually, she is not really in need of this snack recipe, but she is just using this reason to send more thank-you gifts to the Li family tomorrow.

 After all, Tao Hongying had just exposed Uncle Guo’s scandal and indirectly saved her daughter from jumping into the fire pit...

 With all the talking and laughing, the banquet was soon started.

Tao Hongying was moved to the main table by Mrs. Cao. Tao Hongying did not give in. She sat down generously and praised the dishes.

 She is a cook by nature, and she explains everything about the color and taste of the dishes to the preparation techniques. She occasionally gives everyone tips on how to cook.

The women were interested and couldn't help but ask a few questions, which made the banquet more lively.

 (End of this chapter)

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