Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 802: Thanks to the Chen family this time!

Chapter 802 Thanks to the Chen family this time!

“Sir, what’s wrong with Junyan? Why is he suspended at home?” Mrs. Wen asked directly as she entered the door, her expression full of panic.

She seems to have been particularly favored by time. Two or three years have passed, and she still looks weak and innocent.

At this time, she was wearing a plain dress, her hair was pulled up in a bun, and a white hosta was inserted, which made her skin tone smooth and wrinkle-free.

How does this look like a woman in her fifties? Some people believe her even if she says she is forty!

 Old Mrs. Wen married her because he loved her so much in the first place.

As a result, what we need in life is a good wife and mother, not a "young girl" who holds a storybook all day long and mourns the spring and autumn.

Favors move around, children teach, and the family is in charge, everything cannot be accomplished.

 At a time like today, shouldn’t the old lady in charge of the house be able to frighten the slaves and stabilize the back house?

 In the end, what’s the use of being so anxious and crying with your eyes red?

Who else can you expect to coax her? !

Mr. Wen was bored and waved him away, "Go back quickly and read your words. You can't help with the family affairs!"

Mrs. Wen didn’t feel abandoned either. She thought it was her husband who felt sorry for her, so she pulled up her handkerchief and sobbed, “No matter how much the master feels sorry for me, I can’t help it. How can I just sit back and ignore something like this happened to my son?!

"I'm going to find Qing Lin and ask him to find a solution. How could he harm Junyan like this just for a few pieces of ink!"

Hearing this, Wen Junyan immediately hugged his mother and cried, "Mom, my second son is so cruel.

"That Anyang County Magistrate was his classmate, and the matter itself was suppressed. Now he has provoked it again, just to kill me. He can't see me being filial to my parents!"

 The chief at the door lowered his head, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

In the past few years, the number of times the eldest gentleman has gone into the backyard to greet the old lady can be counted in one slap. And every time he came to greet the old lady, it was to ask the old lady for personal money to squander.

  Nowadays, when I say the word "fulfilment of filial piety", I really don't think I am too shabby!

Mrs. Wen finally persuaded her mother-in-law to come over, and now she said to the old man: "Father, my second brother has always been filial to his mother, why don't I accompany my mother to Suijintan?"

“No matter how dissatisfied the second brother is with the family, he will never get angry with his mother.

“The other second brother and his sister-in-law have given birth to a little girl, and I have prepared some things to send them together.”

Mr. Wen thought of his stubborn second son, and a flash of anger and displeasure flashed in his eyes. But when he looked at his eldest son, who was as panicked as a lost dog, he finally nodded and told his eldest daughter-in-law, "Please accompany your mother. Remember to give good advice to the second son and his wife.

"Even if you are dissatisfied with the misunderstandings at home, you should calm down in the past few years. As long as they come back and kowtow a few times, they can still recognize their ancestors and return to their clan..."

Mrs. Wen’s pupils shrank.

In my heart, I really don’t want my second son to come back and divide the family property, but now it’s more important to save my husband!

She just secretly sent someone to inquire. If her husband is found guilty, dismissal from office will be a minor offense, and at least five years of hard labor will be added!

If the husband goes to do hard labor, the family will be broken up...

Mr. Wen was relieved to see that his daughter-in-law had no objection.

The eldest son is obviously dead, and the future prosperity of the Wen family must still depend on the second son.

 Let the second child re-enter the house first, and the rest can be discussed later.

Thinking like this, he held his head and ordered: "Go and ask the doctor. I have a headache and want to vomit."

Mrs. Wen understood this and loudly ordered her servants to quickly invite the doctor with great fanfare.

Wen Junyan also asked: "It would be better to find more doctors and consult together."

Only Mrs. Wen, with tears in her eyes, rushed over to hold the old man's hand, looking as if the sky was falling in panic.

 She almost fainted from crying before others could do anything...

It is said that when there are fewer people, it is easier to eat, but when there are more people, it is easier to work. In Broken Gold Beach, everyone worked together just to build a few huts, and the speed was naturally very fast.

How long has it been since? The foundation of the new house has been laid and the walls have begun to be built.

Xindu is more than a thousand miles south than the northern land where the Li family originally lived, and the climate is much warmer. Therefore, the wall does not need to be too thick. In half an afternoon, it was almost half the height of a person.

Mr. Wen and Li Laoer walked around the construction site as usual from the city. When they came out, they saw Mrs. Wen holding Yue Yaer in her arms. Mr. Wen quickly picked up his daughter.

Mrs. Wen smiled and said: "Auntie is leaving us to eat. You can come over when you go home and change your clothes."

 “Okay.” The family of three walked a few steps and entered the gate of their own courtyard.

Sister-in-law Qiong saw that the masters had something to say, so she led Yue Yaer to wash her hands.

Mrs. Wen helped her husband change into a homely azurite quilted robe. She looked at it a few more times and couldn't help but feel happy.

 As the saying goes, love comes from the heart. In the past few years, life has been peaceful, especially after the birth of Yueyue's son. The depression accumulated in the early years of my husband's life has completely dissipated. Now his eyebrows are relaxed and he is more elegant and steady.

But when she remembered something, she was a little worried. Seeing that there was no one else in the room, she asked in a low voice: "Senior brother, I'm afraid the Wen family is going to come to investigate. How should we deal with it then?"

“Wen Junyan definitely doesn’t want to be dismissed from office!” Mr. Wen snorted coldly, refusing to even call him “eldest brother.” “My father is too proud to come to plead for mercy, and Wen Junyan also wants to think about his mistakes behind closed doors, so it must be my mother and sister-in-law who came to plead for mercy.

"If I'm not at home, just say you listen to me and then complain to my mother. My mother has no ideas and will not use her status as an elder to pressure you."

 Mrs. Wen sighed.

 It was really embarrassing for the couple to meet the Wen family.

 When it comes to blood ties, those who are close can no longer be close.

 But when the disaster came, the Wen family acted too coldly and cruelly.

She suddenly asked curiously: "How did you know about Wen Jiaqiang's purchase of Mofang?"

Mr. Wen looked bad, chose a jade pendant and hung it on his belt, and said, "It's a coincidence, it's a message from the Chen family.

“They no longer had the job of city defense at home, and they were all from the army and could not study, so they formed a bodyguard bureau.

“A few days ago, they took a business trip to Anyang. They heard about it locally and knew that Wen Junyan was my brother. When they came back, they came to me and made it clear.

“Fortunately, they reported the news, otherwise Wen Junyan would have used my name to smooth things over, and I wouldn’t have even known that my classmate was also responsible for it.

“And it’s at a critical moment in our fight with the Wu family and the Wang family. If we hadn’t made careful arrangements in advance, we would have almost been completely defeated..."

Mrs. Wen nodded. She also didn't like Wen Junyan acting selfishly.

“Okay, don’t worry, I know what to do.”

 The couple reached an agreement and took their children to have dinner next door.

Jiayin has been craving green corn lately, and took some out of the space last night.

Half of it is cooked, and the remaining half is peeled and beaten into a paste with sugar. Then it is fried in a pot until both sides are golden, and it tastes crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

 The light sweetness is accompanied by a strong fragrance of corn. Mrs. Li and the children especially like to eat it.

Especially Xingxing and Crescent Moon, each of them was wearing a stain-resistant blouse. The little fat man was holding a spoon in his hand, eating happily and boldly.

“Auntie, the fried corn is delicious, I will eat it tomorrow!” Xingxing was eating this meal and still thinking about that meal.

Yue Ya'er also nodded. She wanted to speak, but her mouth was full, so she could only try to nod along.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, and the dinner table became more lively.

 (End of this chapter)

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