Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 1032: Jianghu people don’t know the affairs of Jianghu

Chapter 1032 People in the world don’t know what’s going on in the world

Mu Jue untied the water bag from his waist and handed it over, smiling and saying, "Brother Wu, have a drink of water."

The man surnamed Wu wanted to grin, but he hit a cracked hole at the corner of his mouth. He made a sound of pain, and he didn't care to be polite. He opened the copper mouth of the water bag, took two small sips carefully, and then handed it to Mu Jue.

“Thank you, Brother Mu. As a big-bellied man, I have already drank all the water I packed this morning.”

Mu Jue waved his hand, wiped the water bag, and tied it back around his waist.

The man surnamed Wu seemed to have been moisturized by the water and became energetic. He gave Mu Jue an elbow and joked in a low voice, "Brother Mu, isn't this water bag given by some girl?"

Mu Jue smiled and replied, "Brother Wu is awesome, can you tell from this?"

The man surnamed Wu laughed loudly and said proudly, "Of course, I also walked through the rivers and lakes back then, and I have sharp eyes.

"It's just that the barbarians attacked our Tianwu, and I protected my wife, children, and my mother all the way to the south. I no longer have any ambitions. After all, I can't leave my mother, my wife, and my children without anyone to rely on."

“Otherwise, boy, I would be a famous knight in the world now!”

After saying that, he grabbed the scabbard and held a few sword flowers.

The veteran walking next to him was almost touched by his scabbard, and he couldn't help laughing and scolding, "Wu Dazui, don't fool me, little brother. With your little three-legged cat kung fu, if you encounter the bandit Roadhog, you will give it to others." Feed the knife!"

Wu Dazui was unconvinced and snorted coldly, "If you don't believe me, just wait and see who will save your lives if something happens!"

After saying that, he turned around and continued to ask Mu Jue, "Brother Mu, why did you come to deliver food this time? The family lacks money to find a wife?"

Mu Jue nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, Brother Wu is right. The girl I am betrothed to is the best in the world, so the betrothal gift should be more. Not only can I make some money by running this trip, but I can also Look at her father for her. Her father is under the command of the Marquis, and she is worried about him at home. "

"Hey, good boy, you are here to please my father-in-law!" Wu Dazui laughed loudly, patted Mu Jue on the shoulder vigorously, and shouted, "When we get to the place, I will go with you to see your father-in-law, okay After a drink, I will praise you as a flower and make your father-in-law wish to marry your daughter to you immediately. "

Mu Jue smiled and thanked him, "Okay, if Brother Wu can persuade my father-in-law, then I can help you drink for the rest of your life!"

"Ouch, that sounds pretty loud, then it's settled!" Wu Dazui was still about to speak, but the team in front suddenly became lively. He hurriedly ran to take a look, and when he came back, he carried a bucket of water and shouted He said, "Brothers, come and drink water. There is a well at the entrance of the village ahead that is not dry!"

The soldiers in the two carts at the front and back were all very happy. They came forward one after another, filled their water bags with water, and drank heavily from the bamboo cups they brought with them, shouting that they were happy.

Mu Jue glanced around, his eyes flashing slightly.

There is indeed a small village not far ahead, but it is already noon, and there are more than a dozen houses in the village but not a single chimney is smoking. This is really weird.

At this time, Wu Dazui was afraid that he would not be able to grab a drink of water, so he pulled his water bag and drank most of it for him.

Mu Jue took a sip, then wiped his mouth and spit it into his sleeve.

 Ecstasy, the water has the smell of Ecstasy.

This stuff is the main ingredient for making Mongolian sweat medicine in Jianghu. It has a bitter taste when sprinkled in water. Therefore, generally when Jianghu gangsters want to plot against anyone, they will add it to strong wine and use the pungency of the wine to cover up the bitter taste.

The bitter taste of this bucket of water is very light, and ordinary people can hardly taste it. It can be seen that the efficacy of the medicine has been greatly diluted. It is estimated that the soldiers will faint for about half an hour if they drink it, and there will be no danger to their lives.

 Could it be said that the person who administered the medicine did not want the lives of the grain transport team...

Mu Jue pretended to take a few sips of water, and while Wu Da Zui was delivering the bucket, he said to the soldiers next to him, "I'm going to make it easier."

The soldier pulled up his sleeves to fan himself warmly and said casually, "Go."

Mu Jue walked around the carriage and saw that no one was paying attention, so he got under the carriage.

 After a while, Wu Dazui came back and asked, "Where is Brother Mu?"

The soldier wanted to answer, but suddenly he held his head and shook it.

Wu Dazui was so frightened that he held up a hand. He still wanted to speak, but he also felt that the world was spinning... In the blink of an eye, the previously lively convoy fell down with a crackle.

 Some people know that something bad is going on and want to draw the sword, but they only get half of it...

Mu Jue lay under the car, clawing at the board, and held his breath.

Sure enough, after a while, three or four soldiers ran over from the front of the motorcade and whispered this.

 “Have you all fainted?”

"They all fainted. I saw it with my own eyes and almost drank water."

“That’s okay, send the signal quickly and ask our family to come and transport the food away.”

 They deliberated for a few words and then lit a cannon.

The cannon shot directly into the air and exploded with a loud bang that could be heard clearly within a ten-mile radius.

Soon, the rumble of horse hooves was heard, and Mu Jue, who was hiding under the car, heard it especially clearly.

 But as he listened, his eyes widened in surprise.

 Why are there two teams of people coming?

 A man coming from the west, a group of two to three hundred people.

 The other team arrived from the north, all with fast horses and heavy riding!

The dozen traitor soldiers waiting outside were even more surprised than Mu Jue when they saw the dust and smoke billowing from two directions!

I haven’t heard that the personnel to respond to them will come in two directions!

 After a while, the cavalry from the north arrived first. The big words "Northern Expedition" were written on the flag, causing the team coming from the west to turn around and run away immediately.

 Four or five traitor soldiers cursed loudly and tried to run away.

Unable to wait any longer, Mu Jue got out from under the car, kicked one of the soldiers down, and then jumped out and strangled the neck of another soldier.

The heavy cavalry coming from the north also split into two groups, chasing the team from the west and heading straight for the convoy.

Li Laosi took the lead and ran from the front of the convoy to the back. Seeing that there was no **** smell, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when he heard the cannon, he guessed that something was wrong.

If he had waited another quarter of an hour for the grain truck to be hijacked, he would certainly have been able to catch more people.

 But the grain transport team could not afford to suffer any damage if it cost hundreds of lives.

They are all father and mother, and their loved ones who remember every day can not be damaged. He definitely does not want to be damaged ...

At this time, not far away, a soldier transporting food shouted loudly, "Fourth Master, help quickly, I caught two traitors! They drugged the well water at the entrance of the village!"

Li Laosi wanted to step forward, but was stopped by the soldiers, "General, no, the grain transport team has fallen. Only this kid didn't fall for the trick. I'm afraid it's a scam."

Li Laosi smiled and waved his hand and ordered, "Don't worry, my family! Help him tie up the two traitors and wait for me to interrogate them."

Having said that, he immediately stepped forward and asked, "Mu Jue, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in Xindu?"

Seeing the two traitors being held down and tied with ropes, Mu Jue raised his hand to pull off the disguise on his face and responded, "Last time the army rations were destroyed, the second master and Mr. Wen both suspected that there was a traitor, so let me Help General Li Yong investigate.

“I guessed that the food delivery this time would definitely be plotted, so I came to take a look. I didn’t expect that I was right.”

 At this time, several soldiers who were tying up the traitor suddenly shouted in alarm.

 Two updates today~~~

 (End of this chapter)

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