Chapter 1030 A strange sense of identity

Everyone stared, and someone whispered, "How arrogant! Princess Kangle actually wants to fight ten people alone!"

“Yes, I only heard that Princess Kangle is good at business, but I didn’t hear that she likes to read, so she is full of knowledge?” Others also agreed.

The little boy was vaguely excited when he heard it, but he didn't say anything.

 A woman noticed how much he was doing, so she asked her maid to reward him with a purse.

The boy held the silver beans in his purse and continued talking with a smile on his face.

“You nobles, you may not know, but this competition has really come to fruition, and it happened that the emperor and several important ministers came to watch the fun, so the emperor made a judgment. Princess Kangle proposed to set up a lottery, and whoever loses will be slapped!

“In the end, all the noble ladies agreed, and ten people joined forces to deal with one of the princesses. Of these ten people, eight were noble ladies from aristocratic families, and two were from slightly worse families.

"After the competition started, Miss Lu, the daughter-in-law of Master Lu, the head of Honglu Temple, took the lead, but she was defeated immediately. She was slapped on the face by Princess Kangle's maid, and it immediately became swollen. !”

"Ah!" Everyone gasped when they heard this, and subconsciously covered their cheeks. For fear of delaying the boy's continued speech, they blocked their mouths with a handkerchief.

The boy became more and more excited as he talked, "The second contestant was the daughter-in-law of Chen Shilang of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. As soon as Princess Kangle's poem was read out, Miss Chen immediately gave up and was slapped hard!"

“Princess Kangle is crazy? How brave are you? How dare you hit the daughter-in-law of the Minister of Civil Affairs?!”

A woman couldn't bear it anymore and shouted in surprise, but was immediately stopped by someone else, who asked, "All ten noble ladies lost and were beaten?!"

"No, no!" The young man waved his hand quickly, "Maybe Miss Lu and Miss Chen lost so pitifully that the emperor stopped the competition and asked the other eight ladies to give a piece of jewelry to Princess Kangle. It’s time to make amends to them!”

Everyone sighed together, their faces full of regret.

Ten people were in a team, why did they only fight two?

 Princess Kangle should fight them one by one and have a good beating!

I have to say that people who watch the excitement are never afraid of big trouble...

“Princess Kangle actually wrote a poem, why did the ladies lose so miserably?” Someone who likes to read a few books on weekdays asked now.

The boy immediately took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and said with a smile, "I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to remember it, so I copied it down. Now these two poems are being recited outside. They are really good."

 After saying that, he started reading.

Even if many women are literate, most of them have memorized a few books on women's precepts and are not proficient in poetry at all.

 But these two poems are good because they are easy to understand!

Hence, everyone looked at each other, but they didn't have any conscience and spoke disparagingly.

 “It seems...not bad, quite easy to understand.”

“Yeah, it’s much more pleasant to listen to than what those sour scholars wrote. Is it so hard to farm, and you have to water the crops with beads of sweat? Do you need to leave more food for my farmers in the future?”

“I also feel that writing poetry is not that difficult.”

The women became happier and happier as they talked, and suddenly felt a strange sense of identity.

They were of low status and could not get into the eyes of the noble concubines. As a result, those noble people who went to the banquet were just like idiots. They failed to write poems and were slapped in the face.

  Refreshing, so refreshing!

 Relieve your anger, so relieved!

“The princess is so powerful, she dares to beat anyone! I like her temper!”

  "Me too, that's how it should be. Who let those ladies with nostrils on their foreheads lose!"

 The women talked so lively that they gradually lost their scruples.

A woman smiled brightly and gloated, "Huh, that girl from the Lu family is always very proud. I wanted to marry her as my daughter-in-law before, but it's a pity that they don't like us from a small family like ours!"

Now she is just a straw bag with a pig's head. I see how she can climb up to the rich and powerful! " ˆ ˆ ˆ "That is to say, there is no way she will turn around again and ask my sister to marry her in your family. "The sisters who were good friends with the woman also laughed at her.

He is the shopkeeper of a jewelry store. When doing business, he pays attention to being friendly and making money, and he doesn’t want to offend anyone.

Seeing that the topic was getting more and more crooked, he hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile, "Dear gentlemen, the store's ability is limited, and it can only find out so much for the time being. No one can guarantee whether it is true or false, only for the nobles. It’s just fun.”

The women are not stupid, so they naturally know what he means.

So the women all bought more or less some jewelry, and then left with satisfaction.

In the upstairs box of the teahouse across the street, the old and young men heard about this, but they had completely different ideas than the women.

No matter how they treat their wives and concubines at home, at least they must leave a good reputation for others outside.

As a result, the two ladies who were beaten, especially Miss Chen who came from a noble family, received the greatest sympathy from them.

Someone said, "Reciting poems and composing poems is an elegant thing. How can you use slaps as a lottery? It is really an insult to elegance!"

“That’s right. How cruel must such a young and fragile woman be to be willing to slap her!”

“And those two poems, they’re not very good either!”

 “If I were on the spot, I would judge impartially.”

“That’s right, the Li family is born with mud-legged background and has no foundation at all. It was God’s mercy to get the top prize before. Now a little girl can write two poems casually, how can she afford a good word!”

 They said it was so lively that the door of the box was pushed open.

Two middle-aged scribes walked in, waving fans. One of them looked a little cold and mocked, "Are you complaining that the emperor is unfair?"

The young and old men turned their heads and saw that someone recognized the person. Their expressions changed and they responded vaguely, "Um...Uncle Li, I'm just chatting here. I have no intention of disrespecting the emperor at all."

 The visitors were none other than Mr. Li Laoer and Mr. Wen. They had gone out to the office early today and went out to drink tea. Unexpectedly, they heard that their niece was killing everyone in the palace.

They were just about to rush home and make inquiries when they heard these people slandering behind their backs.

"Humph!" Li Laoer sneered even more, "The princess competed with several noble ladies to write poems. The emperor personally judged and praised the princess's poems for being good, simple, easy to understand, and catchy. But you are questioning it. The judgment result is of course questioning the emperor’s favoritism!”

 “No, no, Uncle Li misunderstood!”

“Yes, we didn’t know that it was the emperor who was judging the competition!”

 The men, old and young, turned pale with shock and defended themselves one after another.

Li Laoer ignored their pleas for mercy and said, "Next time you gossip about others, you'd better find out clearly. Not everyone is someone you can offend.

“Furthermore, I’m willing to admit defeat! If all the losers can win sympathy by crying a few times, then what’s the point of competing? Let’s all sit across from each other and compete with each other in crying!

“Also, the number one scholar of my eldest son was selected by the emperor and six ministers after numerous examinations. He is naturally talented and learned, and cannot be questioned and slandered by you casually!

“If you want to slander, you might as well focus on studying and squeeze in the big exam first! How can a group of frogs in a well have the confidence to comment on the ambition of a swan!”

With that said, he slammed the door and left, leaving a group of young and old men silent for a while, but the frost on their faces could lift two pounds...

 Two updates today~~

 (End of this chapter)

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