Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 1028: Was this girl hugged wrongly when she was a child?

Chapter 1028 Did I hug this girl wrongly when she was a child?

The girl who played in the second game was named Chen, and her father was the Minister of Household Affairs. She was also sitting next to the emperor at this time, which gave her great confidence.

The Lu family was from a lowly family, and only Princess Kangle dared to beat people.

 She is a daughter of a noble family, her parents are still around...

So, she took courage, thought about it for a while and said, "The second game is about soil."

Jiayin nodded, without any hesitation, lowered his head and started writing.

Ms. Chen was flustered and wanted to pick up the pen, but accidentally knocked over the inkstone.

Her maid hurriedly helped and finally arranged the table. Jiayin had already put down her pen and read loudly.

“It’s noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat is dripping from the soil. Who knows that every grain of food on the plate is hard work.”

The garden was silent for a moment, and then it became noisy again.

This time the emperor was not the only one who was excited. Even the eunuchs and maids who had never read the book also understood the meaning of this poem.

Farmers work hard in the fields and work under the scorching sun. The food for three meals a day needs to be cherished by everyone!

 “This poem by the princess is so well written!”

 “Yes, I understand it too!”

 “Who knew that every piece of food on the plate is hard work! It’s so simple, but it’s so right!”

    Xu agreed so much that the maids and eunuchs lowered their voices and started talking in low voices.

The emperor clapped his hands happily, "The good news is well written, simple and easy to understand, but deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! If Tianwu didn't have farmers working hard, how could Tianwu have such a prosperous age and have everyone have enough food and clothing?"

The imperial concubine wanted to echo a few words, but she couldn't speak and could barely smile.

Several important ministers also thought this poem was well written, but their daughters were in the opposite camp of Princess Kangle.

Especially Chen Shilang, his mind was already racing so fast that he wanted to protect his daughter from this slap!

Ms. Chen’s face was even more ashen. She hadn’t even started writing yet. Why did it end?

Jiayin took the ivory-handled round fan from Shuiyun's hand, fanned it leisurely a few times, then looked up at the increasingly hot sun, and urged, "Miss Chen, are you still writing? If not, give in as soon as possible! There are ten games in total. Well, you are all so dawdling, how long will it take for you to compete!"

Ms. Chen was almost crying and looked at her parents as if asking for help.

Mrs. Chen couldn't help it anymore and wanted to defend her daughter. However, the third princess didn't allow it and shouted loudly.

"Outsiders are not allowed to speak! Miss Chen, just tell me, do you think people will admit defeat?"

Ms. Chen trembled in fright and nodded subconsciously.

So, Shui Ling went to fight again, and the next moment, a slap fell on her face!

Ms. Chen cried bitterly...

 Besides, Miss Lu, covering her face, finally has a good partner who shares the same problem!

 In the garden, it was as quiet as death, except for the cries of the two girls, which were extremely clear...

 This is a real fight!

The other eight girls didn't dare to breathe, and felt a million regrets in their hearts.

Jiayin is still urging, "Where's the next one? Who will compete next?"

The girl in line in the third game, whose surname was Zhao, heard this and simply rolled her eyes and fainted!

The third princess was so happy that she wanted to look up to the sky and laugh. How could she let her opponent escape from the competition? She immediately went over to pull Miss Zhao.

"Why are you pretending to be dead? Get up quickly. You have the guts to bully Jiayin, but you don't have the guts to bear the consequences, right?"

Ms. Zhao's father was also one of the important ministers. Now he looked eagerly at the emperor and almost knelt down and kowtowed.

The emperor coughed twice, put away his thoughts of continuing to watch the fun, and said, "That's it, we can't fight anymore... No, we can't compete anymore!

“The weather is too hot. If we continue competing for ten rounds, I’m afraid I’ll faint from heat stroke. Let’s stop here today!”

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, their legs were so weak that they wanted to sit down and slow down.

Especially those eight girls, their face and face were saved!

Jiayin actually doesn’t want to beat everyone. After all, she has made too many enemies, which is not good for her or her family. Especially the second uncle, who has to serve as officials in the same court as these important ministers.

There are also the Northern Expeditionary Army fighting outside. If these people are determined to cause trouble, they will be troublesome.

Now that I have beaten two of them and established a strong position, I have achieved my goal.

 But the third princess disagreed. She was just in high spirits. How could she say it was over?

She then started to make a fuss, "No, father! You can't help them so much! Why didn't you say a word when they teamed up to deal with Jiayin? Now you let them off so easily, and my daughter won't accept it!"

The emperor had no choice but to ask, "Then, how can I be convinced?"

 The third princess had no idea for a moment and looked at the good news.

Jiayin blinked his big eyes twice and said with a smile, "Uncle Huang, everyone has to pay the price for their words and deeds, right? Women are no exception.

"Let's do this. Each of the other eight girls will give me a piece of jewelry as their apology. How about that?"

Everyone nodded quickly, fearing that she would change her mind later.

 There are even girls taking hairpins out of their heads!

The third princess glared at Jiayin and said angrily, "You are so soft-tempered that you are always bullied."

Everyone looked at the pig-headed Miss Lu and Miss Chen, and felt that ten thousand horses of some kind were galloping past.

 This is also considered soft-tempered?

What will happen if you have a tougher temper and kill someone with a knife?

The third princess said this, but she did not object and ran directly to the opposite side with Caiyun and Shuiling.

She also doesn’t want the jewelry that the girls took off on their own initiative. She stands in front of each one to pick out the good things and take them off!

What about the eight-treasure necklace, the dragon and phoenix inlaid bracelet, the warm jade jade plaque!

 In short, she grew up in Fugui Township since she was a child, and her eyes were so vicious that she swept around them, making the robber girls' livers tremble and tears of distress welling up in their eyes.

 Finally, she threw a bunch of things in front of the good news, looking proud of victory.

“Keep it, if they dare to bully you again in the future, take out these tattered jewelry and throw them in their faces!”

The emperor pulled up his sleeves to cover his face...

Did this girl get hugged wrongly when she was a child? Her real father was a bandit, right?

“Ahem, my dear friends, please follow me back to continue the discussion.” The emperor said quickly and led several important ministers away.

The third princess was still feeling proud. She turned around and saw that her biological father had left. Then she looked at the ladies who were frightened like quails. She lost interest, so she held Jiayin in one hand and the orb in the other, and shouted happily, "Let's go." , go back to Zhilan Palace to eat ice cream!”

The good news only had time to nod with Mrs. Jia before she was pulled away.

As for Baozhu being able to escape from this summer banquet, and his favorite ice cream, he was so happy that he walked away...

Looking at the messy banquet, the imperial concubine really gritted her teeth!

 I thought it was a soft persimmon, so I pinched it a few times to vent my anger.

I didn’t expect to kick the iron plate and break my big toe!

 Besides, Jiayin was chatting and laughing with the third princess and Baozhu. While walking on the road, they chattered about just now and laughed out loud from time to time.

 The eunuchs and maids who occasionally passed by on the road didn't know what was going on, and were surprised and curious.

It was inevitable that someone would ask a few questions, and they were so surprised that their mouths were stuffed with eggs!

 Princess Kangle, who usually looks so kind and generous with rewards, is actually so powerful!

 Slap the lady!

 And he still hit two at once!

 No, if the emperor had not stopped him in time, he would have beaten all ten of them!

 Cruel, so cruel!

Nearly everyone is reflecting on whether they did not serve well in the past and angered Princess Kangle...

Two updates are here today~~The influenza A epidemic is fierce, so you guys should pay attention to protection!

 (End of this chapter)

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