Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 1020: Are we in tune with each other?

Chapter 1020 Do we have a tacit understanding?

Jiayin did not persist, so he took Shuiling and Shuiyun back to the side hall to wash and change clothes.

Shui Ling asked in a low voice, "Princess, don't you need to persuade the princess? The princess seems very unhappy, her brows are about to be knotted."

"No need," Jiayin shook his head, "people always have to grow up, see the situation clearly early, become cautious and steady, and cause less trouble. It is much better than getting a **** head before you wake up."

Shuiyun nodded and agreed, "What the princess said is that the princess is already very blessed. She was born with gold and jade. If she was born in a peasant family, she would have to worry about filling her stomach as soon as she was born. If she can find a good family at this age, she will not be If you are sold into slavery, you are considered lucky."

Shui Ling blinked twice and smiled, "So, we are lucky. Although we are maids, the princess's maids always eat well and drink well, and they will not be scolded or beaten if we make mistakes.

Last time I went home, my mother said that I was looking more and more like a lady because of the nobility I wore. She asked me to serve the princess well! "

ˆ˜The good news and Shuiyun both laughed after hearing the good news. This girl is really contented.

  After saying a few words, Jiayin said, "There is a bowl of ice cream in the kitchen. You go and eat it. Don't be greedy, or you may get a stomachache."

"Yes, Princess." Shui Ling and Shui Yun agreed in unison and retreated.

Jiayin took out a bowl of peach-flavored ice cream from the space and put it on the table.

Sure enough, within a moment, Mu Jue came in.

He picked up the spoon with a familiarity, took a big mouthful of ice cream and put it into his mouth. He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "It's so hot! I can't even dream of taking this bite!"

Jiayin glanced at him, picked up the makeup box, picked up the scattered small jewelry, and said with a smile, "There are many mosquitoes in the tree. It's good that you didn't get eaten."

“Hehe,” Mu Jue smiled with a guilty conscience, “Did you notice? I couldn’t stand for a moment and almost fell down.”

Jiayin was curious and asked, "I remember my adoptive father said that there were two secret guards around me. Besides you, where is the other person?"

Mu Jue waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "Not long after entering the palace, I sent him away."

Jiayin guessed that he was afraid that people would find out about climbing out of the window in the middle of the night, so he smiled and didn't ask.

Mu Jue said, "If nothing happens later, I will go to the Earl's Mansion. Do you have anything to tell me?"

"Yes." Jiayin responded quickly, "The emperor is coming tonight to ask the third princess to get married early. I'm afraid there will be changes in the court in the next few days. Let the second uncle be prepared and everything should be done safely."

Mu Jue nodded and said with a smile, "I found some things and guessed that the court is going to take action. We actually thought of going together. Is this considered a tacit understanding?"

Jiayin's ears were a little red and she said angrily, "Who has such a connection with you! Eat quickly and leave the palace after eating. I want to go to bed early."

Mu Jue smiled mischievously, finished the ice cream in a few mouthfuls, then took out a small thing from his arms and put it on the table.

“I was walking on the street today and saw this. I thought you would like it, so I bought it for you to play with.”

 After saying that, he jumped out of the window and left, perhaps fearing that the good news would not be received.

Jiayin stepped forward, picked it up and took a look. It turned out to be a rain flower stone as big as a child's fist. The rare thing was that the lines were clear.

Countless lines form black mountains, dark green grasslands, and a simple outline of a pony running **** the grasslands...

Jiayin couldn't help but laugh. Mu Jue knew that she was a horse and bought it specifically to coax her.


Jiayin’s heart suddenly beat violently, and she remembered another thing.

 Before, Brother Lu also wanted to give her a pair of jade horses, but she gave them to the third princess.

 Could it be that…

 That night, the lights in the side hall were not extinguished for a long time. The second day is the court meeting, and all officials of the fifth rank and above in Xindu will go to court.

 Since the beginning of spring, there has been very little rain, resulting in a serious drought near Xindu. The result of reduced production is already well known to everyone.

 But how to ensure that production is not cut off is the top priority now.

 Some officials said they would organize people to dig ditches and divert river water for irrigation.

 Some officials also said that they would dig wells to fight drought, and some even said they would offer sacrifices to pray for rain.

 In short, everyone expressed their opinions, and the court hall was as noisy as usual like a vegetable market.

 Liu Zhiheng's duty is that he can't help but mix in a few words, but he also plays both sides, and no one can be offended.

As for Li Laoer and Mr. Wen, they lowered their heads and counted the floor tiles.

Of course, their ears are open, and everything goes in through one ear and out through the other. This is considered as giving the court the greatest respect and doing their best.

Half an hour later, Xu Shi was tired of the quarrel, and the "warring" parties finally stopped and the court became quiet.

At this time, the gray-haired Da Zong, who was over seventy years old, walked out tremblingly, knelt on the ground, and said loudly, "Your Majesty, I have something to report."

"Uncle Emperor, please get up quickly. If you have something to say, please speak slowly." The emperor quickly raised his hand and motioned to Manager Yi to help him up, and then gave him a seat.

 Da Zong was smiling, very satisfied, and sat down steadily.

 In this court, he is the only one who can sit and talk to the emperor. This is definitely something to be proud of.

With this confidence, he would have less scruples when speaking again.

“Your Majesty, although you are in good health, Tianwu must be passed down steadily. Shouldn’t you establish a prince as early as possible?

“If the crown prince is settled, you can take him with you and teach him more, so that the crown prince can be as wise and powerful as you, so that the martial arts can last for thousands of generations and enjoy prosperity and peace forever.”

 No one expected that Zong Zheng would say this, and they were all extremely surprised.

Even the officials who were taking a nap secretly stared at the emperor on the throne with their eyes wide open, for fear of missing any change in his expression.

The emperor frowned slightly at first, then relaxed, and sighed softly and said, "What the emperor said is that I have been considering this matter recently. But when it comes to the inheritance of Tianwu, we still need to be more cautious."

Everyone was scratching their heads when they heard this, especially the officials who had already extended an olive branch to the second prince and the noble concubine. They wanted to grab the emperor and roar.

  What are you waiting for? You just have one son. If you don’t make the second prince the crown prince, are you still thinking about having a few more? !

 The emperor turned to several important ministers and asked, "What do your beloved ministers say?"

 The six ministers are all often around the emperor, and they know that accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. They all responded at once, "The emperor is wise, and I will obey the emperor's arrangements."

A look of satisfaction flashed in the emperor's eyes, and he once again said to Manchu Wenwu, "Please tell me what you think about this matter. We will discuss it at the next court meeting!"

 After saying this, he got up.

 General Manager Yi quickly shouted, "Retreat from the court!"

Everyone quickly knelt down to see him off, and finally lined up to exit.

The establishment of a crown prince is such a big deal that everyone couldn't help but start talking about it before they even walked out of the palace.

An official who loved growing flowers and often walked around with Li Laoer cautiously approached Li Laoer and asked, "Uncle, what do you think about this matter?"

 Two updates today~~

 (End of this chapter)

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