Chapter 1013 Wasp Tail Back Needle

At this time, a boy came to report, "Princess, the young lady has returned by car and is looking for you."

 “Sister-in-law is back?” Jiayin was pleasantly surprised and hurried back to the old house.

Sure enough, Wan'er was standing in front of the door, chatting with the old and young women in the village.

She was already dignified and steady, but now she was talking and laughing, and she was even more friendly, without the slightest airs of an official lady.

 The women liked her all the time and kept inviting her to their homes.

Wan'er couldn't resist such enthusiasm. Fortunately, her sister-in-law was back.

After receiving her sister-in-law's look for help, Jiayin stepped forward and said with a smile, "Aunt, ladies, my grandma and my mother are not at home, and my sister-in-law takes care of all the mansions in the city. She just wants to go to your house. As a guest, I don’t have much time.

"So, this honor is given to me! Today we are going to kill a pig at home. Let's eat some pig meat first. When I come back in a few days, my aunts will kill chickens for me and stew the ones picked up from the mountains last autumn. Mushrooms! Don’t let it go when the time comes!”

“Haha, how could it be possible? The princess wanted to eat it, so I killed all the chickens in the house and stewed them in a big pot!”

“That’s right, that’s right, life at home is getting better now, and we have to stew one every now and then. This is not the time of poverty like before.”

"I still have a big goose at home. The stewed potatoes are more delicious. The princess comes to my home first."

The women talked all over each other, vying for the good news to go home for dinner first. It was very noisy and lively for a while.

The village elder and his wife happened to walk nearby. They thought they were quarreling, but when they heard that they were fighting over the princess to go home for dinner, the village elder put his hands behind his back and walked in with a smile.

 Aunt Wu was left to interject a few words, and then sent everyone to help in the kitchen, and then Wan'er and Jiayin were rescued.

Wan'er and Aunt Wu went to arrange the dishes, tables, chairs and other trivial matters, while Jiayin went to the backyard to look at the various suites.

I have to say that Grandma He is very conscientious in her duties. Even if the masters are away, she still leads people to clean the room every day. Even the bedding is dried every two days, which is full of sunshine.

Jiayin sat in her grandma’s room for a while, thinking of her childhood happiness and missing her grandma and mother for a while, feeling a little sad.

She did not let her mood get worse, she quickly walked out, and then rewarded Grandma He and others.

The reward was not much, only two taels of silver per person, and Grandma He also had an extra pair of silver hairpins.

 But this also made Aunt He and others very happy. This was the master's recognition of their hard work.

  When night falls, wooden tripods are burned in iron barrels at the four corners of the Li family's courtyard, and torches are inserted on the walls, illuminating the surrounding area as brightly as day.

Everyone in the village, old or young, all gathered together, eating butchered vegetables and chatting. It was extremely lively.

Men couldn't help but have a bowl of strong wine. After two gulps, their faces were red, and the conversation boxes were opened.

Of course, Lao Hei and others were still the protagonists. They talked about a lot of what they had experienced on the road, which also opened everyone's eyes.

 This disturbance is the moon at the top of the sky.

After the men wandered home and the women cleaned up the "battlefield," the whole village became quiet.

Uncle Zhao led the patrol team, wandering around the village and taking care of every place with all his heart.

 This is one of the reasons why villagers can sleep peacefully.

Jiayin stood at the entrance of the courtyard for a while and said a few words to Uncle Zhao.

The old man was very happy and kept saying, "Fortunately I didn't go to see the Lord of Hell, otherwise I would have missed this good day."

Jiayin smiled and cheered him up, "Everyone says there is bitterness first and then sweetness. Grandpa Zhao has suffered a lot, and now he deserves this good life." "After a year and a half, there will be nothing going on here in Xindu. I I'll take you and the village chief and the others to the beach for a walk, and also take a look at our family's property in the south. Maybe we can even visit the Golden Buddha Kingdom! "

"Haha, that's great! All my life, I have nothing to fear from crawling out of the dead. I have no other wish than to be buried outside the village after death."

“While you’re alive, you can go wherever you want, and the more you see, the more you earn!” The old man is open-minded, and talking about life and death is as easy as drinking water.

After chatting a few more words, Zheng He came out to invite someone.

"Princess, my uncle and Mr. Wen have drank the sobering soup and are looking for you to talk."

Jiayin quickly said hello to Mr. Zhao and went to the study.

Li Laoer and Mr. Wen had just been drinking with the villagers, and they were still quite drunk at the moment.

 But when I come back with good news, I still have to say something clearly. Otherwise, if there is any mistake, big trouble may occur in such a situation.

Just as Jiayin had something to say, she poured tea for her second uncle and Mr. Wen with her own hands, and whispered, "Second uncle, Mr. Wen, someone sneaked into the palace at night last night, entered the royal study, and met with the emperor."

"Who is it?" Li Laoer frowned, "Who does the emperor want to summon? Why not during the day?"

The good news responded, "It's the Marquis of Dingbei."

“Marquis of Dingbei?!” Li Laoer and Mr. Wen shouted at the same time, and finally looked at each other, their expressions became serious.

"Dingbeihou has always been the Queen Mother's manpower, and that was the case before the capital was moved. Now this is..." Mr. Wen hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Now that the Queen Mother is in decline, is he planning to change the family? Or is it that he has always been The chess piece that the Emperor placed with the Queen Mother? "

Li Laoer frowned and thought for a long time, then responded, "No matter what happened before, now he is a man in the emperor's camp.

“Originally, I thought the emperor just wanted to clean up the court and single out those who have two minds. But from the looks of it, the emperor probably wants to cut off the queen mother and her party members in one fell swoop!”

Mr. Wen nodded, "That's for sure, it's just a bit risky."

 He sighed and whispered, "It seems that the emperor's condition is more serious than imagined. Otherwise, we cannot be so impatient and plan to clear up all the hidden dangers at once."

Jiayin had doubts at first, but when the talker reached this point, he asked, "Second uncle, what kind of poison did Uncle Huang have? Is it serious?"

Li Laoer coughed twice and looked at Mr. Wen.

 As a result, Mr. Wen lowered his head to drink tea, obviously refusing to answer.

He was helpless and could only say vaguely, "According to Doctor Zhang, the poison in the emperor is similar to hibiscus ointment. Inhaling it at first will only make people anxious, and sniffing the incense made from clear grass can relieve it."

“However, long-term smoking will make people crazy and irritable, and they will fall into delusions and be unable to wake up, which will make them useless. Moreover, infected people...slowly no longer have the ability to have children.”

Jiayin blinked twice and took a breath of air.

 The needle behind the wasp's tail is the most poisonous to a woman's heart!

Looking at the gentle and gentle appearance of the imperial concubine, she has a deep love for the emperor. Who would have thought that she would be so cruel.

Not only do you want the emperor to go crazy and die, but you also want to cut off his descendants!

“What is this... imperial concubine doing for?”

Mr. Wen put down the tea bowl and sighed, "What can I do? It's not the chair! No matter how noble the imperial concubine is, she is not as stable as the empress dowager."

Li Laoer also nodded, "The second prince has not been granted the title of crown prince for a day. In other words, if he has been granted the title of crown prince, it would be better to ascend the throne to reassure the noble concubine."

Jiayin suddenly thought of a possibility and her heart shrank...

 (End of this chapter)

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