Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 1006: Everything is going to change!

Chapter 1006 Things are going to change!

  Not to mention that the little **** in the palace was trying his best to build himself up mentally, but that everyone in the Earl's Mansion was also sleeping peacefully.

Wan'er took the child with her, and the maids and nuns were waiting on her. She couldn't come out easily in the backyard.

In the front yard, Li Laoer brought Brother Cat. Today, Mr. Wen and Liu Zhiheng also came to chat and drink together. When the dinner was over, it was too late, so they all stayed overnight.

Li Laoer was drowsily asleep when he suddenly heard Zheng He shouting softly outside the door, "Uncle, uncle, wake up!"

Li Laoer suddenly turned over and sat up, asking, "What happened?"

"Uncle, Santiao is back!" Zheng He said, opened the door, and the little fox swooped in.

Li Laoer immediately hugged the little fox, and Zheng He quickly lit the candle on the table.

The little fox huddled in Li Laoer's arms and acted coquettishly, raising her little paws to show off her hard work on the night journey.

Li Laoer smiled, opened a small box himself, and took out a pack of dried chicken.

The little fox was immediately happy, jumped up on the table, stretched his neck, and scratched the collar with his paws.

Li Laoer quickly twisted the collar and took it off in a few moments.

 The little fox lay down and hugged the dried chicken, eating it deliciously.

Li Laoer got the paper roll in the collar, unfolded it and took a look, then his expression changed and he gave instructions in a low voice.

“Zheng He, go and invite Mr. Wen and Mr. Liu over. Don’t disturb anyone.”

"Yes, uncle." Zheng He didn't know what happened, but he still quietly went out.

 After a while, the sleepy Mr. Wen and Liu Zhiheng were invited over.

Mr. Wen was lucky. Liu Zhiheng had drunk too much before, and now he was holding his head and felt very uncomfortable.

As soon as he entered the house, Liu Zhiheng asked, "Uncle, what happened, can't we wait until dawn? My head is going to explode with pain!"

Li Laoer did not respond, but just told Zheng He, "Keep the door open, no one can approach this room."

Zheng He nodded and quickly closed the door.

 Mr. Wen and Liu Zhiheng looked a little surprised when they saw this.

Li Laoer took out the hangover pill from the small box under the table, took one pill himself, and pushed it in front of Mr. Wen and Liu Zhiheng.

"This is made by the princess herself, and it is very effective in relieving hangover. Eat it quickly, there are important things to discuss, and your mind is not clear."

Mr. Wen and Liu Zhiheng quickly took one and stuffed it into their mouths.

Liu Zhiheng couldn't stand the stagnation in the room and joked in a low voice, "The princess loves you, my second uncle, the most. She has never given us this hangover pill."

Li Laoer waved his hand, "The medicinal materials are rare, so I only made a dozen pills in total."

After saying that, he pushed the page over and told the two of them, "Look, the princess asked Sanjo to send it back."

 News from the palace?

Mr. Wen and Liu Zhiheng were both startled and quickly started watching together.

 As a result, the more the two of them looked at each other, the paler their faces became.

“Are you afraid that things are going to change in this new city?” Liu Zhiheng asked with a trembling voice. Mr. Wen also took a deep breath and responded, "This matter is too important. No wonder the princess sent news back all night."

Li Laoer also nodded, "The princess is the smartest. Maybe she would have noticed something was wrong a long time ago, otherwise she would not have stayed in the palace. I didn't expect that such a big thing would happen."

"Why is the imperial concubine doing this? The emperor only has one son, the second prince. In a few years, the second prince will eventually sit on that chair. Why is she anxious?" Liu Zhiheng grabbed two handfuls of hair and was very puzzled.

 The Liu family is a century-old family with good financial resources and connections.

 But who doesn’t want to live a peaceful life and likes turmoil?

Especially during the transition of imperial power, there was never a time when there were not many crises and rivers of blood!

Mr. Wen frowned and replied, "One peach in the hand is worse than a thousand peaches on the tree. No one can guarantee that there will be no variables until one is firmly grasped in the hand."

“Now that the Marquis is on an expedition in the north, the Queen Mother is also suppressed and does not dare to move. If the Emperor disappears at this time, the second prince will be pushed to the throne immediately.

“I have to say, this timing is really well chosen.”

Li Laoer got up, walked around the room a few times, and said, "Now that the emperor knows that he has been tricked, the noble concubine will not be happy. We have recently restrained the family, kept a low profile, and waited to see what happens."

 Liu Zhiheng and Mr. Wen both nodded.

Liu Zhiheng added, "The emperor has few heirs, and the imperial concubine may not survive, but the second prince will definitely be fine. Even in order to save the second prince's face, he has to whitewash the situation and let the imperial concubine 'die' of illness after a while."

"In this way, the Second Prince still cannot afford to neglect. Even if we don't look at the present, we must pave the way for the future."

"Are you going to try to contact the second prince?" Mr. Wen was surprised and stopped him, "Why don't you wait and see? After all, the emperor is in his prime.

“Furthermore, it was discovered in time that the emperor’s dragon body was calculated and discovered in time. At least Tianwu still has ten years of peace and stability…”

Liu Zhiheng had no choice but to respond, “It’s not that our family is anxious to steal some limelight, it’s that all the aristocratic families in the new capital are planning, and many have even taken action.

“Especially since the imperial concubine has become favored recently, and the emperor stays in Ronghua Palace every day, almost everyone speculates that the empress will soon ‘die’ of illness, and that the imperial concubine will be her successor. It is a natural progression to establish the second prince as the crown prince.

“Not to mention the rest, as far as I know, the heads of ladies from six or seven families have already visited Ronghua Palace.

“A few days ago, the second prince wanted to learn music, and three great scholars recommended themselves to the emperor one after another...

"Under such circumstances, if our family does not plan anything, I am afraid that when the new emperor ascends the throne, our Liu family will be defeated."

Mr. Wen frowned and suggested, "You should go back and discuss with the old man tomorrow morning, and it's better to take it slow. See what happens to the noble concubine after this incident, and you will know the emperor's attitude towards the second prince."

Liu Zhiheng also knew that Mr. Wen was doing it for the good of the Liu family, so he nodded in agreement, "Okay, I will definitely discuss it with my father."

Having said that, he couldn't help but sigh, "Back then, Jiangbei was captured by the barbarians, and they fled to the south of the Yangtze River to live in peace for more than ten years. Now, seeing that Jiangbei is about to be recaptured by the Marquis, and there is trouble in the palace, it's really unsettling. Lived.”

"Okay, don't complain." Mr. Wen was afraid that Liu Zhiheng was drunk and still not sober, so he ordered again, "The princess took the risk to send this matter out of the palace. You must not show any traces. If others see it, it would be best to wait and see what happens and not get involved."

"Don't worry, I'm not a fool." Liu Zhiheng waved his hand and said with a smile, "It's okay if you don't know the inside story. Now that you know it clearly, who would jump in? However, this world still belongs to the second prince. If the opportunity is right, he should You still have to take action!”

Li Laoer had been listening silently, and then suddenly asked, "Have you ever thought that the emperor's heirs are very few, and now only the third princess and the second prince have grown up well.

“Not to mention the three princesses, the marriage of a woman has nothing to do with the change of throne.

"But the second prince is weak and not very smart. Why is the emperor never in a hurry? He doesn't choose concubines, and he isn't in a hurry to have more princes?"

Liu Zhiheng and Mr. Wen were stunned for a moment, as if they were about to say something, but in the end they both changed their expressions!

 Two updates today~~

 (End of this chapter)

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