Chapter 1001 It’s hard to agree with everyone

Jiayin winked at Shui Ling and Shui Yun behind her, and was about to quietly exit, when the door of the box opened.

Lu Zong took the tray with a smile and said, "I smelled a strange aroma, and I guessed that the princess sister had made delicious food again!"

Jiayin laughed dryly and responded, "My fourth brother and fifth brother found a kind of coffee beans from overseas and made it into a drink. The taste is quite novel. I brought two cups for you to try. Didn't I disturb your conversation?"

At this moment, the third princess also poked her head over and said with a smile, "What coffee beans? Why do they smell bitter and fragrant? Isn't it roasted?"

  While saying this, the coffee was brought into the room, and Jiayin also sat at the door.

The third princess only tasted it, and couldn't help but stick out her tongue and shouted, "Oh, what is this? The color is like milk tea, but the taste is so different!"

Lu Zong took a sip, tasted it carefully, and praised, "It tastes good to me. It's bitter in the mouth, but the aftertaste is very mellow."

Hearing what he said, the third princess took another sip, and finally pushed it far away. Tong Jiayin complained, "Isn't this a new product that the shop is going to launch? It tastes so bad, will anyone buy it?"

Jiayin rolled her eyes and scolded her, "It's tasteless! What else do you like besides sweets?"

“Besides, this is not sold to you, but to guests who need to stay up late to study. A cup of coffee and a pot of strong tea will keep your mind extremely clear all night long!”

"Really? The effect is so miraculous?" Lu Zong was surprised and replied, "Then I will buy a cup and take it back later."

Jiayin ordered, "Then I'll ask shopkeeper Peng to bring you some coffee powder. Whenever you want to drink it, just pour it with hot water, add cooked milk and icing sugar and stir it."

"Okay, thank you, Princess Princess." Lu Zong was not polite and agreed directly.

The third princess joked, "Brother Lu, you're welcome. I'll just accept the good news for you. I want to make money with this coffee!"

Lu Zong smiled helplessly, "I got to know the princess when she was only five or six years old. Every time the princess prepared something for her brother, I had a share. If you are polite, you can't count.

“However, I really can’t ask for it in vain this time. My housekeeper found a pair of bloodstones a few days ago, and the color is particularly good.

"Tomorrow I will have someone take them to the palace. The princess and the princess will take the toys and carve them into seals. One for each of them is more appropriate."

 “Seriously?” The third princess was immediately coaxed to smile and replied, “Then Jiayin and I will be waiting! It just so happens that I am missing a small seal!”

Jiayin wanted to refuse, but the third princess agreed, and she also thanked him.

Shuiyun saw that it was getting late, so he gave a reminder.

The third princess reluctantly said goodbye to Lu Zong, took Jiayin in her arms and went out to get into the car, and returned to the palace together.

As a result, before the carriage door closed, Brother Cat arrived with a food box.

 “Sister, sister, wait a minute!” Brother Cat stopped the carriage and held the shaft while panting.

Jiayin quickly leaned out and asked in surprise, "Brother, where are you from? I thought you were still at Sixth Brother's place!"

Brother Cat waved his hand, handed the food box to his sister, and replied, "I just came back a while ago, and I originally planned to go to our restaurant for a meal.

“As a result, the second brother knew you were here, so he quickly cooked two of your favorite dishes and asked me to deliver them.

 “It’s a pity that I’m hungry, and I have to bring you food. Along the way, my saliva will turn into a river.”

Hearing the good news, he couldn't help but laugh. He quickly took out a big pink peach from his bag and stuffed it into his brother. He coaxed, "My little brother is the best and loves me the most. I'll be back in two days. Turn on the oven and make you roast duck burritos, okay?"

 “Haha, that’s pretty much it.” Brother Cat is the youngest among the brothers. He is used to acting like a spoiled brat, so he doesn’t really complain about being tired for his sister.

Now that he got a big peach and heard that his sister specially cooked roast duck for him, he immediately beamed. After chatting for a while, Brother Cat went into the white clouds to get some snacks, and Jiayin and the third princess left in the car.

The third princess was full of envy, hugged Jiayin's arm and pouted, "Oh, why am I so miserable and don't have a brother? I also wish someone could love me so much!"

Jiayin joked, "Don't worry, it doesn't matter whether you have a brother or not. But you will have a husband who will love you soon!"

The third princess sighed unexpectedly, her expression full of confusion.

“Jiayin, do you think Brother Lu really likes me? Although he is very nice and takes good care of me, but... I always feel that there is something between me and him, which makes me uncomfortable.”

The good news didn't take it seriously. He raised his hand to open the food box, looked at the dishes inside, and said casually, "You guys have only met a few times, so let's talk about whether you like it or not.

“From now on, if we get along for a long time, we will have feelings. Besides, even if we don’t have feelings, there is nothing wrong with treating each other as guests.

“There are not many couples in this world who love each other desperately, they are all in love with each other, and their lives are very harmonious.

“Besides, Brother Lu is a very good person, at least he doesn’t look like a rude person who beats and scolds his wife.

"Ten thousand steps back, you are a princess! It's better if someone loves you and cares for you. If you don't have someone, you can still have enough food and clothing, and live happily for the rest of your life. What are you afraid of!"

This statement is really... straightforward and reasonable!

 The little sadness that the third princess had just brewed was immediately dispersed.

She simply stopped being pretentious, reached out and grabbed a piece of braised pork from the food box, threw it into her mouth, and shouted in surprise, "Your second brother's cooking is really getting better and better! Let the bijing rice be steamed in the kitchen later, and we Eat together with this braised pork! ”

"Greedy cat, I don't care about you! My second brother specially cooked it for me. You, a princess, have the nerve to rob my dinner?"

  "That's good for me! If you don't give me something to eat, I'll stay in your house and won't leave!"

 The two little sisters got into a fuss, and the laughter spread all the way.

The carriage quickly arrived in front of the palace. If it had been the past, the guards would have given way directly when they heard it was the princess's carriage.

 But today is destined to be restless.

 The soldiers guarding the gate insisted that the third princess and Jiayin get out of the car and check the inside and outside of the carriage.

Although the third princess and Jiayin were not happy, they guessed that something had happened in the palace and got out of the car.

As a result, three or four soldiers raised their spears and stabbed not only the bottom of the carriage, but also the carriage.

 The fine brocade pillows, the soft cushions, and even the small coffee table and tea sets were all messed up.

 The third princess was angry at that time. This was a naked provocation!

Before she could say anything, a soldier actually picked up Cyclamen's food box again and was about to throw it to the ground.

Jiayin saw them approaching in such a menacing manner that he regretted just letting them check the vehicle.

At this moment, I have been standing beside it, seeing this, she stepped forward to seize the food box and scolded, "Wanting! What are you doing!"

The soldier was startled, and he held his neck and was about to curse back. Unexpectedly, Shui Ling had already rushed to him and slapped him hard.

 (End of this chapter)

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