Above the sky, in the extremely high clouds beyond the sight of humans, Chi Lin flew quickly while holding Bain with his hands.

High in the sky, there is a knife-like wind blowing all the time.

Humans cannot breathe or survive here, and even their bodies will dissipate like bubbles because they can’t stand the violent wind.

Even humans who have the ability to fly will not come to such a high place.

The creatures that can fly here should only be those flying demonic beasts of very high rank.

But those demonic beasts are very keen in their perception. Most of them noticed Chi Lin’s breath early, and flew away from a distance…

So, the scene in front of Bain is really It’s really called the vast smoke above the sky. No one.

It can give birth to people in vain, Heaven and Earth is big, but I am the only one…

But Bain is obviously not in the mood to appreciate the beauty now.

In the palm of Chi Lin’s hand, although he will not be blown by the wind, he is still afraid to open his eyes…

This may be human instinct, for Naturally there is an instinctive fear… Chi Lin looked at Bain who was holding his head shiver coldly, and thought in his heart.

“eyes opened, take a look. There are not many humans who can see this scene.” Chi Lin said, “When Aisha first saw this scene, it was stared wide-eyed. Without blinking, I can see God.”

“Hmm…” Bain still didn’t dare to open his eyes, saying that Aisha could still be regarded as a human, “Then…Sitia? She dare to look. Is it?”

“Her?” Chi Lin thought for a moment, “She simply didn’t look at it at the time, and just accused me of tearing down her house and hurting innocent people…”


“haha…” Bain imagined the scene, and laughed unconsciously.

Think about it, a Princess who was just captured by the dragon, she didn’t cry or make trouble, or was afraid. Then he seriously accused the giant dragon, saying, “You are so wrong”…

This is so abnormal and weird, how can we not make people laugh.

Looking at Bain’s reaction, Chi Lin gave a wry smile. He said that he felt something was wrong at the time, but it was a pity that he was still inexperienced in the world and could not detect it in time…

Otherwise, the Princess returned to him at the time… and then changed to another one who can’t fight, is softer, and is more pitiful…

Bain laughed, his mind relaxed involuntarily, and his eyes opened a gap…

The first thing that caught the eye is not the endless sea of ​​clouds, nor is it just a glance that makes people relaxed and joyful blue sky.

It’s Chi Lin’s three fingers…

Bain’s first thought was to feel like he was in the legendary Five Fingers Mountain…

However , Next moment Bain’s heart is filled with infinite shock!

Because of the three huge red fingers in front of him, two of the nails on them are only half left!


Bain stared blankly, and some didn’t know what to say.

According to human terms, this situation should be regarded as a split nail…

As for the pain or not, it depends on the situation at the time.

But no matter what the situation is, how painful it is in the end, it is not a major event.

But Chi Lin’s fingernails are broken…that’s a major event!

For all wild beasts, claws and teeth seem to be the sharpest and strongest parts of their bodies. Because that is the weapon they depend on for survival.

No animal nails are as soft and fragile as humans, unable to withstand a single blow, insignificant.

Not to mention Dragon Race.

Bain never thought that there could be something in this world that could break Chi Lin’s two nails. You must know that even if the blademaster’s sword was slashed up, it only left a tiny trace It’s just white marks.

“What’s wrong with your fingers?”

Chi Lin moved his fingers twice. Although a few days have passed, he still feels a dull pain.

“For things like Godslayer, even if it is a dragon, you have to pay a price, don’t you?”

Casually, as Chi Lin said, it is secretly in the heart!

He didn’t expect that after being blown up by 6,700 Clearsnow Divine Weapon Self-destruction, the body was already full of cracks.

In this case, he even broke his finger! And also punched himself several times!

After all, I still underestimate the enemy…

I have to get this opportunity in the future, I have to get 10,000 puppets to kill him directly!

“Godslayer?!” Bain exclaimed, “Which god made you kill? Light God? Earth God? Fire God? Water God…”

Bain breathed out Broke out all the gods he knew.


Chi Lin didn’t speak in front of him, and looked a little embarrassed in this empty sky.

It’s not that I don’t want to say it, I can’t say it…

As for the gods that Bain said, the last one is above the main god, where is he such an ordinary underage Dragon Race can reach, his father and mother are about the same…

If it weren’t for Chi Lin who knew that he was too strong in Bain’s heart, he would suspect that Bain was mocking himself.

When Bain saw that Chi Lin didn’t speak, he thought that there was something unspeakable, so he stopped asking.

“How long does it take you to fly to the Beast Mountain?”

“Most of the day?”

“From the central empire to fly to the Beast Mountain, you should It needs to span half of the Central Empire, the entire Nanxin Empire, and half of the wasteland…” Bain lowered his head in thought, “Then you said you flew, that many days, where did you fly?”

“Didn’t I talk about it before? The north side of Snowstorm Empire.”

“No matter how far north is, I have always had a doubt.”



“You fly so high, can you see the way?! Did you get lost before?”

“I will throw it for you now and catch it before you land Do you… do you believe it?”

“I believe it, I was wrong.”


“I am impossible and lost.” Chi Lin Suddenly said after a moment of silence.

“Because you have good eyes? Can you see the road below through the clouds?”

“Only humans have the concept of a road. Have you seen any flying creature walking? Of?”

“How did you determine the location?”

“It’s you.”


“Do you still remember the period when you lived in the Red Dragon Palace?”

Bain nodded, that period was impossible to forget, because it was probably the most boring period of his life. Staying in the underground cave all day can do nothing.

“The former kings of the Central Empire also said that ordinary humans cannot stay on the surface of Mount Galta, but you have lived there for that many days at the deepest level.”

“First of all, I know that I can survive in that cave because of you, and I don’t even feel a sweltering heat. Needless to say. Then, in any human empire, only the emperor who has died is called the first king. I’m not dead yet.”

“…” Chi Lin was silent for a moment, “Those are not the point. What I want to say is that you can survive in the Red Dragon Palace because I am in you Protection is applied to his body. The person who is given protection will have a special mark on his body. This mark is only visible to me and very eye-catching. It is like a torch in the dark.”

“This mark Aisha, Sitia also has it?”

“They did not, Aisha has the protection of the Dark God, and Sitia has the protection of the Light God.”

” Can’t there be two of this thing at the same time?”


Bain looking thoughtful nodded, and then suddenly asked: “Then you are now moving towards what direction are you flying? “

“Although no protection can be applied, there are countless ways to determine the position of a person…”



wasteland, beast mountain.

Singh was sitting in a chair, talking to the chiefs of the various tribes.

Singh, the lion man who used to be an uncommon military might, is now frowning and sighing.

Because the atmosphere of the beastmen has changed, anyone can feel the feeling of the rising wind forebodes the coming storm.

This is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying is that no one knows what those no-brained beastmen want to do!

This kind of unknown is the most terrifying!

Singh felt that the beastmen clan had never been so impetuous. The beastmen clan in the past always stayed honestly when nothing happened, went out to fight when there was a fight, and came back to stay after the fight.

There has never been a person of insight who suddenly wanted to do something like humans.

Therefore, the beastmen have not changed in these years. According to Li Zheng, the world is peaceful and the country is peaceful.

Until a few days ago, Chi Lin’s Avatar suddenly disappeared on the throne, and there is no news yet.

The atmosphere of the entire beastmen clan suddenly began to change.

The king of the beastmen clan is gone. It was not when he led the beastmen clan to fight to death. Instead, he sat quietly on a chair and suddenly disappeared…

Who can believe this?

No matter how the beastmen who were present at the time patted their chests to ensure that they had seen it with their own eyes, the other beastmen just didn’t believe it!

This is the king of heaven!

It is the enlightenment of the rise of the beastmen in the prophecy!

It is a sign that the beastmen clan is about to flourish!

The beastmen clan will fight a real world war under his leadership!

How can it be so easy, so unreasonable, and it’s gone? !

Because of the sudden disappearance of Chi Lin, the people of the beastmen tribe have almost gone crazy…

Singh was puzzled. The beastmen tribe was waiting for Chi Lin’s enlightenment. , Waited more than one or two hundred years.

There hasn’t been anything for so many years.

Why is it so exciting in just a few days? As if the sky had fallen.

Later, Aisha said such a sentence.

“People are not afraid of not having them, but afraid of having them and losing them.

It is like a moth that humans describe as living in the dark.

I could have tolerated the darkness, if I had never seen light…”

Singh admitted that Aisha’s description was indeed very appropriate.

But these hypocritical remarks are of no use to the current tragic situation!

That’s why Singh will gather the chiefs to discuss countermeasures…

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