“How?” Chi Lin looked towards Third Young Master asked.

“Brother Long, do you know that there are five Great Empires in this world?” Third Young Master asked.

Chi Lin nodded, Sitia naturally taught him about this.

“Since there are five Great Empires, there will be five emperors.” Third Young Master said.

“Nonsense.” Chi Lin slightly frowned.

“The five emperors each have their own titles, the Holybright Empire’s Holy Bright King, the Nanxin Empire’s War King, the Snowstorm Empire’s Ironblood King, the Divine Dragon Empire’s heroic king, and finally my Central Empire’s Golden King.” Third Young Master murmured in a long story opening tone.

“Have you ever finished?” Chi Lin said, “I’m leaving, you say it soon.”

“Okay.” Third Young Master smiled nodded.

“Three sentences.” Chi Lin raised three fingers.

…… Third Young Master’s smile suddenly froze.

“Of course, each emperor title is not obtained casually, they all have a great origin.”

“Two sentences.”

“Golden King So it’s called Golden King because the central empire has a lot of gold.”

“The last sentence.”

“You help me, I will give you gold.”


After finishing speaking, when the Third Young Master saw that Chi Lin didn’t speak, he added, “A lot of gold.”

“Come here.” Chi Lin Beckoned slightly to the Third Young Master.

Third Young Master smiled and walked over.

Chi Lin also smiled and put an arm on the shoulder of Third Young Master.

He put his arms around the neck of Third Young Master.

The eyelids looking at Ouyang Ju and blademaster jumped.

This is under the claws of a giant dragon! This seemingly thin arm only needs to drop down slightly, and the life of Third Young Master is gone…

Third Young Master is not afraid at all, and still said with a smile: “What’s wrong with Brother Long?” “

“How much is it?” Chi Lin asked with a smile on his face. His eyes are full of harboring malicious intentions and faint threats…

Bain rolled his eyes, somewhat helplessly sighed, and said that although I also want you to help the Third Young Master, I still trouble you to be more reserved is it good!

Aren’t you an advanced life? !

Aren’t you a proud dragon? !

What does this mean? ! Have you been bought by human money so easily? !

However, when the Third Young Master said an extremely exaggerated number, the facts told Bain that some things were so easy.

“Aiya ~Third Young Master, it’s really late to meet you and me!” Chi Lin exaggeratedly said, “When I saw you, I would see you and those other ordinary persons The kind is different!”

Bain silently found a stool and sat down…He felt nodded and dizzy.

Just now, he seemed to see Aisha’s shadow on Chi Lin.

“Oh? How is it different? Brother Long, please tell me more.” Third Young Master said.

“This…when I looked at you, I could feel that there was a kind of imperial spirit in you! The emperor of the Central Empire should let you be!” Chi Lin patted the Third Young Master and said .

“hahaha…the younger brother is not talented, how can you be such a big job?” Third Young Master said, “Brother Long overpraised, hahaha…”

“No no…” Chi Lin waved his hand again and again, “I never lied to Dragon Race…”

Bain wanted to take a sip of tea for a while, but suddenly heard Chi Lin say this, and suddenly choked a mouthful of water in his throat. In the eyes. Cough’s face is red and red.

My heart said I haven’t seen you for a few days, where did Chi Lin learn such a swindler rhetoric…

Ouyang Ju glanced at the blademaster, which means that this is the greatness of humanity. enemy?

Blademaster was nodded first, and then shook his head, meaning, yes, but he doesn’t usually do that…

“In this case, there is something for Third Young Master, I will meet you Naturally, you can’t stand by and watch, Bain, don’t you think?” Chi Lin said.

“Ah? Ah! Yes! That’s right!” Bain repeatedly nodded.

“Well, what do you say?” Chi Lin asked, “How about I rush into the Imperial Palace and get your father out? Anyway, that big formation shouldn’t be used now… “


Chi Lin said it was true. The Qiankun Great Array is indeed not available now. What Chi Lin said is also a feasible solution. But Third Young Master felt a little awkward…

Chi Lin saw that Third Young Master’s face was a little strange, so he changed his words and said, “If you feel that you don’t have much respect for your father, then We will start with your brothers, anyway, they are all in this capital, near.”

This is Chi Lin’s first plan when he first came to the capital…

Bain was dumbfounded when he watched from the sidelines, wondering if this is the Chi Lin I know? !

Mister Ouyang once taught, “Wealth can make ghosts grind”. Bain thought this sentence was exaggerated. But when I look at it now, it really is the people from the past truly haven’t deceived me!

“What do you mean?” Third Young Master asked.

“Kill them all! Then you will be able to ascend to the throne.” Chi Lin said.

Third Young Master watched Chi Lin silently. He was the emperor to avoid the tragedy of heavy casualties due to the conflict between his father and son.

If you follow Chi Lin’s way, what’s the point…

“If you get help from red disasters, you will be inconvincible even if you go to the throne of God.” Blademaster said, He still insisted that this guy shouldn’t be involved in human affairs, which is tantamount to seeking a tiger’s skin.

Ouyang Ju slightly smiled, and said: “Then steal it.”

“How to steal it?” Blademaster asked.

“fish in troubled waters, naturally no one can see those hands clearly.” Ouyang Ju said.

“Although the water pool is large, it is clear to the emperor. Where is the muddy water?” Blademaster asked.

“When the water is clear, there will be no fish. If there is fish, there will be muddy water.”

“You mean…”

“In this pond Now there are thirteen fish. Water can be muddy.”

“This statement is quite disrespectful.” Blademaster said slightly mockingly.

“The old man is plotting to rebel! I still care about him being disrespectful?!” Ouyang Ju stared with a beard and looked very hard.

“It is reasonable… Thirteen fish can indeed muddy the water, but the question is, why do the 13 fish listen to you and stir the water together?”

“We There is a dragon king here, I am afraid that the fish and shrimp will not be obedient?”

“You mean…”

“Yes! You can’t do this, he will do it , Just right.”

“There is indeed shameless……”


Blademaster talked with Mister Ouyang and played a dumb puzzle.

Don’t talk about the Third Young Master and Xue Qing, Chi Lin and Bain must not understand them.

Bain didn’t say anything, but Chi Lin was the most uncomfortable with human beings posing in front of him, pretending to be profound.

He said aloud: “Swordsman, cup old man, let me tell you a story.”

Blademaster and Mister Ouyang suddenly stopped and looked towards Chi Lin.


Why does Ouyang Ju say that “cup old man” comes out?

“Please speak.” Ouyang Ju looked at Chi Lin and said seriously.

The others looked at Chi Lin in the same way.

After all, how many people have the honor to hear the story told by the giant dragon since ancient times?

“A woman fell in love with a man…”

Ouyang Ju heard slightly nodded, and said that the beginning of this straightforwardness should not be the story of my Central Empire…

“Then the woman showed her heart to the man…”

Ouyang Ju was sure after hearing this, this is indeed not the story of the Central Empire, it sounds like the Holybright Empire. On the side…

“Then the man gave the woman a note with the word’you’ written on it…”


” The woman didn’t know what it meant, she just looked at the word’you’ and thought she was a tragedy…”

“Why is this?” Third Young Master asked aloud.

“Women think’you’ is a respectful language, and’respect’ often means’far’…”

Ouyang Ju is slightly nodded, respectful and far away, and it makes sense ……

“So, this matter was left over, and the two sides did not communicate.

Until many years later, this man and woman met by chance by chance, the woman Asked about it.

The woman asked, what does this word mean…

The man said, I have you in my heart……



Ms Xue Qing’s eyes are full of colors, and Ouyang Ju nods frequently. The Third Young Master has already fallen in love.

Bain’s face is full of amazement, and he feels the real value of the money spent by the Third Young Master…

Only the blademaster asks wildly: “What do you mean?”


Chi Lin said with a smile: “This story tells us, just tell us what you have! Don’t talk about those bells and whistles, useless…”

… …

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