In the great hall of the beast mountain, countless beastmen wearing pale-yellow burqa, facing Chi Lin sit cross-legged on the ground, squeezing the very wide great hall without a trace Gap. They also bowed to Chi Lin regularly, chanting a magical language that they didn’t know what it meant.

And Chi Lin sat on the throne, closed his eyes and Soul Nurturing, without a trace of movement.

Of course, all of Chi Lin’s mind is now concentrated in the universe world, trying to repair the Clearsnow Divine Weapon and staying in the body of this world, now it’s just an empty shell.

No matter what others do, he won’t have any reaction.


Aisha is standing behind a pillar on the remote side of the great hall, looking at the scene of the beasts worshipping the Heavenly Dragon, she can’t help being slightly nodded, feeling more The god sacrifice of Church of Light, or these beastmen have a more religious sense…

Aisha and the dwarf king everyday all will regularly take a look at Chi Lin’s Avatar, mainly to see if he is awake , Secondly, see if there are any changes, and if so, prepare early.

Either hiding or fleeing…

Singh and the beastmen who only know kowtow don’t know, but Aisha and the dwarf King Keshi know very well.

The Avatar left by Chi Lin is more than just a body.

This Avatar is condensed from a huge Fire Element that ordinary people cannot imagine! And Fire Element is the most irritable and unstable element among many elements…

In other words, Chi Lin’s Avatar can also be seen as a Fire Attribute forbidden spell that will explode at any time. magic! It’s the kind of destructive power!

If Chi Lin’s Avatar suddenly explodes, then the Southern Desolate Beast Mountain will be one third. Aisha and the Dwarf King think this is also normal.

But now these beastmen, but everyday all take turns in front of this forbidden spell, meaningless dancing and mutter incantations.

How is this different from standing on the edge of a cliff and practicing jumping? !

Every time I think about this, Aisha admires the courage and strength of the beastmen.

“By the way, what is the iron rod you took out before? Why doesn’t War King even dare to move when pointed at?” Aisha asked casually.

The dwarf king tilted his head upwards and glanced at Aisha, thinking that these days the witch is always asking about the iron rod, but today he can’t help it… …

“That’s my Dwarf Race masterpiece, a compressed version of the Godslayer cannon, stained with clouds.” The dwarf king arms around his chest, squinting at Aisha, looking triumphant, “passed on from generation to generation Baby, even if you haven’t seen it?”

The chances of Dwarf Race being proud in front of this woman are really too few. Once you have it, you should not miss it.

“Just an iron rod, can it kill the War King?” Aisha didn’t care about the attitude of the Dwarf King. She was a little concerned about the name of this thing, which could threaten the ultimate weapon of Human Race Number One Powerhouse. How did she take it like this…

“It should not work.” said the dwarf king, “but it should be able to fight Half-dead…Anyway, as long as War King gets this hit, he will definitely not be able to beat Chi Lin’s Avatar afterwards. Why are you asking this?”

“Then…this thing can Kill Legendary?” Aisha said.

“Oh? Who do you want to kill? Wrong…Which Legendary dare to offend you? And if you want to kill someone, it’s not good to let Chi Lin do it?”

“Don’t Interrupt!”

“Legendary… Blademaster should not work. If the body king was before, it should not work. Now without an arm, it should be able to kill. Saint Wall Josh should not work either. The rest should be okay.”

“It seems that you don’t think about those Legendary in normal…”

“As a king, you must always be prepared for war and the most Bad expectations. Human Race is the biggest threat to all other races. They are crowded and greedy.”

“I am a human too…” Aisha pointed to herself.

“pu chi ~” The dwarf king almost laughed out loud, but seeing those beastmen doing religious activities very religiously, it was not easy to disturb, so he hurriedly covered his mouth and whispered “Are you also a human?”

“…That’s right, but didn’t the Dwarf Kingdom and Snowstorm Empire have a good relationship before?”

“The heart of defense is indispensable, this It’s the truth of human beings. If it’s not my race, its hearts must be different. This is also the truth of human beings. I think Dwarf Race also makes sense.”

Aisha nodded, suddenly said: “This thing you have How much?”

“What do you think? Just this one almost emptied my two generations of Dwarf Race accumulation!”

“I will change with you.”

The Dwarf King suddenly turned his head and looked at Aisha, “Impossible! Are you suddenly stupid?”

“Don’t say it too early…”

“What’s wrong?!”

“What’s wrong…”

“Where is the Beastmaster?!”

Just as Aisha was communicating with the dwarf king in a low voice, the beastmen religious ceremony, which was originally extremely solemn and solemn, suddenly became noisy…

Aisha breathed, shut her mouth suddenly, and opened it for the first time. The Transmission Array magic crystal in your hand! The dwarf king also clenched a golden-yellow pendant, and then the two looked at each other and looked at the throne together.

I saw Chi Lin, who had been sitting on the throne before, suddenly turned into a flame! Then the fire ball quickly became smaller, and finally turned into a small flame, and then “peng” disappeared.

This sound shocked both Aisha and the Dwarf King!

The two of them stared at the throne for a long while, and found that there was no more movement. This was slightly sighed in relief.

The two turned their heads nervously and looked at each other, looking at each other in blank dismay.

From the bottom of each other’s eyes, there was a clear horror…

“He…is this already about to start?” asked the Dwarf King.

“It should be that he finally has no more power to maintain this Avatar, which means he intends to do his best.” Aisha said.

“Can he do it? That’s a god!” The dwarf king said anxiously.

“It should be possible, he is a dragon.” Aisha said, “And, if he is not sure, It shouldn’t be to give up this Avatar…”

“You Say…it makes sense.” The dwarf king nodded,

The world of heaven and earth

There was no life originally, only endless yellow sand blowing all the time The dead silence, the barren world, now seems to become lively.

From time to time, humanoid objects fly around in the sky, adding a touch of life to this dull world.

The world is lively, naturally not just because of the arrival of Chi Lin.

After all, this World is so big, if only him and the god with a body and no brain, it would not be lively anyway…

Those flying around are Chi Lin has repaired Clearsnow Divine Weapon these days.

Those who have been repaired Clearsnow Divine Weapon, turned out from all over the world the remains of their companions buried in yellow sand.

Then send it to that mountain.

On the top of the mountain, Chi Lin is here, repairing the Clearsnow Divine Weapon that is constantly being sent over.

His hands turned into two afterimages, falling like raindrops on the broken Clearsnow Divine Weapon.

In a short while, a Clearsnow Divine Weapon was repaired.

After the past few days, Chi Lin’s speed in repairing Clearsnow Divine Weapon has now become extremely fast and extremely skilled.

Presumably at this time, even the dwarven princes must shook their heads and sigh.

This is a gap in the life class, which is beyond the reach of manpower.

Chi Lin repaired the Clearsnow Divine Weapon in his hand, suddenly stopped his hand, took a long breath, and then gave a long whistle

He finally completed this extremely boring one, But what has to be done.

The clear Dragon’s roar sounded between Heaven and Earth, resounding through half of the world.

Countless Clearsnow Divine Weapon flew from all directions and gathered in the sky around Chi Lin, covering the sky.

Chi Lin probably glanced, nodded, and thought it was almost done.

A total of six thousand seven hundred and twenty-three Clearsnow Divine Weapon!

According to humans, it takes tens of thousands of Clearsnow Divine Weapon to kill Death God. One Dragon Race can cost 4,000 to 5,000 Clearsnow Divine Weapon. It should not be too much…

even more how that god has no brains yet…

Chi Lin glanced at the clear Clearsnow Divine Weapon and decided to sleep first.

The opponent is a god after all, so you should be fully prepared…

It took Chi Lin to close his eyes for five days.

Although for humans, five days is very long, but for the Dragon Race, which has several decades of sleep, it is really just squinting for a while and raising Soul Nurturing…


Chi Lin let out a big breath, stretched his muscles and bones, and flew back toward God with his wings flapped.

This time, behind him was followed by a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses!

Thousands of Clearsnow Divine Weapon, this is a force capable of destroying heaven extinguishing earth!

Snowstorm Empire only has one Clearsnow Divine Weapon, and Ironblood King thinks it can be an enemy of giant dragon.

And Chi Lin now has 6,723…

Chi Lin feels he can torture the gods to death!


The red giant dragon is carrying the sky, densely packed, and some ragged red-eyed humanoid mechanical life flying over from the sky.

From a distance, it looks like the evil army of the underworld attacking Heaven Realm in the is legend story…

The god who is full of yellow crystals raised his head, he can feel Chi Lin’s arrival, but he didn’t respond much, because he didn’t have a brain…

Chi Lin was not as boring as a human, and liked to say something cruel before fighting.

even more how, this is just an unconscious divine body.

So Chi Lin simply raised his hand.

Six thousand seven hundred and twenty-three Clearsnow Divine Weapon all raised their hands to God!

Countless red beams of light shoot toward the gods!

The extremely violent rumbling sound rumbling! The sound is loud enough to surpass any thunder in the world!

The earth is shaking! Become all split up and in pieces, and the distant peaks collapsed.

The yellow sand in the sky has long since disappeared, and even the white clouds and mists have disappeared without a trace!

The entire universe is shaking!

It’s like being shaken hard by someone in his hand.

Chi Lin stretched out his tongue and licked his sharp fangs rather ferociously.

I am quite satisfied with the results of my work……


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