Dragon King Order

Chapter 944: Favoritism

"Mr. Shi, do you mean that Chen Ping can attack others at will, but we can't kill him?"

At this time, Xuanyuan Kai, who had lost an arm, stood up and asked angrily.

Xuanyuan Kai's words instantly made everyone look at him, with shock in their eyes.

"Who is this young man? Dare you question Mr. Shi's words!"

"This is a boy from the Xuanyuan family. It seems that the Xuanyuan family is going to be doomed."

"It's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!"

Everyone was talking quietly.

Xuanyuan Yan was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat.

"You bastard, sit down quickly!" Xuanyuan Yan slapped Xuanyuan Kai on the face, and then hurriedly said to Mr. Shi: "Mr. Shi, I'm really sorry, the dog is ignorant, and I hope you won't be angry."

"Master Xuanyuan, it's okay. Let your son finish what he has to say. I think your son is already a Martial Sect at a young age, and he is very talented!"

Mr. Shi was not angry, but said with a smile.

Xuanyuan Yan was about to say something, but Xuanyuan Kai said first: "Mr. Shi, this Chen Ping broke my arm, and I have to avenge this. If you are so protective of him now, how can we in the martial arts world be convinced?"

"Beast!" When Xuanyuan Yan heard Xuanyuan Kai's words, he was so angry that he trembled and slapped Xuanyuan Kai with his palm.

"Stop!" Mr. Shi's face turned slightly cold, and then with a gentle wave of his hand, Xuanyuan Yan leaned back and sat back in his seat.

You must know that Xuanyuan Yan is a seventh-level martial arts master. With such strength, he can break mountains, split rocks, and walk in the air. However, Mr. Shi was like flying flies away. He waved his hand and made Xuanyuan Yan sit down. Went back.

Chen Ping looked at this scene and was extremely shocked. It seemed that the road of cultivation would never end. If he wanted to have the right to speak and be respected by others, he still had to have strength.

Chen Ping at this time has never been like this

Longing for strength.

"You can do whatever you want in front of me and pretend I don't exist?"

Mr. Shi's words made Xuanyuan Yan break out in cold sweat, and the atmosphere in the entire hall instantly became extremely tense.

"Mr. Shi, I don't dare, I don't dare..." Xuanyuan Yan wiped his cold sweat and said.

"Young man, don't be afraid. If you still feel dissatisfied, continue talking..."

Mr. Shi looked at Xuanyuan Kai and said with a smile.

"I...I have nothing else to be dissatisfied with!"

Xuanyuan Kai shook his head. Just now he stood up to question Mr. Shi in a fit of rage. Now that Xuanyuan Kai has calmed down, he was already scared to death.

"Since there is nothing else, let me explain to you that I will never protect anyone. What I hope is that the martial arts world can follow the rules and have healthy competition and development, instead of fighting and killing each other for a few resources."

"If you have conflicts, then follow the rules of the martial arts world. What is the purpose of the martial arts alliance?" Mr. Shi said, turning to look at Zhu Zhishan: "Master Zhu, please tell me what the purpose of your martial arts alliance is. What?"

Zhu Zhishan stood up hurriedly and said: "Mr. Shi, the purpose of our martial arts alliance is to maintain the order of martial arts and punish evil cultivators."

"Well, can your martial arts alliance handle the matter that this young man just raised?"

Mr. Shi asked.

"Yes, I will definitely handle it properly. If there is any conflict between the two parties, they can compete in a ring in accordance with the rules of the martial arts world. Life or death is a matter of life. You are never allowed to seek personal revenge outside the ring!"

Zhu Zhishan nodded quickly.

"Well, everything is done according to the rules, so there won't be so many contradictions. Don't think that I don't know your little thoughts. Sometimes, I'm just too lazy to care about you."

Mr. Shi's eyes scanned the people present. All the important figures from these sect families lowered their heads, and no one dared to speak. "Mr. Shi, do you mean that Chen Ping can attack others at will, but we can't kill him?"

At this time, Xuanyuan Kai, who had lost an arm, stood up and asked with some indignation.

Xuanyuan Kai's words instantly made everyone look at him, with shock in their eyes.

"Who is this young man? Dare you question Mr. Shi's words!"

"This is a boy from the Xuanyuan family. It seems that the Xuanyuan family is going to be doomed."

"It's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!"

Everyone was talking quietly.

Xuanyuan Yan was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat.

"You bastard, sit down quickly!" Xuanyuan Yan slapped Xuanyuan Kai on the face, and then hurriedly said to Mr. Shi: "Mr. Shi, I'm really sorry, the dog is ignorant, and I hope you won't be angry."

"Master Xuanyuan, it's okay. Let your son finish what he has to say. I think your son is already a Martial Sect at a young age, and he is very talented!"

Mr. Shi was not angry, but said with a smile.

Xuanyuan Yan was about to say something, but Xuanyuan Kai said first: "Mr. Shi, this Chen Ping broke my arm, and I have to avenge this. If you are so protective of him now, how can we in the martial arts world be convinced?"

"Beast!" When Xuanyuan Yan heard Xuanyuan Kai's words, he was so angry that he trembled all over and slapped Xuanyuan Kai with his palm.

"Stop!" Mr. Shi's face turned slightly cold, and then with a gentle wave of his hand, Xuanyuan Yan leaned back and sat back in his seat.

You must know that Xuanyuan Yan is a seventh-level martial arts master. With such strength, he can break mountains, split rocks, and walk in the air. However, Mr. Shi was like flying flies away. He waved his hand and made Xuanyuan Yan sit down. Went back.

Chen Ping looked at this scene and was extremely shocked. It seemed that the road of cultivation would never end. If he wanted to have the right to speak and be respected by others, he still had to have strength.

Chen Ping at this time has never been like this

Longing for strength.

"You can do whatever you want in front of me and pretend I don't exist?"

Mr. Shi's words made Xuanyuan Yan break out in cold sweat, and the atmosphere in the entire hall instantly became extremely tense.

"Mr. Shi, I don't dare, I don't dare..." Xuanyuan Yan wiped his cold sweat and said.

"Young man, don't be afraid. If you still feel dissatisfied, continue talking..."

Mr. Shi looked at Xuanyuan Kai and said with a smile.

"I...I have nothing else to be dissatisfied with!"

Xuanyuan Kai shook his head. Just now he stood up to question Mr. Shi in a fit of rage. Now that Xuanyuan Kai has calmed down, he was already scared to death.

"Since there is nothing else, let me explain to you. I will never protect anyone. What I hope is that the martial arts world can follow the rules and have healthy competition and development, instead of fighting and killing each other for a few resources."

"If you have conflicts, then follow the rules of the martial arts world. What is the purpose of the martial arts alliance?" Mr. Shi said, turning to look at Zhu Zhishan: "Master Zhu, please tell me what the purpose of your martial arts alliance is. What?"

Zhu Zhishan stood up hurriedly and said: "Mr. Shi, the purpose of our martial arts alliance is to maintain the order of martial arts and punish evil cultivators."

"Well, can your martial arts alliance handle the matter that this young man just raised?"

Mr. Shi asked.

"Yes, I will definitely handle it properly. If there is any conflict between the two parties, they can compete in a ring in accordance with the rules of the martial arts world. Life or death is a matter of life. You are never allowed to seek personal revenge outside the ring!"

Zhu Zhishan nodded quickly.

"Well, everything is done according to the rules, so there won't be so many contradictions. Don't think that I don't know your little thoughts. Sometimes, I'm just too lazy to care about you."

Mr. Shi's eyes scanned the people present. All the important figures from these sect families lowered their heads, and no one dared to speak.

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