Dragon King Order

Chapter 1881 The Power of Faith

So Chen Ping emphasized this again to reassure Zheng Anguo!

"That's such a pity. I hope Mr. Chen can stay in Nanhu for two more days, but as long as Mr. Chen has time, he can come to Nanhu at any time..."

"Although our Nanhu Lake is located on the border, the scenery is pretty good, but the resources are a bit lacking!"

Zheng Anguo said it was a pity, but his face was already filled with joy!

No matter what Chen Ping came to Nanhu for, Chen Ping's arrival did put a lot of pressure on Zheng Anguo.

"Master Zheng, I have something that I don't know whether to talk about or not..."

Chen Ping said.

"Mr. Chen, why are you being polite to me? You can say whatever you want. As long as I know what I know, I will tell you the truth."

Zheng Anguo said swornly.

"Master Zheng, if resources are so scarce in Nanhu, and your Zheng family has established a foothold in Nanhu, how do you practice? I heard that Master Zheng has absorbed the power of creation from the entire city to practice."

Chen Ping asked curiously.

Seeing Chen Ping's question, Zheng Anguo burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, Mr. Chen actually believes this rumor. I, Zheng Anguo, am so virtuous and capable that I can absorb the power of creation of the entire city."

"The rumors that everyone has said are all false. I am just using my identity to absorb the power of people's faith!"

"As the lord of the entire Nanhu City, I can still do it by asking every family to enshrine my statue."

"Furthermore, our ancestors have also passed down a set of techniques that can be practiced with the help of everyone's faith, but these are just a drop in the bucket."

"If you really want to improve your strength, you still need a lot of resources. If I can really absorb the power of creation of the entire city, why should I stay in this little Nanhu now!"

Zheng Anguo followed Chen Ping and explained.

"The power of faith..."

Chen Ping suddenly realized that it seemed that the skills passed down by the Zheng family were similar to those of the Blood Demon on Penglai Island. The Blood Demon also relied on people to worship statues and absorb the spiritual power in everyone's body!

But what Chen Ping said about Zheng Anguo, this letter

The strength of admiration is not enough, but it is just a drop in the bucket and I don’t agree with it!

The reason why Zheng Anguo feels that the power of faith is useless is because Nanhu is too small and has a small population base. In addition, people's faith in Zheng Anguo may not be great, so Zheng Anguo feels that it is useless!

What if it was the power of faith concentrated by the people of a big city? What if it is a country?

What if it was the whole world?

With such a large base, the power of faith will definitely be very terrifying!

It's just that it's extremely difficult to get so many people to believe in you.

But at this time, Chen Ping had already become interested in such a technique!

While Chen Ping was chatting with Zheng Anguo, Zhou Jie had returned to the Demon Spirit Sect!

"Vice Leader Song, it's not good, it's not good..."

After Zhou Jie returned to the Demon Spirit Sect, she found Song Qingping.

"Zhou Jie, what's wrong?"

Song Qingping frowned slightly.

"Mr. Chen was kidnapped by Zheng Kai, the son of the Zheng family..."

"You should quickly find a way to save him!"

Zhou Jie said.

"He was captured by the Zheng family? Why did you arrest him?"

Song Qingping asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Zhou Jie could only tell her about the conflict with Zheng Kai, but she did not say that Hu Mazi took advantage of her.

"This young master of the Zheng family is really stupid. He even dared to arrest Chen Ping..."

Song Qingping smiled lightly.

"Deputy Leader Song, hurry up and send someone to rescue Mr. Chen. Don't we want to cooperate with him?"

Zhou Jie said with some confusion when she saw that Song Qingping was not in a hurry and even laughed.

"Don't worry, Chen Ping will be fine. If he can't even handle a small Zheng family, then what's the point of us cooperating with him?"

"He will definitely be fine. It is probably the Zheng family that will be unlucky."

"You go back now, otherwise he won't be able to open the door to the secret realm by himself."

Song Qingping said calmly. So Chen Ping emphasized this again to reassure Zheng Anguo!

"That's such a pity. I hope Mr. Chen can stay in Nanhu for two more days, but as long as Mr. Chen has time, he can come to Nanhu at any time..."

"Although our Nanhu Lake is located on the border, the scenery is pretty good, but the resources are a bit lacking!"

Zheng Anguo said it was a pity, but his face was already filled with joy!

No matter what Chen Ping came to Nanhu for, Chen Ping's arrival indeed caused a lot of psychological pressure on Zheng Anguo.

"Master Zheng, I have something that I don't know whether to talk about or not..."

Chen Ping said.

"Mr. Chen, why are you being polite to me? You can say whatever you want. As long as I know what I know, I will tell you the truth."

Zheng Anguo said swornly.

"Master Zheng, if resources are so scarce in Nanhu, and your Zheng family has established a foothold in Nanhu, how do you practice? I heard that Master Zheng has absorbed the power of creation from the entire city to practice."

Chen Ping asked curiously.

Seeing Chen Ping's question, Zheng Anguo burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, Mr. Chen actually believes this rumor. I, Zheng Anguo, am so virtuous and capable that I can absorb the power of creation of the entire city."

"The rumors that everyone has said are all false. I am just using my identity to absorb the power of people's faith!"

"As the lord of the entire Nanhu City, I can still do it by asking every family to enshrine my statue."

"Furthermore, our ancestors have also passed down a set of techniques that can be practiced with the help of everyone's faith, but these are just a drop in the bucket."

"If you really want to improve your strength, you still need a lot of resources. If I can really absorb the power of creation of the entire city, why should I stay in this little Nanhu now!"

Zheng Anguo followed Chen Ping and explained.

"The power of faith..."

Chen Ping suddenly realized that it seemed that the skills passed down by the Zheng family were similar to those of the Blood Demon on Penglai Island. The Blood Demon also relied on people to worship statues and absorb the spiritual power in everyone's body!

But what Chen Ping said about Zheng Anguo, this letter

The strength of admiration is not enough, but it is just a drop in the bucket and I don’t agree with it!

The reason why Zheng Anguo feels that the power of faith is useless is because Nanhu is too small and has a small population base. In addition, people's faith in Zheng Anguo may not be great, so Zheng Anguo feels that it is useless!

What if it was the power of faith concentrated by the people of a big city? What if it is a country?

What if it was the whole world?

With such a large base, the power of faith will definitely be very terrifying!

It's just that it's extremely difficult to get so many people to believe in you.

But at this time, Chen Ping had already become interested in such a technique!

While Chen Ping was chatting with Zheng Anguo, Zhou Jie had returned to the Demon Spirit Sect!

"Vice Leader Song, it's not good, it's not good..."

After Zhou Jie returned to the Demon Spirit Sect, she found Song Qingping.

"Zhou Jie, what's wrong?"

Song Qingping frowned slightly.

"Mr. Chen was kidnapped by Zheng Kai, the son of the Zheng family..."

"You should quickly find a way to save him!"

Zhou Jie said.

"He was captured by the Zheng family? Why did you arrest him?"

Song Qingping asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Zhou Jie could only tell her about the conflict with Zheng Kai, but she did not say that Hu Mazi took advantage of her.

"This young master of the Zheng family is really stupid. He even dared to arrest Chen Ping..."

Song Qingping smiled lightly.

"Deputy Leader Song, hurry up and send someone to rescue Mr. Chen. Don't we want to cooperate with him?"

Zhou Jie said with some confusion when she saw that Song Qingping was not in a hurry and even laughed.

"Don't worry, Chen Ping will be fine. If he can't even handle a small Zheng family, then what's the point of us cooperating with him?"

"He will definitely be fine. It is probably the Zheng family that will be unlucky."

"You go back now, otherwise he won't be able to open the door to the secret realm by himself."

Song Qingping said calmly.

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